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  1. Of course there were. Gays, Roma (the name for Gypsies), blacks, political prisoners... If you weren't Aryan, you were in there. The problem was that: 1) The vast majority WAS Jewish (and we're talking about people who may have had only a single great-grandparent since Nazi Germany had this whole classification system). As in like 3 million people died in Austria and about 2.8 million or so were Jews. 2) A lot of these camps (a great majority) were actually designed for humiliation, not slaughter (only the death camps were built for that). In Yad Vashem, there's a small bit on the live testing that Nazi doctors did on the Jews living in concentration camps. Probably the single thing that hits me the most since it brings up the thought "how can a human being do that to another human being". But that's off topic. I personally disagree with Nestling (surprise surprise) but I have serious problems with a lot of people who are attacking Nestling's character rather than the issue itself. It may seem like more of a rant about having a mentally disabled sister but that doesn't give you the right to start calling him selfish for proposing an idea that could ease the lives of many people (and I'm not talking about the mentally disabled). He may be the only vocal person out here with that view but I'm sure many people share similar thoughts. They just don't want to say them out loud out of fear of the rocks that may pour through their windows.
  2. If killed: Target: All Characters Magnitude 8 (33%) It's pure randomness. The rest of a Hill Gigas' script is Attack and !Headbutt. In addition, the Hi-Potion is actually the common steal from one of the Cranes while the Debilitator is the rare.
  3. It's OK. 5/10 for both of them because I'm not into anime.
  4. And... here we go. Time to take out the big man himself. Only takes 9017 steps to reach him. The problem now is stopping him. I like how he says that he's been "practicing". Like Coach practicing Erinn's evil banshee sneer... This is Kefka's philosophy in a nutshell. Everything's gonna die so... why don't I help it die quicker? If that's what motivates Kefka, that makes him ridiculously awesome. Fine, let's just cut through all the bullshit. Can I kill you now? And this is what it comes down to. The final 3. Celes, Edgar and Setzer. Let's go. So we start with the first tier: Long Arm, Short Arm and Visage. Buff up your guys first. Hastega, Shell and Protect do the trick nicely. The first tier is quite simple. Long Arm goes down to a quick shot of Death (now you know why we spent time learning it). Short Arm is a pushover since he only uses Attack and !Razor Gale. Visage is a little bit harder but the worst he can do is inflict Petrify with Dread Gaze. And that only happens when he's got 10000 HP left. Take out Visage and then Short Arm to move up the spire. Tier 2 is significantly stronger than Tier 1. It's made up of Machine, Tiger, Power and Magic. Machine is the most dangerous if left alive but he also goes down to Death. Tiger can be poisoned ASAP to increase the damage on him. Since Tiger whips out stuff like Southern Cross and Flare Star along with !Zombie Fang, you want him dead next. Magic and Power are the only ones remaining now. Usually, I'd Silence Magic at the start of the battle and that would be the end of that. But no Silence means that we're going to have to duke it out. Celes should now keep Runic up while Setzer and Edgar take out Magic. Use Mysidian Rabbit to heal if need be. After Magic dies, summon Phantom and you're home-free. Welcome to Tier 3. Lady and Rest are waiting for you here. Taking out Lady ASAP makes Rest so much easier because she doesn't, you know, heal him and revive him. Plus, she's only got 9999 HP. Once Lady dies, all you have left is Rest. He uses Tornado, Doom, Meltdown and Attack. When he dies, !Repose inflicts Death. *YAWN* Really, Kefka? These guys are simple. And this is what it all comes down to. It's just us and a God. This is going to be a cakewalk. So what can Kefka do? Heartless Angel takes everyone down to 1 HP automatically so you should heal up from that. Trine inflicts status effects so the first time you face it, Unicorn helps. Everything else in the basic script is old news (Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, !Havoc Wing...). Soon in, Kefka will start getting mean. Forsaken will do a ton of damage to the party but you can always see when it's coming due to the head that appears. Just keep fighting away. Keep plugging away until you get this. The great and mighty Kefka, conquered by some very unlikely heroes. This had happened on another try of Kefka where Setzer took a Repose to the face before I started fighting Kefka. And there you have it. How to beat Kefka in 9017 steps. Thank you and good night.
