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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Why? I liken this game to Survivor in the strategy elements. In Survivor, secret alliances exist all the time. That's similar to talking between people on PMs, right?
  2. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    For the sake of not clogging up the topic.
  3. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    You got it. But I think we should now take this into PM. 1. You. 2. The statement where you reiterated your first thing about possibly accusing Spoon of giving false info if I actually thought you were guilty because I was the detective. 3. It sounded to me as if you were possibly implying that aside from the obvious stuff I said, I was privy to info that you didn't know. Like concrete stuff that would jeopardize my credibility in playing the game (not who I am but me getting extra or wrong info from the mod for vendetta purposes or something, I don't know). It was just the tone.
  4. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    I won't lie to you right now. I had 0 idea that this rule existed. None. I didn't know that it did until you said it.
  5. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    I was busy. Kung Fu Hustle is on TV and I have real life stuff to attend to. "What do you mean funny business? Cheating? There's nothing else that could be from what I can see, and of course by your logic (not mine), it was unnecessary to bring that up if you haven't been" Exactly what I mean. I am completely within the rules to call detective on you. Reason that I brought it up was because... I think someone hinted at me cheating.
  6. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    I add stuff. I never delete.
  7. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Nah. I just love fucking with people and this is the perfect game. And Alakazam, you're slightly wrong.
  8. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    You shouldn't be even considering that he's wrong. I don't think I'm wrong when I say that if Spoon smelled any funny business, he'd bring the banhammer down on me. There's another way to prove that I'm innocent but I'll get banned from the game for it. No question about it.
  9. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Because your death isn't guaranteed. I might get lynched (dumb idea though) instead.
  10. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Good point... I personally would also PM another random person along with sending it to the person in question.
  11. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Here's the thing. I thought this out with my first plan. I accuse you of being mafia and say that I've investigated you. I also give you the option of calling yourself the miller. There are 3 cases possible: Mafia: Call Miller. Miller: Call Miller. Not possible in this case. Innocent: Call innocent. You almost pulled the last option... Except you overreacted. Instead of calling bullshit on me, you called bullshit on the mod. If you were truly innocent, why would you ever accuse the mod of giving me false info IF I was the detective? In fact, why would anyone call the mod a liar? It's a lot easier just to call me the liar. Suddenly I'm telling the truth and Spoon is feeding me wrong info? That's just idiotic.
  12. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    You didn't have to reveal yourself to everyone. You could have PMed me saying that I was a liar (I was pretty sure that this would happen, to be honest).
  13. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Oh god... Hika, you can't be this thick... I LIED! AND IT WORKED!
  14. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Then investigate me. You'll get an innocent report back. Even if Hika turns up innocent, she still needs to be lynched. Both the Alpha Wolf and Godfather are considered innocent after investigation. The Wolf is still alive and there's a 66% that the Godfather also lives. But as I said, dead men tell no tales.
  15. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    You don't get it. I'm a townie. I don't need to defend my actions because they're all done in innocence. You're mafiwolf. We want you dead. Therefore you need to prove that you're not mafia. We win by lynching you fuckers. You win by getting us to doubt our instincts. If we're both alive tomorrow, I will vote for you. Guaranteed. If I die tonight, everyone will see that I'm a townie. It only adds more reason to have you dead. If you die, the only thing which screws me is finding out that you're innocent. Which I completely doubt.
  16. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Since nobody here seems to get it, I'll put it in plain English. I PLAYED HIKA TO FIND OUT THAT SHE WAS GUILTY BECAUSE I SUSPECTED IT. AND I BET I'M RIGHT. Even if Hika dies tonight, the only thing that proves me wrong is if she gets branded as an innocent. Just because she's mafiwolf doesn't mean that she's immune to nighttime death.
  17. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Because I have no fucking clue who the detective is. Hika's reaction was priceless, though. And guilty as fuck. To be honest, I was going to PM every single person on the first day claiming that I was the detective if I had been innocent (which I was). I was also going to accuse everyone of being guilty. The mafia would claim to be the miller and the innocent would claim to be innocent and me to be a liar. But my hard drive went out on Wed and I haven't had constant access to a computer. So I pulled a modified version of this trick. Hika didn't accuse me of being a liar. She accused Spoon of lying about her innocence. Not what I expected but it basically convinces me that she's guilty. Enjoy. I'm dead tonight for sure as a revenge thing.
  18. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Hika, dead men don't lie. And Lux is a dead man... and a townie to boot. Who was right and who was wrong?
  19. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    I disagree. I can role-call if I want. Doesn't mean I'm telling the truth about it. As long as I don't actually pretend to be that role (PM Spoon with a demand), I'm pretty sure it's legal. Besides, Bal told Mikey that he was the detective last round before he died. Happened in a PM but that's legal too. I am not the detective. I wish I was though as the detective is now dead (Alas poor Yorrick, I knew him well!) so I'll never know the truth about Bizz but I do know that Hika is guilty. Look at the wonderful job that Hika did to get Lux UNFAIRLY lynched. The detective also PMed me about the truth of Hika and a couple other people. I was ready to believe that Hika was the miller but she decided to refuse it. Her death-wish, you may call it. And I'm ready to get lynched or killed at any moment. I want Hika to join me in the grave.
