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  1. Life

    Mafia Round 4

    No thanks. Bob and Doug Mackenzie wanted to go ice fishing. Sorry Sam. Seriously though, I think I know who killed who from last night's clues. And Mordy, now would be a good time to share your theory that Tables sent you if he did. Tables - Mafia Ratatosk - Vigilante Tables is smart. We all know this as he almost won the game for the Mafia last time. It makes sense to get rid of a smart player early in the game because we're none the wiser for who the Mafia really is. Ratatosk, on the other hand, was playing the mafia card ("Oh, I'm the godfather, blah, blah, blah"). Which sounds stupid in my mind as if he had been mafia, he would easily been a target for the vigilante. But even if he wasn't, it was a good idea for him to get killed at night so that we don't waste a lynch on him. But I don't know what he was trying to get out of claiming mafia. So yeah, if you could share Tables' theory with all of us, that would probably help us a bit, Mordecai. If you got it, of course. And I'm undecided on my vote. EDIT: Added in a couple words because I didn't see that Tables actually spoke to Ratatosk instead of Mordecai when he offered up the theory.
  2. But CATS, I don't think that. The whole reasoning to what I'm saying is that if we apply the rules of getting 5* Funds to Merlinus (ie. hold items), then our list looks inconsistant and wrong. Merlinus existing makes your life easier but he doesn't do anything. He just sits on the field. I thought we were done with assuming that the player was stupid? There is no downside to fielding Merlinus. The only chapters where he's legitimately in danger is Whereabouts Unknown but it makes no sense to not keep a unit down at the bottom to collect Exp from the 6 or so Cavs that appear and The Dread Isle where pirates appear from the north (hello Axereaver holding Fiora!). I'm trying to think of another time when fielding Merlinus before he gets a wagon puts him in danger but even if he does get killed, he doesn't hurt Survival.
  3. I'm going to disagree with you, CATS. And I'm quoting myself here. It's the same thing here after Chapter 5. Merlinus still "just exists". If he needed to get fielded so that his services could be of use, then I wouldn't say anything about it. But it's the same thing here. Even if he's not fielded, you still reap the benefits because he's the convoy. That's like saying that even if I don't field Chad, I can still steal stuff and unlock Chapter 7's doors and chests (without keys) because he exists.
  4. You forgot about shopping. I basically have to send 2~3 units out to a single store just to buy 4~5 items. My Pegs for example will hold an Iron Lance, Javelin and Vulnerary. My Cavs hold the same thing plus an extra Iron Sword. That's 3 items for Flo and Fiora and 4 for Kent, Sain and Lowen. I personally say to not tier him because he's a name and a face on the convoy. He doesn't actually do anything, he's just there. If Lyn in NLoC fills up her inventory and sends the White Gem to Merlinus, he hasn't done anything to get it. It just comes to him. We can either allot the value of all of the items in the convey to him (auto top) or allot nothing to him (auto bottom). And both sound stupid. But my point is that he doesn't actually do anything. He just exists. He doesn't help you 5* anything unless you give him credit for the items that he holds and then he auto tops the list just because he exists.