  5. Time to take control of Setzer. Give him the Dragoon Boots and an Angel Ring. Let's go take Fiend. The idea with Fiend is that he likes to freeze you. A lot. Northern Cross is designed to inflict Freeze, Absolute Zero and Blizzaga exist for damage. Setzer's very vulnerable to these attacks so keeping him up in the air is really the best call. Fixed Dice go through defense so just hope that high numbers pop up during the Jumps. Once Setzer piles on 30000 damage (very easy since the Fixed Dice can hit 9999 pretty easily), Fiend will glow. He'll then use Force Field which... makes him immune to a random element and damage. Except, Setzer's Fixed Dice ignore that. Awesome. Turn on Vanish at this point since Fiend will now start attacking physically with Fiendish Rage. If Targeting is used, it'll pull off Vanish. If that happens, stick back on and let the slaughter commence. Fiend's not as hard as Guardian. He just requires some lucky pulls with the Fixed Dice and a lot of missed Northern Crosses. Once Fiend blows up, save on the save point. One down, two to go. Take control of Edgar now. Goddess is the next one from the Warring Triad on our shit list. Give Edgar the Blood Sword, the Ribbon and the Dragoon Boots. Goddess' shtick involves Entice. Entice is like Control except that there's no way to reverse it. You're permanently fucked. So, we're going to play a game called "Entice Hopping". Entice may be used every 2nd turn of a 3 turn battle script. So naturally, we want to be in the air on that 2nd turn. Easier said than done, of course... After 8 hits, Goddess gets angry. She'll pull out Cloudy Heaven, a one-time use Doom attack that sets Zombie. In a run where Edgar has to solo her, that means a Game Over. The idea is to Jump over that but this is not a timing thing like Guardian's attacks. It's a reaction. The only way we can force Cloudy Heaven while Edgar is in the air is for Goddess to hit herself. That's where Reflect comes in. Cast Reflect after Edgar hits her for the 7th time, cast Reflect and then wait for Goddess to cast Thundara/Thundaga. It'll bounce off of Edgar, hit her and then Edgar is free to Jump over the incoming Cloudy Heaven. Goddess will only use Cloudy Heaven once and as soon as you spot Flash Rain, that means that she's stopped using Entice. At this point, just Jump away. Taking a Quasar to the face may hurt but Edgar will heal it back with a single Jump. Goddess will go down soon and drop the Excalibur. Once Goddess goes boom, save on the save point. Two down, only one to go. And damn, this guy is gonna be hard. Move Celes as close to Demon as you can go and heal up. Save and get ready for the hardest fight of this challenge... There's a couple of rules to keep in mind with regards to Demon. First off, Stop = Death. If Demon hits you with Stop, an ID attack follows that. Game Over. The second rule is the Metal Cutter hurts. A lot. He counters with Firaga which is going to hurt. Hope that he uses his weaksauce moves rather than Metal Cutter and Stop for the beginning of the battle. Celes needs Shell, Haste and Reflect up in that order. Demon is vulnerable to his own Stop spell so Reflect will be a nice asset here. If you manage to achieve the "Bring Demon down to under half HP" feat, he'll get even harder. Stuff like Aero, Southern Cross and Flare Star will start popping up in the battle with Stop and Metal Cutter being neglected. At this point, just keep your HP high. One of Demon's favourite combos is a double Flare Star, something that you desperately want to be up in the air for. Keep going until Demon ends up dying. It's a nearly impossible fight but once you see the stupidly powerful attacks, you're almost done. In retrospect, I started fighting Demon at 5:30 PM. Sure, I took breaks to give out candy and to watch the football but it's now 2:15 AM and I just beat him. That's a hard boss. Once you take out all of the Warring Triad, you realize that Kefka's even stronger than them. Great... Anyway, walk forward and save on the Save Point in the room that Demon was guarding. Move Edgar and Setzer to the final switches but keep Celes on the Save Point. 9013 Steps with 4 more to go.
