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Everything posted by Life

  1. Dear Raven, The 1000th Pokemon will be the "Rustrol", a Pokemon with no evolutions or pre-evolution forms. And yes, I do have a picture of it. I have seen better pictures of it but they are still in the making. I might find a better version though so stay tuned! Sincerely, Life.
  2. I can also see Raven dropping below the healers but there is one thing that you need to realize about Raven. If I leave him out of my party at any point, I actually kinda feel it. Raven is the only unit who will reliably ORKO anything he touches from the moment that he joins. After promotion, the guy does it at 2 range. Being the best combat unit available means something when he's that far and away better than any other combat unit available (Harken is actually a close second in my books). Or at least, it means something to me. So anything less than under the healers is really pushing it. Eh... Heath. I think a lot of people know my opinion on Heath so come to a consensus and I'll probably agree with it. Well Jaffar, I'll tell you what I think about Marcus. There is no fucking way the guy drops in my opinion. He's beyond usable late in the game and I'd even go so far to say that he's even better than the Cavs with Brave Axe access and a working Resistance stat that requires no Barrier (there are other things that the staffers need to do, of course). The map that pops into my mind is Kenneth's PFoD (I can't remember if a Bishop snipes with Purge in HHM but there for sure was one in EHM). Marcus can hold his combat weight thanks to the Brave Axe (honestly, who else is going to use it aside from lategame Bartre/Dorcas looking for some Exp) and is just as good as the Cavs parameter wise at that point. Then throw in the fact that the man is absolutely clutch in the earlygame and I can't find a reason to drop him out of Top. Especially since there was no opposition to the idea when I first brought it up.
  3. Dear Nightmare, It may be possible but then your heart would be abnormally large for your body and you would require immediate surgery. So my first guess would be that it is still quite little. Of course, I can volunteer to be head surgeon if you would like someone to check since very few surgeons nowadays can match my skills with a scalpel. Sincerely, Life. Dear Tables, As much as it pains me to say this, I do not control the name of "Cap'n Crunch". While it is true that I first came up with the name while scuba diving off the coast of Indonesia with nothing more than three minutes of air in my oxygen tank and a sunken anchor 200 feet below, I was beaten to the punch in an attempt to have it copyrighted. So I'm afraid that it wasn't yours truly. Sincerely, Life.
  4. Dear Nightmare, I am actually a former espionage spy who has had intense training in heart surgery. Do you see the scar just a bit to the left and above your right nipple? No, of course not, because my skills are just that good. While you were sleeping about seven and a quarter years ago, I crept into your room, opened up your chest, glanced at your heart and sewed you up perfectly. So I can accurately say that on a literal sense, your heart is quite small. Sincerely, Life.
  5. Dear Nightmare, Ask whatever your little heart desires. Dear Raven, I just wish to provide the world with my fabulous insight and amazing wealth of knowledge. I don't belive that the world will end in 2012 because I'll still owe my parents rent and they won't let the world end without collecting it in full. I like cheesecake. Cheesecake, however, doesn't like me.
  6. Here, you may ask me any question about life in general. I shall honour you with my 19 years of knowledge since I have climbed mountains, conducted symphonies, successfully fended off the assassination of the Moldovian President using only two oranges and 40 pence and speak 12.91 languages including an obscure dialect of Swahili known only to the tribe of the Yuccus. The only rule is that if your question doesn't begin with "Dear Life", it shall be passed over
  7. SNES: Final Fantasy III GBA: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
  8. It's Benjamin "Coach" Wade.

    If he looks like your dad, I want your dad as my dad.

  9. Because the British never handed over the Isle of Wight. I SHALL TAKE REVENGE FOR FRANCE!
  10. Austria - 25 Belgium - 25 Bulgaria - 23 Cyprus - 25 Czech Republic - 23 Denmark - 25 Estonia - 25 Finland - 25 France - 25 Germany - 21 Greece - 25 Hungary - 25 Ireland - 25 Italy - 25 Latvia - 25 Lithuania - 25 Luxembourg - 25 Malta - 25 Netherlands - 25 Poland - 26 Portugal - 25 Romania - 25 Slovakia - 25 Slovenia - 25 Spain - 26 Sweden - 26 United Kingdom - 20 Vive la Quebec liberte!