  5. I'm saying that Merlinus auto tops because he holds the Silver Card... and everything else that your units don't want to hold, even after all of your units run out of space. There's a good chance (and by good I mean it happens every single time) that the Funds amount that Merlinus holds at the end of the game exceeds the cost of the weapons and items of the units fighting in Light before they pick up the S Rank weapons. It's part of his "ability" as a unit to hold items. If Merlinus did not exist in this game, I highly doubt that getting 5* in Funds would be possible. Unfortunately, we'll never find out. What makes Merlinus different from Daniel in FE9 & 10? Nothing. But we don't rank Daniel, do we? Also, something that I forgot to mention about Merlinus. He can't go shopping in this game. If he's promoted and tries to shop, those items that are in his inventory get stuck in limbo. Believe me, I've tried. Lost out on 4 Silver Swords and a Silver Lance. EDIT: Auto topping Merlinus makes no sense because he doesn't actually DO anything. He's the convoy with a face on it. That's IT. If he gets ranked, so should Daniel, Jorge, Muston and Aimee in FE9 & 10.
  6. I was talking to Port about Merlinus and we basically came to a consensus about the whole idea of tiering him. One of the most controversial arguments here is crediting Matt for the Silver Card. However, getting the Silver Card helps your Funds and since Matt is the only one who can get it and stealing it (pressing Steal when beside Aion) is like stealing a Vulnerary (pressing Steal when beside a random mook with a stealable Vulnerary), Matt is credited with single-handedly beating the Funds Rank. Makes perfect sense. This argument then makes no sense when you apply it to Merlinus' current position. If we credit Matthew for stealing (again, why wouldn't we?), then we have to credit Merlinus for holding items, no matter how valuable they are. The thing is, we don't have enough item slots on our units for Merlinus to always hold nothing. And furthermore, it'd be near impossible to buy items at shops since you need open slots to do that and after the five slots are filled, the next one goes to Merlinus. So technically, if Matt is god when it comes to Funds, Merlinus is God's pimp as his holding items is like Matthew and Legault's stealing. Which calls for an auto top of the list. You can probably see why this is stupid because we're giving Merlinus top spot just because the convoy has a name. So my personal opinion is to remove him from the list all together. Again, I don't do anything unless we all generally agree on it. EDIT: I've never called Inui "Horio" or "TYTE" here but damn, I wish that the mods here were more like GameFAQs. The ones who don't give a crap about anything but if a topic has nothing to do with a board, at least. No offense to any of the mods here as you're doing your jobs and I respect you for it. I'm just saying that I wish the incompetent GameFAQs mods in general existed here.
  7. Agreed. But both Canas and Fiora are too low anyways. Pent and Harken should probably get re-examined too. Geitz has the Brave Bow and other bows (including the Longbow which ups his range to 3 and actually does damage with him thanks to his high Str) which gives him a proper ranged assault that Hawkeye doesn't have. He also comes with the easier FFO map (not necessarily a pro for him but just mentioning it) and has ridiculous bases thanks to his HHM bonuses. Bartre and Dorcas are also similar but the Dorcas in Upper Mid argument is basically saying that Dorcas is one of your best melee units when you start the game. However, if you compare Bartre's stats to Dorcas' after a couple of levels, they look similar. Furthermore, other units start catching up to Dorcas after a bit just because nobody doubles anything in the beginning aside from Matthew and Marcus. Once Eli or Lowen start doubling, they begin to destroy Dorcas' offensive edge. I don't know how to respond with an idea to help alleviate the problem.
  8. I'm going to go with 6/7. I honestly think Bal is lying about getting only 2 of them right (he's smart enough not to mix Calcium Carbonate and there is this thing called the internet...) and got 5 or 6 of them in truth.
  9. I can go in depth (probably in a PM) on my opinions of every navi if you want.

