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  1. You don't see any hard evidence yet because of two reasons. 1. The town is a cycle behind the mafia because the town dicked around for a bunch of days. 2. I just subbed in. I guarantee that I will lynch a mafia this cycle if everyone sends me their role PM.
  2. Because I have experience in running towns (not from here but from Smogon). Because I know how to co-ordinate stuff. Because everyone else seems to want the town to fall to shit and I'm not about to let that happen. In addition, if the investigator doesn't want to check me out, I'd like a villager to be found. I want to find someone to lead the village with.
  3. Ok. Let's get this show on the road. It's a throwaway role which makes it amazing for leading. Which brings me to my next point. Leading. I want everyone to send me their role PM by the end of Cycle 2. I know that it's boring to do this by village leader but I promise that I will listen to your input and everything. If you refuse to send me your role PM, you have a good chance of being lynched. In addition, please tell me what you did during C0 and your plans for this cycle. And my last point. Please follow these actions for this Cycle if possible. Investigator - Your pick. You can check me out or not, your choice. BG - Sit on my ass. SG - Do not target me this cycle. If the investigator checks me out, it's all for nothing. Mafia - Go fuck yourselves. That is all.
  4. Life


    No. You won't. Get the fuck out of here.
  5. Eclipse should be auto-killed/inspected/hooked starting N0. She was only killed early BECAUSE of her specific role. Yeah she did get inspected for it but Obviam (and I remember this well) got hooked something like 4 times in a row. Not Eclipse.
  6. Life

