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Everything posted by Life

  1. I bet I can do it in 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dino_De_Laurentiis
  2. It's good but you can't compare it to this one.
  3. In case you haven't been paying attention, US Congress and Senate are talking about a couple bills right now. These bills (PROTECT IP Act and Stop Online Piracy) contain the potential for the government to order service providers to completely block websites in order to "stop piracy and copyright fraud". This includes bigname sites like Facebook, Youtube and 4chan to name a few. Thoughts? Personally, I see good intentions but bad ways to deal with it. For example, a person cannot cover a song and post it onto Youtube anymore without a 5 year sentence if it costs more than $2,500 US to license.
  4. I should have been lynched on Day 1. Yeah, I know I wasn't on the list but when you guys realized that hiddens existed, I should have been lynched ASAP.
  5. This paragraph is your entire argument, cut down into a few sentences. Now, the problem with it is that not only are we not going to get Rages at all (never mind spend time looking for specific ones), we're not even fighting for half the game. When you head to Zozo, the majority of that trip is done on the back of a Chocobo with a slight diversion to Jidoor (and yes, there's a stable there too). Half of the dungeons in the WoR are skipped thanks to the Molulu's Charm. We're not fighting if we can avoid it. So... why are we looking for specific packs of monsters on the Veldt? EDIT: I want to point something out. GJ has already said this before but Ramuh and Thunder/Phoenix Rush trivialize the IMRF completely. Especially Ramuh before either of those are available (you'll pick them both up within 5 battles of the IMRF so not to worry). Why are we wasting time looking for Anguiform and Aspiran (let's assume that we go back to the Veldt just for those Rages) when what we have destroys the dungeon anyways?
  6. It's Smash. Smash at least has some notion of logic, unlike others I can name...
  7. Darron Thomas was brilliant for Oregon tonight. I see great things happening in that young man's future.
  8. Just saying, this isn't even fair. Snowy fangasms over RhysxMia. Hence, auto win for MR.
  9. No, Smash. This is incorrect. You cannot disregard the fact that FE9 Royals or FE10 Lehran doesn't exist for 99% of the game and then call their entire performance average. Availability is a very significant part of rating any Fire Emblem character. If Character X comes late, what do they have to make up for the time that they haven't existed for?
  10. Question. How are there 4 dead Mafia members by Day 2 and 3/4 of a 16 person town dead by Day 3?
  11. I love the strawman you threw up. Problem is that you mentioned it to the wrong person. Unlike many people here, I actually have done a 3 person Kefka's Tower run. And I even have the pictures to prove it. But that's another matter. The real problem here is that you don't understand that Gau "getting Rages" means that we're taking time out to actively look for them. Which IS "grinding for Rages". RNG abuse is not a suitable answer whatsoever for the fact that we're fighting more battles than normal. Hell, GJ's even against getting Dances for Mog for the same reason. And trust me, I know how Rages work. I know how the Veldt works. And I love that you toss accusations here and there without anything to back them up. GJ can back me up on the fact that I look at guides (algorithms, monster AI scripts, Bestiary entries...) more often than I play the game. I can justify Death very easily. Shoat teaches it at a 2x rate. If someone doesn't have Death by the Floating Continent, something's wrong. And why can't we teach Death to Edgar? He gains Bio (stronger than the Bioblaster) and Petrify along the way. Then, he can kill Long Arm and Machine in 1 turn rather than 2 turns. Why do you want to possibly eat a Diffractive Laser?
  12. Edgar is great. Nobody is denying that. But Sabin may just be as good on the offensive side of things (completely forgot that his lategame defense sucks monkey balls) if not better. As for Air Anchor, that's a weak argument. I can replicate that with a Death spell and I don't even need to wait a turn for the enemy to die. Death's accuracy is pretty good when you're not sandbagging your character to hell (see my Fewest Steps run for example of that). Couple of problems. This isn't a low level game. The Debilitator is not a very useful or reliable Tool. It's great in theory but its practicality sucks since you have to keep using it until you hit the weakness you want. Three trips? On an efficiency run why are we ever fighting on the Veldt? I don't hear arguments for babying Meg on an efficiency run and I'm pretty sure that the same applies to Gau here. The only stuff Gau can do are his starting Rages (eh...) and the magic you teach him (as in... nothing). Gau's pretty terrible here. God on a LLG but in that kind of run, grinding on the Veldt isn't exactly a bad thing. Cyan is usable up to... IMRF. It's a toss-up between him or Celes for Zozo simply because his damage output is better than hers and Locke's stealing takes care of healing (not to mention that GJ just realized how ridiculous Locke's earlygame offense can actually get with the Genji Glove). GJ's the Cyan expert though. Once again, Gau has next to no Rages and we're not grinding for them. It's that simple.
  13. 1 attack or like... how many attacks does it take to turn everything into mushed jello?