  11. You can take Eclipse's ass if you want, she's single. ;)
  12. I kinda owe an analysis of the final 4 WoB characters so here we go. I'll do Relm when I tackle Umaro and Gogo simply because I'm lazy. Setzer Gabbiani: Part Gambler (one of like... two in all of Final Fantasy), part Samurai. Setzer's actually quite decent for most of the game but he does require a little bit of building to be much better than a filler character like Umaro (I hold everyone up to Umaro as a standard). Slots is really nice for the World of Balance since stuff like Prismatic Flash, Chocobo Stampede and Dive Bomb come up kinda often (Dive Bomb has come up a lot in this run). His better pulls like Esper Summon or Mega Flare are really appreciated when they get pulled (unless you pull Crusader so fuck Cleansing), especially Mega Flare. Mega Flare is essentially summoning Bahamut for free in the World of Balance. That's kinda nifty. Joker's Death is way too unreliable (and I don't give a crap about unrigging the slots) and Mysidian Rabbit is a free MT Cure spell. That's World of Balance Setzer. Teach him some spells for some consistent damage and you're golden. World of Ruin Setzer requires a bit more effort. See, it's possible to get Setzer's best weapon, the Fixed Dice, really early. The thing is, they sit in Kefka's Tower which basically requires a Moogle Raid (Molulu's Charm on Mog). Once you get them, however, Setzer has a lot of potential to become a damage god... if fates smile on you. See, the Fixed Dice have a weird formula where the higher you roll, the more damage you do. The max is 9999 while the min is somewhere around ~200. And more often than not, the Fixed Dice are rigged against Setzer. That being said, giving Setzer the Master's Scroll gives him 4 rolls and better yet, does NOT reduce each roll's damage by half. If you can do the math in your head, Setzer is usually doing about ~15000 per "Attack". Not bad. He also gets the Heiji's Jitte, giving him Coin instead of Slot. This turns him into a Samurai with !Zeninage but it's not really that useful for the most part. It is worth mentioning. Armour is kinda funny. See, Setzer gets the best of both worlds here. He can equip heavy armours but then he also gets stuff like Gaia Gear which Edgar misses out on. There's nothing special that Setzer gets just for himself but it doesn't really matter. Just set Setzer up with the Fixed Dice and Master's Scroll for nice offense. Then defense can be generic (Force Armour, Aegis/Thunder Shield, Red Cap) and Setzer's good to go. Just remember to teach the guy spells for his pre-Fixed Dice era. Mog: Mog the Moogle. He's furry, cute, speaks English, wields lances and likes dancing. What more can you say about him? Mog is so close to Edgar style broken that it's not even funny. You can get 6/8 of his dances easily (Water Harmony takes some effort but it's really good) as soon as you get him. And Dance murders EVERYTHING in the World of Balance. Mog can join right after the IMRF and if you get Water Harmony, he turns the Cave to the Sealed Gate into an absolute joke with Plasma and El Nino. The Floating Continent gets destroyed by Water Harmony or Earth Blues since both do a number on all of the enemies around. And they're not even that bad in early WoR since Mog is usually the first person recruited after gaining the Falcon (c'mon, early Valigarmanda and Midgarsormr with Quake is awesome) simply for the Molulu's Charm. Speaking of the Molulu's Charm, it allows Mog to completely circumvent random encounters. Like we can fight Holy Dragon as soon as we get it (Silence and he's dead) and get a quick 2nd Holy Lance. We can grab awesome stuff from Kefka's Tower and Cultist's Tower such as these items: Fixed Dice, Aegis Shield, Air Anchor, 2x Force Armour, Genji Shield, Red Cap, Hypno Crown, Ribbon, Safety Bit... The list goes on and on. This is stuff that we can have early in the WoR before half of the Espers! And it's all thanks to Mog. Mog