    What's your ranking of the games, though?

  10. Napalmman's awesomeness doesn't account for Protoman's horrible ranged charge shot, Medi's general failure, and how much I hate Magnetman.

    Searchman and Gyroman are pretty cool and Search does have a good charged shot but nothing compares to the Tomahawk Chop.

  11. Inui, I have to ask you a question. A serious question in which I would prefer a proper well thought out and formatted answer. What are you arguing about? Do you want Oswin up or Oswin down? You're continuing to beat a dead horse on the hopes that it might just spring up and live again (supports). Are you just defending your... inaccurate level assumptions or are you actually trying to get something out of this? Also, you mentioned that 1 Move difference means like nothing, right? From the closest starting spot to Lloyd, there's 33 spaces. Promoted Oswin (5 move) needs 7 turns to reach Lloyd assuming nobody's blocking him. Someone like Geitz (6 move) can reach Lloyd in 6 turns. The peg sisters and Paladins need 4 to snipe Lloyd with a Javelin. So that's the difference. 1 turn. 1 turn that I wouldn't have had to waste had I just fielded someone with 1 more Move. And another thing I want to mention (Fox, thanks for mentioning Lucius, I forgot about him). Really? Like what? Name me one thing that regular Oswin in CoD leaves with 1 HP but OHKO's with 1+ Att. The rest of the support is HORRIBLE. I can make the Luna case FOR ANYONE. I can make the Hit and Avo case FOR ANYONE. AnimaxWind is not good and 0 +2 doesn't help its case. Now watch this. When I can generally just change names in your argument along with a couple numbers and prove supports for other people, that puts a serious hurt on how credible your own argument is. Now, since nobody's come forward and said anything about Hawkeye not deserving a spot in the Upper Mid tier, I'm close to doing it. My other arguments were: Canas > Fiora - Probably won't happen but both of them should probably move up which means that we should re-examine Pent and Harken's placings. Dorcas > Hawkeye - Generally agreed on that Dorcas is better than Hawkeye but no definitive place. Bartre > Jaffar - Bal was the only one who commented on this and agreed with me on it. Anyone want to comment on this instead of the Oswin debate which seems to have zero purpose? I honestly think that we have problems with the Upper Mid and Lower Mid tiers as a few inconsistancies exist there.
  12. Really? I was always under the impression that Ephraim lived on Magvel and fought sissy monster but hey, we learn something new every day.
  13. Yep. She's so talented, wouldn't you say? I'm trying to learn how to play Passion on my piano at home but the sheet music is almost impossible to read (there's stuff on it even I don't recognize). I'll get it, though.
  14. I know. Here's a perfect example (and it's the only video game song I'll ever post): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ChbGUqesw0 And if you think that's good, check out the original Japanese recording. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WAwYrhoRdY Utada Hikaru is just so good.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx3m4e45bTo&NR=1 If you talk about Franz Ferdinand, don't forget the Verve.
  16. Possibly. Except I think that the Ca in CaCO3 should have tipped you off. My first response was actually going to be limestone to that but chalk is the universal answer.
  17. Team Colonel's my favourite game, thank you very much. I actually enjoy the liberation missions and Colonel's team (Tomahawkman, Colonel, Toadman and Shadowman to be exact) are much better than anything Protoman's team has to offer.

  18. You can't honestly be saying that. The least you could do is listen the full way through. Stopping 5 seconds in basically saying "I refuse to try anything different". Even I listen the full way through to kpop (which is god awful) songs. @ Sask: Thank god for you. First Kaiser Chiefs and now Franz Ferdinand? You are on a roll here and it's a good one.
  19. Good song. Very good song. This one's for Hatari.
  20. I highly doubt this. You're doing a Ph.D in Switzerland (in something but I'd say it's science based) but you didn't know that Calcium Carbonate is chalk (question 2)? I mean, I'm only a first year university student and I knew this back in Grade 11.
  21. Chapter 21 - Kinship's Bond Team: Eliwood, Marcus, Dorcas, Hector, Serra, Erk, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, Kent, Florina, Raven, Legault, Ninian, Isadora (Turn 1), Heath (Turn 2), Rath (Turn 3) Strategy: It's another 5 turn clear that involves me rushing to the Secret Shop (I want a usable Physic for Prissy in order to catch Serra's level lead) so I need to use Isadora to help clear the Heath room. A bit of chain rescuing is in order to get Eliwood and Legault in position for their foray into Heath land while the rest of the team concentrates on getting to Eubans and killing him on Turn 5. This one was actually quite difficult as Florina kept finding herself killed by the Fighters and Knights (don't know why). Eliwood 13.79 |25|11|10|12|15| 9| 4| C Hector Marcus 3.22 |33|16|17|12| 8|10| 8| Dorcas 12.79 |37|11|10| 8| 8| 6| 2| C Bartre Hector 12.11 |28|15| 9| 8| 5|14| 3| C Eliwood Serra 12.34 |20| 6| 8|14|13| 4|13| Erk 12.00 |26| 7|15|13| 8| 4|11| Priscilla 8.45 |17| 8| 9|10|11| 4| 7| Lyn 12.52 |25|10|13|18|10| 3| 2| C Florina Sain 13.28 |30|17| 7| 9| 7| 7| 6| Kent 11.87 |28| 9|12|12| 5| 6| 1| Florina 10.98 |22| 9|14|13|12| 6| 6| C Lyn Raven 12.66 |30|14|14|17| 4| 7| 2| Legault 12.33 Base Ninian 5.54 |18| 0| 0|16|13| 6| 5| Isadora 1.69 Base Heath 8.25 |29|11| 8| 7| 8|11| 1| Rath 7.73 |25| 8| 9|10| 5| 7| 2| (Started at 7.22) Chapter stats: Tactics - 5/5 (5 stars) Exp - 1061/1150 (4 stars) Run stats: Tactics - 114/124 (5 stars) Exp - 14745/12600 (5 stars) The Exp Rank just got a bit harder. Figured that I'd rather save my turns for abusing the arena in FFO instead of wasting a turn getting around 50 Exp at most.
  22. Enjoying my post?

