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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life for Auto-Mafia. You can say it, you know. I'm not claiming to you, Psych. You don't understand how Mafia works. Remember that time where Furet was proven clear by DYING and you decided that you still wouldn't trust him? You know, Pokemon Tactical Game? Where Team Rocket won? Or what about the time you leaked info to me because "you were bored"? Which game was that... Tales of the Abyss Mafia? Or every other game where you leak important info?
  2. You completely missed the point. What does Wendy do? She can't move and she basically gets doubled and killed by everything. What does Ronan do? Even though he's a Hunter and has shit Str and Bows, he can still double Soldiers and Pirates and other slow guys (like everything in the first 4 chapters). He can attack without taking counters. He's got 7 move (the only people with 7+ Move are Evayle, Fin and Dagda). He's got 3 movement stars and Re-Moves about 15% of the time. He's great in Chapter 8x since you need to shoot over walls and shit and his 7 Move + 15% Re-Move is like a godsend there. So what if Ronan has no future? His start is miles away better than Wendy's.
  3. Couple of things wrong here. 1. I feel like you're deliberately misreading a lot of comments. I was referring to the Statue Frags needed by Brom/Gatrie in order to get the shoves. I was saying that in order to clear 17-2 in one extra turn, we're spending 3 turns in Chapter 10 and 1 in Chapter 15. Of course, you apparently think that I'm referring to Chapter 9 which wasn't mentioned at all and only a person with serious dyslexia would read it that way. Might be why arguing with you is so infuriating. 2. I hope you understand WHY I'm ruling out a 2 turn clear of 17-2. If we have only 1 way to do every chapter with the lowest turns possible, let's just get rid of the tiers altogether and just turn them into Optional and Non-Optional. Take a player who doesn't field Lethe, Mordi and Muarim in 17-1 because they want to train character <X>. Marcia can still clear the chapter in 3 turns. 3. "Argumentum ad hominem" is a logical fallacy. Stop trying to attack my character rather than my argument. Or fuck the mods and I will flame you until you run crying to Mommy.
  4. Marcia needs 6 shoves and the Boots to make it to the Arrive in 2 turns. Considering that it's near impossible to get that 6th one due to not having enough units to shove her (notice how PROMOTED Gatrie, Lethe, Muarim and Mordecai were all fielded), I'm going to go ahead and say that you're overrating your own abilities by a country mile. EDIT: Marcia has 24 Wt after promotion. Transformed Lethe can shove her, Mordecai can Smite her, Muarim can shove her and promoted Gatrie/Brom with BOTH Statue Frags can shove her. Yeah, I'm going to rule out a 2 turn clear of 17-2. You guys? Remember that one Statue Frag is in the top right cell of Chapter 10 (which means getting Volke there and I think I barely did that in 12 turns on my run) and the other is hidden at the far right side of the desert. That's at least 3 turns (Jill/Marcia rescue drops Volke/Sothe on Turn 2 while the other goes towards Muarim). Actually, I'm going to fully revise my statement. Those turns that you claim that Marcia saves? She isn't because it costs us even more turns earlier in the run.
  5. Again, the point was going to be that Tauroneo's Acc is shit even with a Slim Sword but it didn't pan out the way I thought it would.
  6. 25 Def. Ena has a Demi Band. I was going to mention that Tauroneo's Acc is shit (he's got 50 vs. Ena with the Silver Blade)... but then I remembered that Resolve works like Holiday Pay and the guy now has an extra 18 Acc to kill her with.
  7. Lynch Psych. Why? Because he's Psych.
  8. Stefan's a better choice here, to be honest. 38 Atk perfectly 4HKOs Ena and Stefan achieves that at level 10 with the Laguzslayer. The only problem is the fact that Ena may kill him first if Stefan doesn't connect with a critical but the chance of that happening is around 38% before considering that Ena doesn't have perfect hit on Stefan (89 Hit is still high though). However, this can get rectified with either a healing or Stefan whipping out the Vague Katti on the player phase since his chance of getting killed (due to taking out Ena first) now drops to ~20%. Pretty good odds. Just wanted to comment on that. Simply because Neph has to seriously rely on Wrath activating to pull off the kill. And yeah, Ena's a tank.
  9. I thought we didn't factor in stupid shit like 2% chances into spots on a tier list. It's the same thing I see about Aran and I personally think that it's silly. And yes, while I only showed that he can't be 2HKO'd for a long time, the fact is that it matters because Stefan doesn't have the move to keep up with the Paladins. Therefore, he takes significantly less hits in later chapters (like Chapter 24 for example) and his defensive parameters are more than enough to keep him alive. And I wasn't attempting to prove Stefan > Tormod by saying his durability is piss poor (it's not), I was just pointing out that it's not as bad as everyone likes to make it out to be. Plus, with regards to Mia, she's usually got to be sitting at half HP for her offense to work while Stefan can be at full HP, which is a point in Stefan's favour on the defensive side. Since when do you HAVE to reply?