in the WoR basically works the same way as Edgar. There's two Dragon Horns in the game (Ward Bangle in the Colliseum is one and Phoenix Cave has the other) and two Holy Lances (Murakamo eventually becomes one and Holy Dragon drops a 2nd). It's the exact same set up for offense. Defense wise, Mog can hit 255 Def with the Snow Scarf, Red Cap and Genji Shield which is nuts, frankly. If you add the Paladin's Shield to that, he absorbs most magic. Go figure that the stuffed animal is harder to kill than the Monk or the Samurai. Strago Magus: If there was one review I was dreading more than Cyan, it was this old fogey. Strago is your resident Blue Mage. And I hate Blue Magic. The nice thing is, Strago doesn't actually have to be hit by a Lore to learn it. He just needs to observe it. That being said, you need to force the Lore to be seen in some cases and the nicer Lores take a bit of effort (White Wind, Lv. 4 Flare, Traveler). Strago is kinda meh in the WoB. He's got Aqua Breath which does nice damage in the Burning Mansion but fails to impress everywhere else. Stone is completely situational and don't get me started on Revenge Blast. White Wind is found pretty early and a nice plus for it is that it goes through Reflect Rings and Runic. Lv. 4 Flare is situational but it does pretty decent damage and Traveler only gets better as you take more steps. Those are both found on the Veldt at this point so get hunting. In the World of Ruin, Strago really only has one saving grace: Grand Delta. General Spoon's response of "Fuck Hidon" basically summed up the whole situation. Quasar can substitute for Grand Delta but you either have to watch Gilgamesh use it (Gilgamesh is not someone I want to keep alive for Lore learning) or go deep into Kefka's Tower. Without Grand Delta, Strago kinda sucks, which is a shame really since Grand Delta is really really good. As for equipment, Magus Rod is a must on the guy. He needs as much Magic as you can give him. The Behemoth Suit is arguably better than the Nutkin Suit and everything else is generic. Honestly, Strago requires a lot of effort to be as good as everyone else so... fuck him. He's really not that good.
  13. 100 billion dollars for loss of income... How did she lose income?
  14. Well, Shadow's about 4 steps away (2 there, 2 back). Guess that we're skipping him. I have been bitching to Narga about these things. Dragons have a nightmare AI script. Turn 1 has Revenge Blast, Turn 2 is !Tail (Attack x5), Turn 3 is Snowstorm which still hurts and Turn 4 is Freezing Dust (freezes someone). And they counter with Snort. And if that wasn't bad enough, they have 7000 HP. Honestly, there's only one way to do this. Hit the Dragon with the Debilitator to change his weakness to Poison, nail him with Bio, Haste him and then wait for the Poison to take hold. Hopefully, Revenge Blast won't get activated and you'll win. If not... reset. Apocrypha hold Angel Rings and I want three of those ASAP. They also counter with Lv. 3 Confuse, Lv. 4 Flare and Lv. 5 Death. I guess it's a good thing that my levels are 22/23 and I'm immune to all of them. Haha. The other stuff is easy to deal with. Brainpans have 1000 Needles but only if they're the last one standing so dispose of them ASAP. Misfits have Lifeshaver but 2/3 of my party is immune to it (Locke and Setzer) so it's all good. This first switch extends the bridge across the chasm. Hit it and continue on. These guys are kinda hilarious. They hold Hermes' Sandals and only have Attack and !Beatdown (Attack x3). So basically, they're easy to fight. Oh and they're vulnerable to Break so don't even bother attacking them. Also, the Hermes' Sandals are vital so make sure you grab them. Hit this switch to lower the platform. Then RETURN the way you came to minimize steps. This is the last switch to hit. Do it and Ultima Weapon is mere inches away. Really? Those fucking Tentacles are harder than you. This is another vital steal. You NEED the Ribbon. But there's