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Everything posted by Life

  1. Because his Str is that bad and Armour Knights have really high Def. I see 13 Def on Lv2 Knights and Roy has 19 Atk after effective bonus and WTD.
  2. The sky is blue. The grass is green. The Rapier is a shit weapon. Can we get something new in here?
  3. I'm so jew that I'm being drafted into a jew army on Christmas Day. Yeah, I'm jew. u jelly?
  4. I'd also like for my name to be pulled off of the list. Mostly because I start my military service a week from Sunday and the last thing I want to do on my days off is check the balance of mafia games.
  5. Make sure you actually play on Hard Mode. You know, the mode where Volke can't damage Dragons at endgame even with max Str and a Stiletto?
  6. Couple of questions. 1. Why did it take you 9 Turns? Pretty sure you can field Elincia and a bunch of horsies/fliers and get Ike to Ashnard long before then. 2. So... your argument is personal experience? Yeah... that don't fly. 3. The weakest Dragon has 31 Def. Assassin's Str cap is 23 Str. Strongest knife available is the Stiletto (8 Mt). That's 31 Att. Volke's one support with Bastian gives him no Att. So what can we learn from this? Get off of Easy Mode.
  7. I'm still retired so fuck you all.
  8. Yes, it is quite awesome. 4 hours of work so far and counting. EDIT: This after this morning's update. Icons have gone up now (not fully but still going).
  9. Elincia's Rescue staff shenanigans in the final 4 chapters is much better than what someone like Largo or Tauroneo can ever hope to achieve. In fact, it's even better than earlygame scrubs like Ilyana/Rolf/Sothe. If any of those three get ranked above her, you clearly don't understand how to use certain characters.
  10. I love Kent and Harken but next time, try not to be hypocritical. This might be why nobody ever takes you seriously.
  11. I find MK movements too jerky. That's why I prefer Tekken. EDIT: Wow, I thought this thread was about Mortal Kombat. EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME.
  12. I call bullshit on this statement. I find any game (be it a video game or mafia or whatever) fun if I actually put effort into it and try to win. Nothing is inherently fun. Something is only fun if you're willing to put time and effort into it. It's no fun to get your ass kicked by Nina all the time in Tekkan 3. But it's fun to kick her ass. One's succeeding, the other isn't.
  13. If you want to challenge yourself, use those units anyways. That's a silly poll. Drafts are fun competitions. But the main words is COMPETITION. To see how low you can go relative to other people. People aren't in Fantasy Football units just to "look at specific players' performances". They enter because they want to have the highest score every week after the initial draft. Same idea here. You're an idealistic idiot.
  14. I don't know about you but if I see a girl with killer looks, there's about a 105% chance that I'll have a fantasy that night that involves screwing her until she screams out in delight.
  15. None. Get a good system instead.
  16. You haven't mentioned my name yet. And newbie. Unless you can contribute, get the fuck out. This is my territory.
  17. Respect, my good man. That is Korean. Ding ding ding! This picture is from a restaurant about 5 minutes walk from my house in Toronto. I'm buddies with the owner and I'm dearly missing his cooking. Shit is delicious. He makes a mean duk po ki.
  18. I might tell you where to get some if you're a good girl.
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