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Everything posted by Life

  1. I've got a couple. Villager claims to be exact. I'm having them checked out ASAP.
  2. Guess what? Yiazmat doesn't exist. That's the basis of my vote.
  3. No, not even. But either way, he lied about his win condition.
  4. We're lynching Strawman today. Fucker lied about his win condition and 3 people died last night which makes me believe that he's the wolf (final kill is unaccounted for otherwise).
  5. Umm... holy fuck. Lynch target, assumed Mafia and then a guy that I wasn't sure about, all dead and scum. Nice going, wolf. Let's find the wolf and end this.
  6. Core, those deals you're making are terrible. Seriously. I already know who the kidnapper is.
  7. I personally believe he should have been nominated for an Academy Award but he wasn't. Quite upsetting, to be honest.
  8. You're stupid. No seriously, you're stupid. That's not proof in any way, shape or form.
  9. Oh, you certainly hooked someone. But that doesn't account for you ALSO showing up in my report of watching Snike.
  10. Core, you don't get it. You went to BOTH Excellen AND Snike. Not one of them. BOTH.
  11. Sorry guys. I need you to change your votes to Core. Here's the reason. Anouleth did lie to me. As shown here: But I don't know what he did to Snike. That is unimportant because of this. Standard Hooker flavour, nothing special. And Excellen confirms that he was hooked last night (I had asked Core to hook him because at that point, Excellen wasn't claiming to me). However, here's the strange bit. You know the name I snipped out earlier? Well, here it is. I originally cut out Core's name to hide the Hooker from the town. But if Excellen was hooked... why did Core also visit Snike? Was it to kill him? There's no other explanation. Please lynch Core instead of Anouleth. I will investigate Anouleth to see if he's lying or telling the truth. But we have caught Core in a lie
  12. Watcher sucks but I guess it helps when you sit your ass on the BG. HOWEVER... I have been persuaded to vote for Slayer. On purpose, of course. ##Lynch: SlayerX PLEASE HAPPILY LYNCH THE LYING WEASEL ANOULETH.
  13. Snike, really sorry that you died but at least we took out a killer. Sorry matey. Everyone else, send me your results. ASAP.
  14. Mist is there because she's a promoted healer on a horse at 10/1 which costs 841 BExp. Assuming we promote Mist for Chapter 10, that's already C Staves. She'll get B in time for Physic and she's on a horse starting in Chapter 10.
  15. I'd like to inform the town (and mafia) that the town has a back-up leader. I won't mention who this person is but I do want to say to everyone who wants this town to burn that I won't let it and the town is going to make a stand. In addition, I'm missing PMs from Lightning, Blitz and Excellen. I bet you're all writing your fakes though.
  16. I'd like to have everyone's role PMs now. Obviously Frostbite fucked up badly and it was easy but now, it's going to be trickier to figure them out. And I can't do this alone. Bal, Blitz, Furet (or whoever subbed for him) and Excellen, please give me your roles PMs now. If you continue to refuse to do so, we will have to assume that you are aligned with Frostbite. As to everyone else, I shall be sending out orders like... nowish.
  17. This is why you ask for claims. Because people do this. ##Poke Frostbite up the ass with my spear.
  18. Couple of things. 1. Watcher, like I have said before, is SHIT. The fact that you fucknuggets even believe for a second that it's good means that none of you actually understand mafia. I've seen it work only 1 time in an OC game and that actually fucked up the village because we didn't lynch the wolf that day and the wolf ended up winning. 2. Watcher does not clear anything. In your example, if person X idles for personal reasons, what does that mean? I could lynch them for that reasoning BUT THEY'RE FUCKING VILLAGE, YOU DUMBASS. In fact, Watcher actually tricks you because real life can and will get in the way of actions. That should cover all of it.
  19. Watcher is ABSOLUTELY throwaway. It's even less useful than Priority Raiser. It's slightly above Vanilla simply for existing. You're making too big of a deal about Watcher being good. It's not a good "scum-finding" and "town-clearing" because it just means that a person followed my orders. It doesn't prove that they're telling the truth about their actual role. And I can only watch one person. How does it "clear" anyone? The only way Watcher is good is if I get incredibly lucky and watch someone who dies on that cycle. But I can't guess who the Mafia is going to kill. I'm not fucking clairevoyant. Watcher is NOT good and it IS throwaway. In addition, I'm STILL missing claims. I want them. Now. Or you may be lynched.
  20. I just want to remind everyone to forward their role PMs to me. If you don't, you may get lynched. In addition, I may just have a good target for today.
  21. Fucking hell. If you have time to post pointless stupid shit in this thread, you have time to forward me your role PMs. So do so. NOW.
  22. That's just her. Freohr doesn't ever contribute anything positive to any discussion. There's lots of people here like that.
  23. This. If the town refuses to organize itself, we will lose. And everyone who says "I want to wait until Life lynches a mafia" makes my life much more difficult because you're all denying me important information that I could use to make an INFORMED decision. Essentially, you're shooting yourselves in the foot. As for why I'm better than anyone else, it's because I know how to co-ordinate stuff. I'm finally town again (it was about fucking time) and I can help lead this village to victory. But I need everyone's help in this and if you're town, you owe it to yourself to attempt to try to get the town to win. If you want to do something behind my back and beat the mafia that way, go ahead. As long as the Mafia loses, I don't care how. But please don't sit around, do nothing, refuse to help me and then blame me when I make a mistake. That would make you a hypocrite. And we don't want that, do we?
  24. Really? And what good are you doing for the town? Let's see... RNG pick is number 7 which is... Anouleth! Surprise surprise! Really? RNG? Are you fucking retarded? You would rather the town most likely fuck up the lynch with a random pick? Are you trying to get the town lose? It seems like it. In case anyone doesn't understand the situation, it works like this: Every gives me their role PM. I choose a lynch target with input from everyone. If I fuck up and lynch a major role for the town and then someone important to the town dies tonight, you can lynch me tomorrow to prove that I'm telling the truth. And I will be sharing my info with CLEARED town members. On that note, I'd like the inspector to get in touch with me ASAP. I need to know who you investigated last night.
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