  6. No update coming out yet... because I can't beat Demon. I've been trying on and off for almost 3 hours. This guy is not even fair.
  7. When Setzer gets to the room with the three switches, have him go left. This means that he'll be fighting Fiend by himself. Setzer drops the first weight onto the switch that Edgar was on and then heads to his own switch. Edgar drops the other weight onto Celes' switch and then positions himself for Goddess. Celes hits the final switch and then is in for the fight of her life. Guardian. Give her the Angel Ring (Regen), Dragoon Boots (Jump) and the Blood Sword for the battle. She'll need them. Guardian is something like a 5 stage fight but it starts with the Default program. Buff Celes up with Haste, Shell and Protect before going on the attack. The Default program that Guardian starts off on uses Attack, Missile, Atomic Rays and Magitek Laser. That's about it. Atomic Rays will hurt but the others are pansy-ass attacks. A little bit into the battle, Guardian will load up the Ultros Battle Program. This consists of Ink, Tentacle, Attack, Stone and Entwine. Entwine's the only dangerous move since you'll need to stick Haste back onto Celes ASAP. Watch out for Stone's chance at causing Confusion though. Use Jump to heal since Celes holds the Blood Sword. Jump isn't here to add to damage or anything but rather to jump over later attacks that are very dangerous. The fact that it does damage and heals is just an added bonus. For actual damage, use Blizzaga/Thundara instead. I prefer Thundara due to Guardian's Thunder weakness and that it saves your MP (not much open time in the battle to use Osmose). After a bit, Guardian will revert back to the Default. He'll load up the Dadaluma Battle Program soon after, the first program that has a shot at killing you. Guardian will attack quickly twice and then throw a weapon at you. In my case, it was an Ashura. Celes will die to this without question but Vanish makes it miss. Don't try to jump over it, you'll fail badly at it. Get Vanish up after Guardian's second attack in the Dadaluma Battle Program because Shockwave negates Vanish. After the weapon toss, Guardian will use 2 Hi-Potions (like Dadaluma), a Potion and Magitek Barrier. The latter essentially sets Reflect, rendering Blizzaga and Thundara useless. Jump for damage at this point and wait for Guardian to return to his Default program. When the Air Force Battle Program goes up, it's time to start worrying. Launcher has a bug in it which forces Celes to stay in the air if she's hit in the middle of a Jump. Because of that, we need it to hit her. However, we want to jump over Wave Cannon since that's another attack that will kill us. Luckily, Wave Cannon has a countdown so we can time the Jump. This is Launcher. After it ends, Jump for some HP. Guardian will start counting down to Wave Cannon. Celes will land once the countdown finishes and Wave Cannon has already missed. Jump again so that you can survive an Atomic Rays if Guardian hits you with it during the Default Program. The Ultima Battle Program is the last part of the battle. Guardian will use both Flare and Meteor. Flare can be countered with Reflect so get that up as soon as you can. Meteor can't and basically kills if it hits you. Thankfully, he'll only cast it on Turn 1 and 3 so you can effectively jump over it. After Turn 4, Guardian will start charging up for Flare Star. Once again, Jump over this attack. Afterwards, he'll revert back to the Default Battle Program and the battle will start over. Just keep Celes alive and you should come out on top. After a bunch of cycles (took me about 3.5 since I was already deep into the Dadaluma Battle Program on the 4th go-around with Guardian) and many MANY tries (took me about... 15? I was using savestates to avoid redoing Kefka's Tower but not to cheat Guardian), Guardian will fall. Motherfucker. Guardian drops a Save Point. Use it. Now. 8876 Steps.
