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Everything posted by Life

  1. Not that easy. See, I'm kinda in Israel and I bought the computer in Canada. See my problem?
  2. It reads that it's not plugged in and battery gets drained. When it is plugged in, the battery doesn't go down and my desktop reflects that (it changes every 10 seconds but doesn't change if the computer isn't plugged in).
  3. My computer has suddenly stopped charging. When it's plugged in, the battery icon reads as "Plugged in, Not charging". What do I do? Did I fry something?
  4. Life

    Mafia HQ 2.0

    I'm not Tables and he's not me. We can both spot different problems in a game. In fact, I'm not the only or first person to spot it.
  5. Life

    Disgaea Mafia

    I'd like to mention that while certain people have taken me up on my offer (logic screen) such as Eclipse, Anouleth, Xeld and JB, Psych believes that he is smarter than me when it comes to Mafia and he can win this game for his team all by himself. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  6. It's not so much an active debate, Jaffar. Just bring your evidence and I'll show why Dorcas isn't as good as everyone perceives him. I just did a spittake. I didn't even thing those are possible. wut... wut... wut... wat is this i dont even... Above Fiora? Are you mad? Heath, the piece of shit that can't do anything in either his joining chapter and the following one, even with those HHM boosts?
  7. Life

    Mafia HQ 2.0

    Dear fuckwads who make games, Stop making closed theme games where fake role claiming is next to impossible. I don't care if you're fucking gay for Tales of the Abyss or Disgaea and want to have sex with all the female characters or whatnots. This is a small part of the reason why the quality of a game is so low. If Disgaea Mafia plays out how I expect it to, then it just reinforces my opinion. Sincerely, A GOOD Mafia player.
  8. Life