  14. Someone get onto #feto and call Int over here. Mia just got ranked lower than the Royals' single chapter of mediocre use. Smash, this isn't 2009. If you give Mia some BExp and the Armourslayer, it doesn't exactly matter that a lancefest is going on. Level 10 Mia 3HKOs armours with it and 3HKOs everything else without it. In Chapter 8. I still don't get the argument of "Mia sux because lances exist". EDIT: In addition, raise Stefan up to a 7.5 at least. When given Gamble (the world's second least contested scroll after Corrosion), Stefan becomes a ridiculous bosskiller. Like +75 Hit rates on stuff with 100 Crit. I can give a very in-depth look at this if you want, Smash.
  15. The Stand is the one about the virus that wipes out the majority of Earth's population (99.6%) and the remaining survivors start creating new societies for themselves. One group settles in Boulder, the other in Las Vegas. As for what my parents would object to, pretty much nothing when it comes to books. Ever heard of Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides? My mom let me read her copy when I was in Grade 10. That would be... age 15.
  16. In that case, Break. Shoat's Petrifying Eye costs like 45 MP. Which is nothing compared to using Break over and over again. 45 MP to petrify everything on the field is awesome.
  17. I suggest that Mog be allowed to collect his dances. He needs one fight in certain areas and doesn't even need to live through the entire fight. Let's see... Grassland - Wind Harmony Forest - Forest Harmony Desert - Desert Lullaby Zozo - Love Seranade These 4 can be gotten easily (within 5 steps or so), bringing Mog's total dances up to 5. Snowman Rondo isn't until WoR, Water Harmony isn't happening unless you're playing FFVI on the GBA (can pull it in the Leviathan fight) and Earth Blues can be gotten on the Floating Continent rather than actually traversing half of Mt. Koltz. Unlike Gau who actually needs to be find specific monsters, Mog just needs a single fight in an area. With the airship, that's nothing. I'm also looking at how to destroy enemies on the Floating Continent. Spitfires and Sky Armours are weak against Lightning and Wind. Wind Harmony destroys them (home dance too so it always works), anyone with Thundara has a field day and... Death always works too. Go to town. Berserk and Confusion also do well since they erase !Reverse Thruster, Missile and especially Diffractive Laser (this one is annoying since Guardian loved it). Berserk is probably better when surrounded though. Brainpans use 1000 Needles when alone so you need to watch out for that. They also have a rare Earring steal (nothing in the common slot) so I figure you'll like that. Sketch is NOT auto KO with 1000 Needles but it's 300 damage after that, Break and Death both kill it (Break has higher accuracy, I think) and it's weak to Fire, Lightning and Holy. Misfits use Lifeshaver. That's all you need to know. Break or Death them. Apocrypha responds to attacks with Lv. 5 Death, Lv. 4 Flare or Lv. 3 Confuse when alone. Once again, Break or Death them. If you pull a formation with all three in it (Brainpan, Misfit, Apocrypha), use Shoat. Battle over. Dragons are still going to be annoying. 7000 HP, !Tail (x5 damage), Revenge Blast, Snowstorm and Freezing Dust. They're weak to Lightning so Sleep them and then use Thundara or Ramuh. Slow gives you more time but I don't know if you have Slow yet. They have a Genji Glove steal too. Platinum Dragons are easy in comparison. Once again, Break and Death reign supreme. You can Sleep them, Confuse them, Berserk them... kinda ridiculous. Behemoths also go down to Break and Death. That's about it. Also weak to Ice. Ninja are the only other real threat there. Break DOESN'T kill them but Death does (Assassin's Dagger says hi). But what I would really do is hit them with Imp or Berserk to stop the scrolls from flying down your throat. Probably Imp. And that's about it. The theme on the Floating Continent is "Shoat is your best friend. Learn his spells."
  18. Also, I suggest you all read The Stand by Stephen King. One of the members of the Boulder Free Zone (Tom Cullen) is retarded in that book. The reason I suggest it is because it shows how a society is formed when starting with... well, it's not nothing but close to.
  19. I'll tell you about it if I don't get my legs blown off. 3 months of basic training first though and that sucks.
  20. "Some Skyrim game" came out? Really? Oblivion has been reduced to "some Skyrim game"? Shame...
  21. Been away. But I told you that on AIM. I'm going to spend tomorrow away from Batman: Arkham Asylum and in FFVI land to see what's different between SNES and GBA. To anyone else reading this, GJ and I have a lot of debates mostly because he plays the SNES version and I'm addicted to the GBA one (more user friendly and Dragon's Den).
  22. Found the problem right here. If you have 3 cakes all made out of shit (one of human feces, one of a dog's and one of a cat's), Meg would be... oh, I don't know... one of those cakes. And no matter how pretty it may look, nobody is going to take a bite since it came out of something's ass and should probably be flushed away for the good of humanity.
  23. I find it funny how war is glamourized so nicely. Might just be the combat soldier in me who will start learning how to defuse live mines in about 4 or so months but... yeah.
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