  8. This update will cover the first part of Kefka's Tower up to (but not including) Guardian. Sorry guys. Guardian is a full update by himself. And finally, after a lot of training and dying, we're here. Kefka's Tower. Get your popcorn ready. She's gonna jump! Again! Might not be a bad thing considering that wars and shit have been fought over those things. Stop being a furry? Last I checked, she died a year ago. These are the three teams for Kefka's Tower. Celes gains the job of soloing Inferno and Guardian while Setzer picks up the Fixed Dice on his path without taking extra steps. I'll cover the Warring Triad when I get there. Celes goes first. Berserk tames the Great Malboro, everything else essentially dies to Blizzaga. I gave Celes the Black Belt along with the Blood Sword so that she can heal herself whenever she gets hit. Quite sweet. Here's another enemy that gets hurt badly by Berserk. It's amazing how the mandatory Espers from the IMRF are so freaking useful with the spells that they teach. And yetmore enemies that are affected badly by Berserk. Both know Lv. 5 Death and I think Death Machine knows Death straight up. Berserk the Death Machine first but don't wait around because the Duel Armors can also toss around Lv. 4 Flare (which hit me and hurt). So head along the path until... SURPRISE! HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY! HERE'S A PIP-BOY 3000! Welcome to Inferno, one of the hardest bosses in the game. Kefka's not a god for nothing, you know. Inferno has Rahu and Ketu, his two arms, and a couple of spells up his sleeves. The dangerous ones are Meteor, Thundaga (both only come out if either Rahu or Ketu dies), Gigavolt and Delta Attack. Delta Attack petrifies so... yeah, you need a Jeweled Ring (courtesy of Dadaluma) or Ultima's Ribbon (which I have) to combat that. He attacks quickly and furiously so Haste, Shell and Protect are all musts here. Using the Blood Sword is the only way to get past him; the Black Belt just increases your chances of healing up. Toss out some Blizzagas if you get the chance but concentrate on healing and keeping your buffs up. Once Inferno dies, keep moving. Landworms are easy to deal with even with the high damaging Hailstone move that they have since they'll heal you with an Earth attack. Unless you don't have Gaia Gear, of course. Blizzaga destroys them. Skip by the Skull Dragon. He costs us steps and there's no reason to fight him. See that switch? Step on it and that's the end of Celes' run for right now. Transfer your shit over to Edgar now. Even in Kefka's Tower, Auto Crossbow is amazing. Abuse it. Use Teleport to run from other fights (like Primeval Dragons) if Edgar doesn't have Confuse/Berserk (Confuse only comes from stealing a Noiseblaster from Right Crane, something I didn't do). Skip by the bathroom and let Ultima poop in peace. Not worth the steps (like usual). Movers are little pathetic things that go down in a single shot. And they sit in Kefka's Tower? Shame. Hitting this switch allows Setzer to get to the main switch room. Good idea to do it now. These guys aren't that bad. Auto Crossbow them to death. The worst they can do is Dischord. Edgar skips the Gold Dragon, the other dragon that sits in Kefka's Tower. Boo hoo... Hit this switch and go to Setzer. Two down, one to go... Setzer may not have access to the Blood Sword like the other two but he does have a very important spell: Vanish! Berserk everything you can find and then turn on Vanish. An Angel Ring should heal Setzer back to full HP while he's busy killing stuff. The Fixed Dice are coming up soon so Setzer's damage will rise. I think this was intentional. Are you kidding me? Setzer's best weapon is in the middle of the path? Awesome. Remember the first switch that Edgar hit? If he doesn't hit it, Setzer can't continue here. Yes, they do look awesome. Following the path reunites Setzer with Celes and Edgar. Time to take on the final bosses of Kefka's Tower: Guardian, Fiend, Goddess and Demon... but not until next update!
  9. I shall continue this run (with pictures) tonight. I am now at the level I wanted to be at.
  10. This is why I sympathize with Wall Street. Think about it. They're right.
  11. Just 2. Volunteer soldier.
  12. Handasat hakravit. Yom Gius is on Dec 25.
  13. I think Australia fucked up the tournament. Had they not lost to Ireland, we could have had a NZ/RSA vs. Australia final. Instead, it's the freaking French. On top of that, RSA should have beaten Australia.