    Disgaea Mafia

    I'm not playing and I do not know any info about the roles. That being said, I'm willing to offer my services as a logic screen. Based on any info that you know, you may come to me and bounce ideas off of me. I will not reveal anything about anyone else because I know how to do this. I'm just available to make sure that your head is screwed on right. The lesser players (you know who you are) should take advantage of this free service but I'd be surprised if half of them are even smart enough to read this post, never mind ask for help and actively use their brains (they might die or even worse, get smarter!). EDIT: I will reciprocate this offer in every game that I'm not in. You might just want to take advantage of it, it could really help.
  9. I give out personal lessons to anyone that's interested. I stopped playing here simply because of the lack of quality but if it goes up thanks to new players, I'll rejoin.
  10. Forgot about all that. I'll quickly address each case: Eliwood vs. Lyn: I've actually been saying for years (this is now literal) that the girl has to go up. Eliwood can afford to drop simply because his start is just that mediocre. He needs a good 10 or so levels to start going and it's not enough to beat someone like Harken's instant use, even if Harken only appears for the last 3rd of the game. You guys should put forth arguments of where you think each person belongs and I'll refute the points that I disagree with. Raven: I stated earlier that Raven's offense is so good that the player actually feels it when he doesn't exist. He can drop below the healers but the real question is whether he's better than Ninils simply because of their weird availability. Oswin: I kinda think that Oswin's mobility problems are being too magnified. This isn't efficiency where 4 Move is bad. Oswin is great out of the gate and he does really well considering that Tactics isn't the ludicrous ranking here (it has an artificial difficulty thanks to Experience). If someone wants to outline an argument for why he should drop and to where, I'd be happy to play Devil's Advocate here. Once again, move or lack of is not as big a problem as it is in an Efficiency run. Heath: I'm not touching Heath. I personally hate him and since my personal bias easily plays a part here, I'd rather stay out of it. You guys come up with a spot for him (as long as it's not too high) and I'll endorse it just to get Heath out of my system.
  11. Excellent base stats? Really? Call your dealer for me. I'll pay double his usual price since the shit that he hooked you up with must be STRONG. I've seen a proper comparison between Dorcas and Bartre. If we feed both decent amount of Exp, Bartre starts matching most of Dorcas' stats at around Chapter 14 if not earlier. Note that they're still forced (well, not really but there's no reason to not field either here). Lemme look at them quickly. Bartre - Level 7 Fighter Iron Axe: 19 Atk, 89 Hit, 5 AS, 3 Crit Hand Axe: 18 Atk, 74 Hit, 5 AS, 3 Crit 33 HP, 15 Avo, 5 Def, 1 Res Dorcas - Level 9 Fighter Iron Axe: 18 Atk, 93 Hit, 7 AS, 4 Crit Hand Axe: 17 Atk, 78 Hit, 7 AS, 4 Crit 34 HP, 19 Avo, 4 Def, 0 Res These stats are virtually identical. The only thing that sticks out is Dorcas' 7 AS (mind you, it's got a 20% growth rate on it) but if you look at the enemy list, Dorcas actually isn't doubling anything that Bartre isn't. Archer: 4~5 AS Cavalier: 6~8 AS Knight: 1 AS Mercenary: 4~5 AS Myrmidon: 10 AS Nomad: 8~9 AS Peg Knight: 4~5 AS Pirate: 7~8 AS Soldier: 0~1 AS Erik: 7 AS The only advantage Dorcas has here is if the lone Nomad (there's only 1 on the map) nails 9 AS instead of 8. Other than that, he's got no advantages over Bartre. Sure the Myrmidon doubles and 2RKOs Bartre but Dorcas probably should be going near him either. Both double the Soldiers and Knights and then Bartre performs better everywhere else due to doing 1 more damage. If you want to argue Halberd and Hammer, Bartre does just as well. That 4 Displayed Hit difference between Dorcas and Bartre is near negligible. It's true that Dorcas starts out HHM better than Bartre. But it only stays true if you train Dorcas and neglect Bartre. At similar levels, Bartre is actually the better unit. Surprise surprise. Dorcas' contributions to HHM's first few chapters isn't as great as they seem and there's no way that it matches Geitz's stuff. If anything, Dorcas should start taking a nosedive down the list (Tang probably hates me for that comment).
  12. Oh wait, this is for a Mafia game. I thought this was just the "shameless advertisement" thread.
  13. Last I checked, I argued Dorcas down on the grounds that he's not 2 tiers better than Bartre and moving Bartre up is a joke. Geitz is miles and away better than Dorcas.
  14. My logic is that I'm trying to farm the cards. Cloud and Hades aren't hard and I'll explain why when I get to both of them. But let's just say that Blizzard Raid is amazing.
  15. I'm just going to quickly mention the final bosses since you guys did. Vexen II, Larxene II and Axel II are all pretty easy. Obviously there's more to "hit them with their weaknesses and break their sleights" but that's essentially what those battles come down to. Larxene doesn't have a weakness but that being said, she doesn't hit hard enough with a non-sleight attack and her deck has no staying power, if I recall correctly. With regards to Riku IV and Marluxia I, Parasite Cage is an absolute must in your deck. And Oogie-Boogie for Riku IV is also not bad. You want to Dispel Sleightlock and Double Sleight as fast as possible. The battle's still winnable if you don't but Sleightlock is going to be an absolute nightmare since it lets Riku pull out 5 extra Dark Auras (as if the fact that I have to break that thing as fast as possible isn't good enough). I'm considering actually bringing along Zantetsuken to that battle and breaking his 9 cards permanently. That being said, I still have to beat the guy too. Riku IV is one of the most ridiculous bosses ever. I once read this top 10 list on GameFAQs which was Top 10 Wake-Up Call Bosses. That refers to an earlygame boss that can actually cause a game over if you haven't been paying attention to the game (perfect example is Wendigo in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor). And even though Riku IV isn't an earlygame boss, I believe he should be on that list. Because with a pretty badly built deck and no dodge-roll skills, you're screwed. Actually, now that I think of it, Hook might even be a better choice for that list since the difficulty spike between Ursula and Hook is pretty nuts.
