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Everything posted by Life

  1. I agree with dondon here. The vast majority of SF is not nearly mature enough to participate. However, there are a good 20 or so users (including myself) that hang around Serious Discussion and would actually be able to contribute. If you're willing to loght the match, the worst that would happen is that Tangerine or Eclipse would close down the topics due to too much flaming and that would be the end of that.
  2. What the hell does that mean? Last I checked, Cleveland bitching about a chance of glory for a single year is about as noteworthy as Greywater. Hint:Aside from the Reed kids, nobody talks about about Greywater since nobody gives a shit. Let's face it, the Browns have always and will always be a joke. You want to talk about the North remembering? Try being a Bills fan. Phil Leggett is STILL hated in Buffalo and for good reason. Fuck Kevin Dyson...
  3. Need to correct you a bit. We don't think that they're trying to kill us. I have seen Palistinians attempt to smuggle bombs over the West Bank border with my own two eyes. We know that they want us dead (and I'm not talking only about the soldiers). In the past, I'd argue without end about how the world has this misguided perception that they understand the conflict here but I've given up. Now, I just point to the movie Rock The Casbah and say "that". No matter what side of the argument you're on, watching that movie leaves you with the idea that you have to be wrong.... because it's neither pro-Israel or anti-Israel. It just shows the actual reality of the soldiers there. Look, an Israeli soldier is neither a hero nor evil. They're just necessary. They're kids that just want to be at home rather than a shit little border base for 28/3. That"s the truth of the situation.
  4. Doesn't the Koran refer to us Jews (and Christians) as "People of the book"? With regards to Jewish politics/philosophy, it's really simple. We like you if you won't try to kill us.
  5. Bills finally dropped Fitz. Tired of commentators and the franchise claiming that he's more than just a journeyman QB. I really wish we did have a franchise QB because I do not feel good with Vince Young under centre.
  6. I got a list: Mitch Hedberg (how has he not been mentioned yet) Russell Peters Louie CK Al Murrey David Mitchell Danny Bhoy Joan Rivers Dave Chappelle Jimmy Carr Stewart Francis Re: Dane Cook. I've actually seen him live (Isolated Incident tour) and to be honest, he was actually quite good. The problem is that he's way too... he likes to showboat too much. If he takes away the physical portion of his routine, he wouldn't get spat on. I personally back him because he is quick and funny. That's a list of my favourite comedians. Gun to my head, I'd say Russell Peters or Mitch Hedberg. Al Murrey runs a close third.
  7. Pretty sure the King's Landing wedding eclipses the Red Wedding in sheer abnormality. Considering that the KLW induces more WTF moments during the wedding itself than the Red Wedding.
  8. to honour this day, we need women here woman make me a sandwich nao mans day is every day btw In other news, I moved today.
  9. Spoilers exist and I aint hiding them. Neither wedding will be the season finale or even close to it. Let's not forget Oberyn's death, Tyrion's escape or Arya's romp with the Hound. These are things that came after both weddings, never mind the Red Wedding.
  10. That's not realistic. I might as well take a drink for every time I hear footsteps in FFXIII.
  11. The Mario Kart 64 one is amazing. The best drinking games are multi-player ones because single-player drinking isn't fun. But let's find a couple. Here's my 360 games: Batman: Arkham Asylum/City Borderlands 1/2 (drinking game for 2 also applies for 1) Bioshock Fallout 3 Farcry 3 Assassin's Creed 2 FFXIII Eternal Sonata Tales of Vesperia Dishonoured Portal 2 The only decent game for drinking is the Borderlands series. Or if I had Gears of War 3, that could work...
  12. I've been drinking since age 15 so I'm unaware of this "you can only have alcohol at age 21" bullshit.
  13. Borderlands 2 - Shot of tequila for every Second Wind (all players) and Jaegarbomb for every respawn at a New-U Station (all players). Gonna try this one out in a week with a buddy of mine and it can't possibly fail. What about your drinking games involving video games?
  14. Games that I'm currently playing and enjoying (call them favourite if you want): GBA: Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI Xbox 360: Final Fantasy XIII Farcry 3 Dishonoured Borderlands 2 Great games not on this list include Baten Kaitos (both of them), Bioshock, Portal, Batman: Arkham Asylum and Fallout 3
  15. Anyone here know how? I'd love to watch Game of Thrones on base so if someone can help me, I'd appreciate it.
  16. On a whole, I don't back either time-travelling or its oft-forgotten cousin in the matter, parallel universes. However, there are some cases where these ideas can work. The best example I can think of is The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials trilogy) where the idea of parallel universes work because it's looked at like two townhouses where you can hole a hole into the middle and crawl into the other one. And these universe aren't mirror copies at all.