  14. I'm against it since Hollywood stars decided to show up at the rallies. When K'Naan appears, I get sick. He's not even paying any taxes in the first place.
  15. As a future Israeli soldier, I'm worried about Hamas actually trying to kidnap soldiers in the future in return for more terrorists. I'd be silly if I said I wasn't. However, to me, Gilad Shalit is a hero. He withstood almost 6 years of captivity and never broke. Takes a lot of mental strength to do that. I'm truly glad he's home. In addition, I have to say that I'm pretty disgusted that nobody here is ranting about the price. 1027 men for a single life? Are you kidding me? The Palestinians do not give a shit about human life and nobody is in outrage over this? Do these people really deserve their own country if they have pretty much publicly claimed that a single Israel is worth 1000 Palestinians? Fuck no. I love how people just talk about this as if it's normal. If Mexico kidnapped an American soldier and gave him back in return for 1000 people, the world would be going nuts. But because it's Israel, nobody gives a shit.
  16. Canada - 8/153 Israel - 145/153 Awesome. Guess where I'm going in 3 weeks...
  17. Vanish isn't guaranteed because it's the coliseum. Try Prayer Beads, they add 20 Evasion.
  18. Join time, Sketch being garbage, high Mag not meaning anything if you don't have spells to use (basically, if Relm does not learn Bio by the end of Esper Caves, she should get dumped for the rest of the game), shitty armour and weapons (brushes being the absolute weapon type in the game, even worse than Sabin's claws)... need I go on? Snowy, I know you like the young girls but Relm just isn't that good in the context of an efficiency run. Sure, if we pump resources into her (AKA time on the FC), the girl gets really good. But why not use Edgar/Sabin/Mog/Terra/Strago/Setzer at a time where they're all decent at the very worst? Edgar/Sabin/Terra/Setzer have serious Esper Time on Relm (Setzer usually gets played in the Cave to the Sealed Gate due to being forced in the beginning of WoR and you wanting to have him not be bad), Mog murders stuff with Dance and Strago having Lores to back him up. Which doesn't happen until deep into Zozo. Don't kid yourself, GJ, that's a sizable portion of the game and you know it. I usually have to grind for Sabin to have it walking INTO Zozo. I've done the math for you before, GJ, and we've had this argument on AIM. Don't make me do it again. Until Bum Rush (which doesn't come until the WoR), Sabin is not "destroying" Edgar when it comes to bosskilling duties since the two perform very similarly. But then he doesn't stay on top for long. A single dungeon (grabbing Mog) lets us grab Locke and then loot the majority of the Cultist's Tower. Silence the Holy Dragon (that easy) and then Edgar's got part 2 of his 3 piece suit of instant death, the Radiant Lance. Killing a Yojimbo in the coliseum gives us the Dragon Horn. And at that point, Sabin's fully outmatched. Drill and Chainsaw are more than comparable. Drill has 191 Power. Chainsaw is 252. Aura Cannon has a measly 68 Power and works off of Sabin's garbage Mag stat (28 Mag is shit, plain and simple). Try making that argument again and make it sound convincing this time. Wind Slash doesn't show up until level 30. So... WoR. Ok. Secondly, Sabin doesn't have enough Mag to properly nuke stuff with either of those moves. Edgar's usually needed to clean up anyway. So what if Sabin takes off 3/4 of an enemy's HP? As long as Edgar can do 1/2 in a single shot, it doesn't mean anything for Sabin. See above point. Or to put it in an FE style... It doesn't matter if Eddie does 22 damage to an enemy with 34 HP in a single round while Micaiah only does 17. Micaiah is there to clean up after Eddie. Or Eddie is there to clean up after Micaiah. Both of them 2RKO that enemy so neither of them is really doing better than the other. Same in FFVI. But Edgar's just doing it for longer and more efficiently.
  19. Skype. Or AIM.

  20. No real internet anymore.

  21. I've been eating this shit for the past 2 months. Bibimbap, I love you.
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