an Elixir in the Common slot. Get stealing. I got lucky that I stole it on my first try so... yeah. And now, the real battle. Throw up your defenses with Shell at the very least. I'd even put Haste and Protect on everyone too. After that, just start Rasping Ultima Weapon's MP away. Ultima Weapon dies when his MP hits 0 and if he takes no damage, he sticks to Attack, Flare and Blaze. This fight is pretty easy this way. Just make sure to heal after Flare and Blaze (ST for Flare, MT for Blaze). Because if you ask nicely, he'll throw away his dreams of world domination. Yes, that makes perfect sense, Celes. Can someone look this up in a dictionary for me? And I hope it doesn't mean "offspring". Kefka channels a bit of Dr. Seuss while destroying the world. Make sure that Celes is equipped with an Esper at the very least. She needs Osmose ASAP so Shiva is her best choice. After that, it's Cura and then Reflect/Haste/Protect/Shell so Unicorn -> Carbuncle. Edgar should be working on Death while Setzer needs to complete Carbuncle to then move onto Phantom. Naude's aren't even worth a screenshot since 2 Rasps and they die. As for Nelapa, he takes the cake as the easiest boss in this game. He's got 2800 HP and we've got a 6 minute timer. So he thinks that it's a good idea to hit everyone with Doom. Huh. Anyway, cast Reflect on one of your guys and bounce Blizzaras onto Nelapa. He's got inherent Reflect which is a tad annoying but not a problem. Jump onto the Blackjack and watch the scenes. The world gets destroyed and all that jazz. Character Status: Celes - Level 22 Rune Knight [spoiler=Hard Stats]918 HP 287 MP 34 Strength 34 Speed 33 Stamina 38 Magic 124 Attack 143 Defense 27% Evasion 105 Magic Defense 9% Magic Evasion [spoiler=Equipment and Relics]Icebrand Mythril Shield Green Beret Gaia Gear Earring Angel Ring Shiva [spoiler=Spells Learned]Cure Poisona Blizzard Thunder Poison Thundara Libra Rasp - 96% Protect Imp Osmose - 96% Edgar - Level 24 Machinist [spoiler=Hard Stats]1098 HP 307 MP 39 Strength 30 Speed 35 Stamina 31 Magic 128 Attack 158 Defense 24% Evasion 95 Magic Defense 1% Magic Evasion [spoiler=Equipment and Relics]Flametongue Golden Shield Green Beret Golden Armor Angel Ring Ribbon Catoblepas [spoiler=Spells Learned]Cure - 84% Blizzard Thunder - 90% Poison - 45% Blizzara Thundara - 18% Bio Break Death Rasp Protect Haste Reflect Shell Osmose Teleport Setzer - Level 24 Gambler [spoiler=Hard Stats]1086 HP 310 MP 36 Strength 32 Speed 32 Stamina 29 Magic 122 Attack 159 Defense 29% Evasion 110 Magic Defense 11% Magic Evasion [spoiler=Equipment and Relics]Cards Golden Shield Green Beret Gaia Gear White Cape Angel Ring Phantom [spoiler=Spells Learned]Cure - 75% Cura Esuna - 81% Blizzard Blizzara Gravity - 70% Rasp Protect Haste Berserk - 42% Reflect Shell Vanish - 42% Osmose Teleport - 76% Dispel - 54% 7037 Steps (1 step before jumping to the Blackjack).
  15. Does P Diddy even HAVE 0.1% of the grand total that he's getting sued for?
  16. What the fuck are you doing here?

    Anyway, nice to see you.

  17. Source. Dear America. Your country is fundamentally incorrect!
  18. You can swear, it's not like your mommy reads everything you post all the time.
  19. Do you think I should wait 24 hours or so before making the change or what? It's a start but I know for a fact that I don't see conclusive evidence that Prissy is better than Serra. I won't argue that Serra's better, just that Prissy isn't better.
  20. Well, someone needs to reply and I don't want to defend a point that I don't necessarily agree with. Honestly, I don't think Priscilla is better or worse than Serra. I actually think an equal sign is necessary.
  21. Naw, don't worry. Just kidding.
  22. I have a question. It might seem a little off topic but... what isn't off topic here? Anyway, who was the idiot that decided that Tangerine would be a good Mod? She's already told me to follow the rules!
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