  10. I didn't have a life. I still don't but now it's because of work and the fact that I haven't been in Toronto for 10 months. On the other side of things, I did have one in Israel.
  11. Because, and I say this to the rest of the town, until Khamja was destroyed, I was pro-town. I need to say a couple of things. First off, slops to Freohr Datia. That was the worst game of mafia I've seen anyone ever play and still manage to win. I hope you realized that if you did follow my orders by not idling, the cult would have DESERVINGLY won. I hope I never play with you ever again. Second. Fuck you Anouleth. Why? Because you fucking recruited me. Way to fuck my image of "Life might actually be town oriented". Seriously. I'd rather lose as town than win as Cult. Third. Did the town really not have an inspect and instead have a kidnapper and persuader? Really RD and JB? Really? You kidding me? Do either of you actually understand the purpose of those two roles? Clearly not. And lastly. I hope everyone here realizes that aside from Sho's crazy way of figure out who was cult ASIDE from Paper with the claim slop, the town didn't deserve the win at all. Period. Had Freohr's kill gone through, the game would have been called ages ago. Pretty shit game, to be honest. After Freohr idled and Paper got lynched, I literally threw my hands up in the air and said "fuck it, I'm not going to give a shit about this game anymore". Yeah, that's right. I flat out ignored the rest of the game. Why? Because I knew that the cult was going to get lynched out and town didn't deserve this win. I've seen towns play well before and this is not a good example of one.
  12. The second but I'm trying to show basic mistakes. It's what I've been doing in this tier list for the past 2 months. I'll pop in with a comment, show how person x is a fucking retard for making a general sweeping comment and pop out again. This isn't about winning or losing, kid. It's about whether or not your point is sensible or not.
  13. Seriously? Have you ever even used Stefan before? Let it be known that the first thing that can 2HKO base Stefan is a 31 Att Tiger in Chapter 22, 7 chapters after Stefan joins. In addition, let me also mention that the first thing that can 2HKO base Stefan with the Vague Katti is the Chapter 24 boss Ricard and he can only do this at 52 Hit. That's another 2 chapters. Considering that Stefan should be like level 12 or so at this point, the guy's already gained another 3 HP and 1 Def, on top of an extra 5 Avo. C'mon, let's get real. Stefan's "poor durability" really only means something in the last 2 chapters of the game and if you're throwing him against a Dragon, Bryce or Ashnard.
  14. zorbees also mentioned something that I've been saying for FUCKING YEARS. Now what was it? Oh yes. Do any of you ever wonder why I say that most Mafia players here suck cock (no offense to the females since they actually don't)? It's because of that line.
  15. 1. Why did you vote Sho? Didn't. Half because of not looking at the thread due to not being in town/working and half because zorbees is completely right about a no lynch being the right option in an OC game without a fucking leader. 1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho? N/A 2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal? Doesn't matter. 3. If you were mafia, who you recruit? List is kinda long. Paper, Eclipse, Kay, Haze, Anouleth, zorbees... essentially anyone smart. Screw the idea of "this person is too obvious", that person will still usually kick your ass in Mafia. Smart > Dumbasses as I always say. 4. Who do you think is more likely town? Myself. 5. Who do you think is more likely mafia? Anyone in the above list about who'd I recruit. You could technically toss me in there but I haven't even checked my inbox yet so I don't even know if I was or wasn't recruited. Once again, if I were mafia, I'd recruit someone with at least half a brain. 6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)? Yeah. All of you. Nobody aside from zorbees has contributed anything positive to the game.
  16. Whatever, game over. I had the game won IF and only IF Freohr didn't idle. But since she couldn't shoot Kevin, we couldn't tie the vote and have the game called in our favour. EDIT: Then work made me too busy to concentrate on this game. Good game town but honestly, you guys stink.
  17. 1. I love you 2. GOSH DARN I LOVE YOU 3. I wish I could quit you 4. I'll take a M16A4 rather than a Bowie Knife. Greater distance and as long as I hit around the heart, you're probably dead. 5. ToS exists for a reason. 6. Flipping try and I'll slice off your wristband and repair it for you so you can save it for gas money for picking up your beautiful child.
  18. Dorcas vs... Canas/Lyn/Hawkeye?
  19. Fucker, should have come back earlier.
  20. Didn't I tell you that your opinion didn't matter? Nothing changed about that.
  21. Yeah, real life happened. Sorry about that. I've been closing almost every night and it's tiring.
  22. No, tie should be a double lynch with the next day having no lynch.
  23. I swear I will gut you all like a fish.
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