    Mafia HQ 2.0

    This thing hasn't been updated since late May. It's now early August. No offense to Bizz but someone should take this over.
  7. Yes, yes and fucking yes. Look, I'm the king of shitting on people's mafia skills and here's my take on a couple of people. Paperblade - Fantastic thinker and fantastic mole. Played phenomenally throughout the game until he laid down to die. Kay - Only reason why her faction had a chance. She would churn out logs where people told her shit for absolutely nothing in return. It was like watching a machine go to work. Hell, her skills actually scared me. Psych - Didn't make a single stupid move from what I saw and managed to keep his ass alive to the end of the game where the Crazy Casayas' kill priority outmatched the God's Bowling Buddies. Eclipse - Another great player who never gets her due (despite what you guys say, nobody actually respects her solid play). She was very close to figuring out that Paper was her evil twin but Paper beat her to the kill. Great job with keeping the GBB in line. Slayer - Got his faction organized. This was much more than I expected from him. Much more. I actually think that the GBBs wer the first faction to get organized, believe it or not. That's just my thoughts on a couple of people, feel free to agree or disagree.
  8. I don't trust anything you said simply because of the conversation we had. You know, the one where you were accidentally selling out your own faction and you reading your own role wrong.
  9. Welcome to what was supposed to be my last SF Mafia game. Instead, we got a bit of a cluster fuck. But hey, I wanted people to call Bullshit on this game. And Bullshit was called. Bullshit Mafia Spreadsheet History: You all know that I bitch about the quality of SF Mafia players and how Smogon is so much better and whatnot. So I decided to create a game that would force teamwork, backstabbing and above all, smart play. I have nothing against someone who loses because someone else outplays them. I do, however, flame the fuck out of people for just being stupid. So the first thing that I did was look for a co-host with a general idea in mind. I first had Haze helping but he got dropped quickly since no work went into the game. None. I then found Excellen who might have been a bit peeved at the way I offed him back in Death Note Mafia but whatever, right? Then we got down to brainstorming the game. Our original idea was going to be similar to an NOC game that was recently hosted on Smogon. 5 mafias would exist but each would believe that they were the only Mafia team that existed. However, we would flavour the game so that nobody would realize that this was the case until a couple days in. Hence Bullshit Mafia. A little down the line, Papermole (or Moleblade) managed to accidentally call my bluff and guessed the format of the game. Which meant back to the drawing board. I then looked at two other old Smogon games (Time Travelling Viking Mafia and Metroidvania Mafia) and decided to merge the two into a single game with completely random flavour. The result was Bullshit Mafia. Now, I just want to speak about those two mafia games. Metroidvania was based around 3 factions and the collection of info, whether it was correct or incorrect. And each faction had a mole, surprise surprise. The way that the moles got themselves integrated into the factions was the "You know X is Y" system that I put into the PMs. To me, this gives the moles a fair shot of collecting info. However, vonFiedler (host of that game) mentioned that he made a mistake with not restricting the moles. He wanted the moles to work more like quiet saboteurs, forcing factions to make wrong mistakes and have wrong info collected. I'll mention the moles in a bit. TTV Mafia was a 2v1v1 game (2 Village, 1 Mafia and 1 Secret Mafia Faction) that utilized Aliases. I thought aliases were brilliant because they not only gave a player a second life but it also meant that killing a User might not be as beneficial as killing their Alias. I guess it's also relevant to know that I was the first complete casualty of said game but that's because I started playing hard from the get-go and got destroyed by one of my buddies. So those were the two games that Bullshit Mafia was based around. After that, balance and flavour came into play. Each faction was given their own designated Killer who needed to stay alive in order to allow their faction to kill every night/day. In addition, each faction had a Mole would would appear to be part of another faction upon inspection of either USER or ALIAS. The mole would only be revealed upon the corresponding death (if it was tied to the USER, it would be exposed when USER died and vice versa for ALIAS). After that came certain roles. I'll quickly mention them in a list here. BG - I felt that every faction needed one. To me, it only seemed fair. Bodyguards are completely essential to any mafia game. Information - Three different info roles existed. Alliance Checkers, Alias Checkers and Investigators. Investigators would only get the role while Alliance would get Faction Name and Alias would get Alias (or USER). These were split up depending on how strong I felt a faction was. Vote Altering Roles - A bunch of these existed. Persuader, Silencer, Kidnapper, Mayors and Vote Negators. Since this game didn't really have priorities, Kidnapper obviously was very strong (Hook and Silence in a single role) and I also felt that Vote Negators were possibly overpowered. While the target wasn't silenced, they'd have no knowledge of their vote not counting. This could result in some very fucked up lynches in the mid and endgame. Miscellaneous Roles - Everything else falls under this category. Evil Twins gained a power upon the death of the other one, the Continues reigned havoc, Revive got lynched on Day 1 and everything else is pretty standard (Martyr, SG, Reverse Martyr, Hooker...). And then the sign-ups went up and shit got crazy. Moles: I feel I deserve an apology to the five moles. That's Rein, Paper, Eclipse, JB and Pika. While I did restrict what they could do and what they couldn't do, what I'm really sorry about is the fact that I flaunted the "Moles exist" rule in everyone's faces. If you think you had a hard game, these 5 players had it even worse. I can't find a bad thing to say about any of their play (except Rein's deadtalking) since without any of them, the game would have collapsed into stupidity. So, to you guys, I'm incredibly sorry. I handpicked you guys to be the moles (I actually did) and even though everyone else was on a witchhunt to find you guys, you all played pretty well. Including Rein (aside from, once again, his deadtalking). Thanks a lot, I really appreciated it. Factions: Here's my take on each faction. Both the strength of the roles and the team itself. I can't say what the people actually did during the game since I completely lost track once my inbox would routinely fill up to 100 new PMs in about an hour but... yeah. The teams were RNG'd but certain players were picked for roles within the factions. But this should sum up everyone's