  16. I laughed at a good portion of this. While I believe that Serra is actually better than Prissy for the purposes of S Ranking (the fact that she's been around for those 3.5 extra chapters means something when those chapters are really freaking hard), your arguments for Serra over Prissy are horrible. Serra does not ever make Prissy redundant. Just like how Prissy never makes Serra redundant. For a good portion of the midgame, there's a good chance that you'll find yourself fielding both of them on a map. Such as Pirate Ship, Dragon's Gate and New Resolve just to name a few. Not to mention that Serra gets no credit here for existing in LHM. We just credit her with the proper level that she comes out of it from. Which means that she promotes about a chapter ahead of Prissy. Big whoop. Also, with regards to Eliwood and Lyn, I want to look at one specific line. Congratulations. With the exception of the "can't kill anything" part, you gave yourself the title of hypocrite. Lyn has even worse defense than Eli (considering that she's more of a glass cannon than Lucius), she's locked to swords and she "can't even promote until chapter 26 or whatever it is". It's possible that Lyn gets the Angelic Robe (unlikely since Florina and Matthew are much better choices) but there's no chance that she gets the Energy Ring. Since she doesn't even need it. The Mani Katti is good enough as it is. Now Eliwood. He does have incredibly mediocre bases but he also gets a nice Prf weapon in the Rapier. This thing puts a major hurt on anything that messes with Eliwood, especially cavalry. Oh and once Eliwood gets going (thanks to a great and quick Hector support that requires 3 turns for a C), he really gets going. He gains a horse and Lances on promotion which is much better than Lyn getting Bows. Durandal is easily a better weapon than the Sol Katti (it effectively has 22 Mt while the Sol Katti has 12 Mt), even without the critical on it. Oh and at that point, Eliwood can, you know, take a hit to the face and live to tell the tale about it. And he does exist for a good 7 chapters before Lyn. If Lyn got Axes instead of Bows on promotion (I'm imagining Echidna here) along with some natural Crit, I'd be pushing for Lyn to be better than Eliwood (since she comes pretty close to matching Raven offensively in the lategame before Raven's 1~2 range). But she doesn't. Sorry.
  17. Floor 2 - Prelude Decks: Mook: Boss: 2 Kingdom Key 0 Kingdom Key 6 Kingdom Key 0 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 5 Blizzard 3 Kingdom Key 1 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 7 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 3 Kingdom Key 3 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 7 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 6 Kingdom Key 2 Kingdom Key 4 Kingdom Key 3 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 5 Kingdom Key 6 Simba 4 Kingdom Key 7 Cure 6 Kingdom Key 4 Cure 4 Kingdom Key 6 Potion 6 Kingdom Key Shadow 4 Cure 7 Cure 6 Potion New Cards: - Fire Bosses: Axel - I love Axel. Honestly. As a character, I haven't met a single character who can match it (Raven from Tales of Vesperia and Guillo from Baten Kaitos Origins come close). Right now, you're only getting a glimpse of the real Axel since he outdoes himself in Kingdom Hearts 2. It's a pity that he has to die, to be honest. Let's move onto this battle. Axel is the first character battle in this game and immediately puts up a good fight. He's pretty quick and has a Fire Wall sleight up his sleeve which can only be broken with a 0. That being said, Fire Wall isn't really that good of a sleight and Axel's chakrams don't do nearly as much as they should to scare you (you can dodge roll under the toss). He's also resistant to Fire while being weak to Ice so use that Blizzard card to put some serious hurt on the guy. If you need healing, save a Cure/Cura for when Axel is reloading his deck. Don't use Shadow in this battle, it turns your 0 cards into 1s and renders them useless. Also, don't bother with Sliding Dash, the damage from it truly is pitiful. Notes: World Cards - After beating Axel, you can pick the world that you want to go to. I'll do a quick runthrough of each place with its pros and cons. Halloween Town: You get a friend card in Jack Skellington but Oogie Boogie is annoying if you don't have at least 3 0 cards. The music is also kinda aggravating and Pumpkinhead is a pretty shitty Keyblade. Agrabah: Aladdin is quite good as a friend card but both all three of your buddies are basically useless against Genie Jafar. You get Genie, Three Wishes Keyblade and Ether which are all decent (Three Wishes is actually a faster Olympia) but the Jafar Enemy Card makes up for that since it is the single best Enemy Card in the game in my opinion. I'll explain why later. Wonderland: Unlike Guard Armour, Card Soldier is actually a really good Enemy Card. Trickmaster is pretty useless in Story Mode and the Lady Luck Keyblade is fast but meh. Monstro - Finishing this place nets you the Parasite Cage, Dumbo and Wishing Star Keyblade which are all pretty good, especially Parasite Cage. It's also the single worst floor in the game because it's so boring. Olympus Coliseum - Two words. Cloud Strife. While Hades is probably the hardest boss of the Set I Floors (and Cloud himself isn't a pushover), going here unlocks the Olympia Keyblade, Cloud, Hades Enemy Card and Hi Potion, all of which are fantastic. Basically, the best order is Olympus Coliseum -> Agrabah -> Monstro/Wonderland -> Halloween Town simply for the cards you can unlock. This path makes both Hades and Cloud trickier bosses than usual but if you know how to fight them properly, you should be fine. Fire - Fire is a better Magic card than Blizzard because it homes and it's present in better sleights with the most notable one being Mega Flare (Mushu/Fire/Fire). However, since it's also an element, it's completely useless against bosses who absorb fire attacks and one of those guys is coming right up.
  18. I'm really disappointed in you guys. The game started at 1:30 AM for me. And I made an effort to go and watch it. Most of you live in North America. That's a 6:30 PM kick-off. Tsk...
  19. Well, not all but majority right now. That being said, it's better in the long run because it saves me money.

  20. To be honest, it's strange. Both of my parents have high tolerances so you'd think that genetics would bless me with the ability to drink a lot. But no, both my sister and I are quite pathetic in that category.

  21. Smart move. I didn't mind the halftime show simply because at that point, I was too drunk to bitch about it (it only takes me 2 tequilas to get drunk but many more to feel sick).

  22. Bet small. The thing is that I was betting through my dad back home so if I lost, I owed him money. And I didn't want to owe him any money.

    Did you watch the Superbowl?

  23. Eh, fair enough. But I'mm still bored. Entertain me on MSN or something like that.

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