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Posts posted by Blasied

  1. Done and done. I will get started on playing this tomorrow, because I desperately need sleep.

    But for now, a fun fact. If Gilliam had been chosen to be a general, everyone in this team would have a different class. I thought that was interesting. Sleep deprivation is bad. It makes you blind. And stupid. For those who are interested, it was Forde that I forgot about.

  2. So I finally remembered that I have a cartridge for FE8. I kinda rejected it after it lost all my save data ever. Decided to put it to use through one of these.

    Standard PMU fare up to a point. Twelve people, drafted by you lot as well as the two lords.

    The difference? Resetting is BANNED. Seth died because I forgot about the poleaxe guy in chapter six? Too bad, draft a replacement. Should anyone die I will pull up the list of remaining characters for you to pick from.

    I will allow myself to use the first floor of Valni once for a character if I deem them to be underleveled.

    Because I'm using a cartridge, no screenshots. Because of said cartridge failure, I do not have access to super trainee classes (not that you would make me use them... right?)

    And now, we begin!

    The Surviving Team:

    1) Knoll - Druid

    2) Joshua - Assassin

    3) Syrene - Falcon Knight (duh)

    4) Forde - Great Knight

    5) Ewan - Summoner

    7) Amelia - Great Knight

    8) L'Arachel - Valkyrie

    11) Lute - Mage Knight

    12) Ross - Berserker

    The Fallen

    Garcia - Chapter 2

    Moulder - Chapter 6

    Gilliam - Chapter 6

    Neimi - Chapter 6

    The Replacements

    Natasha - Undecided class

    Tana - Undecided class

    Marisa - Swordmaster

  3. I sincerely regret having to raise my voice here (or anywhere really) but I finally willed myself to look over the first chapter. I know that edits may happen, but Elincia leaving to chase after Ike will certainly not be changed and it's been bugging me for a while. Having recently helped a friend play part 2 of RD, it's fresh in my mind and it really is more important than people give it credit for. Elincia finding the strength and resolve to never give up her position and give her people what they deserve isn't something that only applies when the alternative is Ludveck. The welfare of Crimea is the most important thing to her, and she decides that the best way to assure that is for her to be the best queen she can be. I personally can't see her losing that development just because Renning isn't as dead as she thought and now she's free to say "well screw being queen then, let's chase Ike's arse. He has a nice arse."

    But alternate character interpretations do exist. I would still suggest that you (and everyone really) read the extended script for chapter 2-E conveniently located here. And also, be warned that the justification of "it's a fanfic, they don't have to be in character" can rub people up the wrong way.

    I won't be reading this or fanfic in general, so feel free to disregard me as I am not your audience.

    EDIT: You can check a post for typos three times and not see one, then see all of them when you actually post it. /OCD

  4. Also, I'm an Ike fangirl who pairs him with Elincia. I hear that most Ike fangirls put him with Soren. But I've met a few other Ike fangirls who don't. And they all put him with Elincia. :D

    Just have to point something out. Most of the "IkexSoren" fans are Soren fangirls, not Ike fangirls. They don't care about the possibility that Ike is better with someone else, they care that Ike is the best for Soren in their interpretation. They see Soren's devotion to Ike and want Ike to have an equal level of devotion back.

    I personally would like to see more confirmed gay characters in games, but I'm heavily biased.

    On topic, I have never understood the Square-Enix fanbase. They are fucking insane.

  5. The name Furetchen dates back to a time when I didn't know furries existed.

    Huh. I've always pronounced the "fur" part like it was part of "fury" instead of "furry". Seemed more fitting to me.

    About me, Blasied was a WoW alt that became my main and whose name was based off that of my childhood pet Blaise. I pretty much never use any other name.

  6. That Marcus nerf looks a bit extreme to me. I think he should have at least 10 speed. 8 speed on a hero just looks kinda jarring to me. With a spd boost and an iron sword instead of blade his earlygame softening utility could last longer than what it would with 8 speed and he would still get obsoleted like you seem to want him to.

    Other than that, big tick of approval from me. Whatever that's worth.

  7. Maybe I'm not looking at the right character art, but Libera doesn't look all that feminine to me. I mean, Lucius definitely passes as a woman, especially if you're not familiar with the game or even the name Lucius. But Libera ... what I've seen of him, he doesn't look feminine. ._. Maybe if I squint a little harder ...

    My best guess is that it's the hair. For some reason, the combination of long and blonde leads to being mistaken for female more than any other colour.

    Sources: People still mistake me for female. It really is just the hair.

    EDIT: Stupid typos...

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