thoughts... Crazy Casayas - The winners and my favourite faction going into this game. These guys were absolutely stacked from the player point of view. I picked Paper to be the mole and he was on a roll while he lived. Psych made it to the end of the game after subbing in for Rody while SStS, Kaoz and RD rounded out the team. SDS subbed in for Kaoz but died that phase so... yeah. The roles were pretty decent too. SStS had the obligatory BG along with a Mayor, Psych was a half Mayor and Alliance Checker, Kaoz was Silencer/Hooker and RD was Investigator/Killer. Paperblade had one of my favourite role combinations in Mole/Evil Twin and he managed to kill his twin (Eclipse) pretty early. The prize was a 1 Time Day Continue, which effectively skipped the ensuing night. I remember people going "WTF" when it happened and I also remember Paper using it to skip enemy kills. Slightly epic since people raged. God's Bowling Buddies - Remember how Eclipse was moaning about her faction being horrible? Let's have her explain the situation. I should have two golden quotes to sum up her thoughts. Roles weren't half bad. Eclipse had Mole/Evil Twin but lost her power early. Hooker, Vote Negator, SG and Investigator makes up for the rest of the shit that they had. Honestly, God's Bowling Buddies had a good chance before the game started. Afterwards... well... yeah. Animal Legion - Eh... I didn't have high hopes for this faction but I definitely got surprised. Pika was hilarious to watch while Haze, Bal and WoMC were quite decent. Kevin's Freezer role was awesome if only for the flavour. The rest of the roles made for a pretty decent faction with 1 Night Continue being their trump card. This faction could have had the game won on a very well placed Night Continue but Haze almost got himself lynched on Day 1 (which was kinda funny). Skillz That Killz - AKA the faction that couldn't stop shooting themselves in the foot. If there was any faction that disappointed me the most, it was these guys. While everyone thought that Proto was running the show, the honest truth was that.. Kay was using him as her little bitch. FTP crippled them beyond belief and Kay basically finished them off when she was done milking them for all they were worth. Which was sad because these guys had what I consider as the strongest faction role-wise. Kidnapper, 1 Time Revive, Best Info Combo (Alias and Investigator)... it was sad that they got shanked so hard and so easily by just about everyone else. Latter-Day Renaissance Men - I'm going to say this right now. If Kay didn't exist, this faction could consider themselves absolutely fucked. Kay was the only reason why they even stayed in the game. They also had the weakest selection of roles so... yeah, these guys pretty much sucked balls. Except for Kay. Other Hilarious Shit: Umm... by now, everyone knows everyone's faction and even who the moles are. Way to be 10 steps behind, Spykor. (click and drag over the poem to reveal the rest) Additionally any names that appear in the poems must be replaced with an alias of your choice and any aliases in the white text must be replaced with a player's name of your choice.You are not allowed to say you are restricted in your posts and you are also not allowed to edit them. This post restriction will last until you can get it off, which is in two phases from now. And I forgot to add that one word in the shakespearean poem must be replaced by "moo" This is my favourite conversation to date. To Excellen: I'm really sorry about making you doing the last week's updates solo. The timezone more than sucked for me (we're talking 4 AM here) so you have my eternal gratitude for picking up the slack. You were one of the better co-hosts I've ever had so thank you so much. A lot of this game wouldn't have existed without you. So for that, thank you very much. Awards will come soon but...: MVP - Kay. She was miles and away the best player of the game. While Eclipse did do the same and held her faction together, Kay didn't just hold her faction together but also used a couple others to be her scapegoats. It may have been the best SF Mafia performance I've ever seen. Fucking beautiful.
  10. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    It existed the entire time, for the record. It's been sitting at the bottom of the main spreadsheet page. It just never came into play until the end.
  11. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Slight correction here... Excellen missed a little something. You wake up and yawn. And then look around because two more dead bodies are around you. Yeesh. You stare down the only last living person. Fear runs through her eyes. She tries to pull out some cookies but your ducks are too quick for her and Eclipse goes down screaming in pain while you smile. You know your evil twin Trekkie Monster is around. He has threatened you to sell all his stocks in cookie baking companies, which would cause a collapse of all cookie bakers worldwide. Which would mean a world without cookies. Which would be awful. If you or your faction manages to kill him, the cookie gods will be pleased and grant you a power in return. You know that Killy is Jhen Mohran. Your alias is Courtney Marit. You are allied with God's Bowling Buddies. You win if your faction is the last one standing. And with that, Psych stands up and writes a message on the ground and then walks off into the sunset. It reads... Congratulations to the Crazy Casayas for winning Bullshit Mafia. Will explain all in the postgame.
  12. Respect. That game was fucking hard. As for me... let me think. Tales of Symphonia (at least 3 times) Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (2 times completely but that's 4 runs to be honest) FE7 (that's about 8 times including a HHM S Rank) Borderlands (twice on Single, once on Co-op) Halo 3 (lost count) Tales of Vesperia (3 times?) Something like that.
  13. i herd ur mom lieks me 2 I was busy fucking her last night, in case you heard sounds from the bedroom.
  14. Hence, Vaida. Pretty sure you were rating men so not sure why Vaida's not getting a rating.
  15. Malliesia - 0, too young. Tate - 0, tries to kill me. Katua - 0, no personality. Paola - 0, ditto. Est - 0, ditto.
  16. SOWD and Ether are busy tugging at their wanks over just the sound of her name. Meanwhile, I get slightly turned off due to her name being somewhat similar to my 11 year old sister and that would be weird. And incestual. And illegal. So... no.
  17. Sorry, not a furry. GJ might have more info on that subject though...
  18. You know what the fuck? I'll sub in if needed or take Paper's spot. I'm that fucking bored. Just don't give me another Survivor role. EDIT: Don't have Jean-Marc in this game. Guy's a bigger troll than trollfox and won't show up.
  19. Run the fuck the other way. My advice. I've tried to do it myself.
  20. Life

    SF Mafia Mafia

    I need to go up. In the right hands, my role could have been deadly to the mafia. Besides, WoMC blew the hosts minds with his cipher. And my role became a cop upon OC.
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