  23. To be brutally honest, I am saying that Prissy x Oswin happens 0% of the time. Let's look at other people who Prissy can support. Prissy x Erk - Starts at the same time as Oswin but Erk has a small move advantage over Oswin. He also has a 15 +3 support with her which is usually better than 0 +2 unless you're bad at math. Erk gets C Prissy in 22 turns and then a B in an additional 27 turns. Oswin gets C Prissy in 41 turns, 8 turns before Erk nails the B. Let's check out the benefits: ThunderxWind (Erk) is +1 Att, +1 Def, +5 Hit, +10 Crit and +10 Crit Evade. Considering that level 14 Erk!Thunder has 10 Crit and 18 Mt during Kinship's Bond, this support ups his Crit to 20 and gives him 19 Att vs. pathetic Res counts of like 4. He's doing about 15 damage a pop and doubling while 17 Oswin!Steel Lance has 26 Att vs. significantly higher Def numbers and fails to double, unlike Erk. The AnimaxWind (Oswin) support of +1 Att, +2 Hit, +2 Crit and +5 Crit Evade is just... meh when compared to Erk's. Raven x Prissy - No niceboat jokes, please. This support is also miles faster than Prissy x Oswin. Even though IcexWind is terrible, Prissy gains no better bonuses from Oswin while Raven gets a working support himself. Granted, Raven's gonna want B Prissy because A Lucius is a better support and he has no other options for supports. Prissy x Guy - Much better support for Prissy than Oswin because she offers Guy something that he wants (full Crit) while Oswin doesn't get what he wants from her (Hit). It's also 0 +2 and is just as fast (or slow if you want to put it that way) as Oswin x Prissy even though Guy has a slight move advantage on Oswin. Sain x Prissy - Same speed as Oswin x Prissy but WindxWind benefits Sain more than WindxAnima benefits Oswin (Sain gets 1+ Att and +5 Crit for every support level). Sain also destroys Oswin in mobility so waiting about 2 chapters to start supporting Prissy will start paying itself off once Sain gets that first Att and Crit boost. Heath x Prissy - If you're waiting this long for Prissy to support someone, you're doing it wrong. However, I've already mentioned the perks of WindxThunder (see Erk) and Heath likes the full Crit from this support. That being said, it's more likely to see Nancy Pelosi snort cocaine off Newt Gingrich's cock than it is to witness Heath profess his love towards the red haired girl, the little cunt that he is. Point is that Oswin is Prissy's 5th best support out of 6. It's too bad that only numbers 1 and 2 will enjoy the benefits of this support. As for Oswin's other supports, the only way they'd be ever be considered "h4x" is if the movie Idiocracy came true (people water plants with energy drinks). Serra x Oswin is garbage, Hector would rather B Matt or Lyn (both are faster than Oswin's support and give Hector full Crit), Dorcas has a very good chance of not getting played lategame and even if he did, he'd want B Oswin at best (A Bartre for him and I honestly don't think I'm pushing the envelope by saying that Dorcas x Geitz is much better than Dorcas x Oswin) and Matthew's off stealing shit and won't be guaranteed to be in range of Oswin to give the bonuses, never mind stand beside him and get the actual support. Claiming that you're overestimating how easy it is to get supports is like pointing out that a kid in a wheelchair can't run a marathon. It's obvious that both statements are true (his inability to walk and your bullshitting of supports) but neither of you really give a fuck about what anyone says. Portsman, Colonel and I have all pointed out numerous times that you constantly inflate levels and supports but you somehow don't seem to listen. PS: In case you couldn't tell, I hate Heath. EDIT: Thanks Narga.
  24. I like the RNG. I'm just frustrated when my Eliwood always gets screwed.
  25. Hero, if you're gonna say that Canada isn't liberal, make sure that Quebec gets mention as "liberal as fuck". In my opinion, it's why Canadian politics are so boring. I don't know for a fact but I think that Quebec is still divided down the middle on the whole separation thing.
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