  20. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Didn't read what you said. So why should Spoon apologize for "false info". You can't trust what comes out of my mouth but you instead claim Spoon of lying rather than me? That says Mafia to me in a heartbeat.
  21. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    I never claimed detective. I just said that Hika was guilty. What's wrong with PMs between players? And Hika, mind explaining why I should be apologizing? Kill me and you kill an innocent. Kill you and I'm pretty sure we get a mafiwolf. You really are getting defensive. If only you could see me smiling... Hell, I'm just playing the game. Completely legal. But I have a bunch of rules that I generally go by to determine mafia and you are falling under a couple of them.
  22. Hope you're doing OK on your midterms, Snowy. I feel your pain as I just had back to back Physics and Calculus midterms. Harsh... I'm not asking for sarcasm in return. I'm simply pointing out that Mia is not perfect with Vantage+Wrath. She does not have unbeatable Avo and she's facing WTD against most Wyvern Lords and Paladins (most of the Paladins actually hold lances or swords in the late game). You putting down my point with a wave of your hand (which is equivalent to "so fucking what?") is a bit insulting. At least Narga put forth a proper response. This is just my game. I don't hoard weapons. In fact, I usually run out and clean out my convey. Happens in FE7 and happens here. So don't go patronizing me on cleaning out the armoury every single chapter. As Interceptor once said, I am God and I can do whatever the fuck I want. If I want Mia to fight with a Slim Sword for the entire game, there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind. She'll suck but in the end it hurts me, not her. But it doesn't matter because I decreed that she "suck" in my run. But in response to the Steel Blade comment, I'm assuming with my proper calculations that Mia is using a fully forged Steel Sword. Steel Blade has 11 Mt and 17 Wt. Forged Steel Sword is 13 Mt and 12 Wt (no reason to spend money on the Wt as she doesn't lose AS from it). So I'm pretty sure that Mia shouldn't be wandering around with a Steel Blade in Chapter 24 either. As for a forged Silver Sword, they're kinda expensive. As in an 18 Mt Silver will cost at least 5974G. That's a shitload for a sword considering that this won't be Mia's first forge (she gets one earlygame for much easier killing). Adding 9 Crit to this sword balloons the cost to 18208G because that's gives Mia kills. Am I about to spend more than 18k on this woman? Hell no. Oh and did I mention that a regular Silver Sword also has 13 Mt? Isn't that the same as a forged Steel Sword? I can forge a Steel Sword from Training onwards. I can't buy a Silver Sword until The Great Bridge. That's a 9 chapter (including Day Breaks difference). I see a Steel Sword forge, not a Silver Sword. I think my data above about forged Steel Swords (which is what I was referring to in my proper argument with actual numbers) says otherwise. And Narga, I'm hurt. You think that I'm purposely skimping out when I look at this site? Do you really think that little of me? I'm just pointing out that Mia should not be considered an auto-lock for Wrath because it doesn't make her invincible. If she truly can 3HKO most enemies after considering that her Att is only sitting at about 27, then why do some enemies survive? She's in 2HKO territory at this point. Look. The Wyvern Lord case was brought as me trying to show that not only does Mia not kill everything available, she even gets killed in return if that specific enemy survives. Since that is one enemy in the entire chapter, obviously I'm not dumb enough (or I like to think that I'm not that stupid) to argue her position down based on it. What I'm trying to say is that if enemies survive Mia's assault, they can kill her. Let me show you some examples from the same chapter. 2x Paladin lv 6 (steel bow, 1 steel sword, 1 steel lance) 36 hp, 24 atk, 15 AS, 97 hit, 35 avo, 16 def, 11 res, 5 crit, 5 cev She does 30 damage with a Crit on the Lance and 33 with a Crit on the Sword. Both survive. Lance does 13 damage on her and dies on her second shot. Sword does 9 damage and kills her before her second attack since she was sitting with 17 HP in the beginning. I hope that my point is now clear and goes under proper consideration. Thanks. EDIT: The whole paragraph about "I am God" isn't meant to be replied to. That's me saying that when I play, I can do what I want and you have no say in it. When I brought personal experience, I mentioned that it was specifically happening to me. I have seen with my eyes a 3 damage crit by Mia. Does it happen under perfect circumstances? Fuck no. But I sure as hell don't play perfectly and I'm proud of it.
  23. Life

    Mafia Round 3

    Why? You claimed that you weren't the miller. Only thing left is mafiwolf. Guys, if I'm killed tonight, I want Hika lynched as a result. If I manage to survive the night, Hika should still probably get lynched anyways.
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