  17. Why should they get equal resources? The BExp on Mia in Chapter 8 goes a lot farther both in the short and long run than it does sitting in the convoy until Zihark shows up. In the now, Mia's stock rises in Chapters 8/9 due to having an immediate impact on her performance in forced chapters. And in the future, she has similar stats to Zihark but is much closer to promotion than he is, making her the more attractive option. Even with equal resources, the only thing Zihark can do is close the level gap and take a very slight statistical advantage on Mia. Mia's existance until Zihark's appearence is still worth more.
  18. That "apparently" is 100% inaccurate due to frinds I have in the unit and personal interaction with one of their platoons. I was guarding the Egyptian border a while back and they work like any combat unit doing a border.
  19. I'm not sure I should feel insulted by not being asked of my opinion (being a combat soldier and all). In Israel, we have a co-ed combat unit by the name Karakal. The women there serve the same amount of time as men and are combat soldiers as much as men are. HOWEVER (and this is important), they do not participate in operations and simply guard the Egyptian border (this is commonly known so it's not really a secret). Feel free to come to your own conclusions about women in combat units. The point I'm trying to make is that it is not uncommon or unheard of.
  20. Snowy explained my point rather poorly but not incorrectly. There is no reason to not give Mia BExp in Chapter 8. She gets to a point where she lays Ike-level hurt on even Knights (Armourslayer is essentially locked on her). Considering that Chapter 8 is a self-improvement chapter and a good Mia is better than a mediocre Mia, Mia will have a retarded level lead on Zihark by the start of chapter 11, even considering the Chapter 10 pacifist route and not sinking a part of THAT BExp into Mia. "But Zihark deserves the same amount of BExp as Mia!" No, he doesn't. CommunistFE can be found in ROM Hacks. Here, we give units resources if they can use them well. And giving Mia ~350 BExp in Chapter 8 is worth a lot more than the same ~350 BExp on Zihark in Chapter 12. Namely, Mia's performance has a noticable rise and Zihark's doesn't. Throw in the fact that Mia is now closer to promotion than Zihark and any argument about Zihark being better gets tossed into a dumpster.
  21. Snowy's actually said something smart for once. Congrats, you finally get the argument. Tormod is above Ilyana also thanks to weapon ranks and the fact that a very small amount of the Chapter 15 BExp makes him outrange footunits and do very respectable damage. Above Soren is a little harder to understand because in practice, that small amount of chip that Soren delivers through chapter 9 is a lot more useful than the numbers suggest.
  22. I agree with the conclusion but the arguments used are hilariously bad. It's Snowy arguing for Mia so I'm not surprised. But the mass level of retardedness behind Zihark astounds me. First of all, Vantage is being over-hyped as the greatest skill ever on Mia. Realistically, all it does is may save her from dying to a low HP enemy on the player phase. Unless it can actually be paired with another skill (Wrath + Seraph Robe or Resolve) it's nigh on useless. The reason why Ambush was great on Lex was because he hit hard even with just an Iron Axe. Mia doing very minor chip damage and hoping for about a ~10% critical sometime before promotion strikes me as a funny joke. I also believe I heard Gamble mentioned somewhere. And I'd like to point out that it's better served on Stefan due to his high Str (19 base). The opportunity cost there is losing out on a free Astra which strikes me more as a positive than a negative. Also, the idea of supports is quite laughable. Muarim may be Zihark's best support but I think we're forgetting about the Move difference here and the fact that Muarim won't die while midgame Zihark has concrete defenses equivalent to a piece of china. The fact is, unless a support is double Earth, the bonuses are usually negligible. We should praise the heavens that this is the only game where supports are actually realistic to build but they still don't amount to much. But my biggest issue is the one about a part of the pre-8 BExp not going to Mia because of the opportunity cost. Anyone who has actually played this game (clearly none of you with all of this TheorycraftFE bullshit here) knows that there is a shitton of BExp sitting there for your team after Chapter 7. Of COURSE PEMN but I'll have you know that it's enough to take every fighter you have up to Level 10 (including Mia) and STILL have enough remaining to spend on copious amounts of hookers and blow. I have checked this myself as has Interceptor. Mia walks into Chapter 11 with a retarded level lead on Zihark and proceeds to blow him out of the water. Or to put that as a colourful Game of Thrones analogy, Robb Stark gets a new sword and absolutely devastes the Lannisters, Red Wedding be damned. But what am I trying to prove here? That these arguments are completely absurd. Mia is better than Zihark even when opportunity costs are considered but you jokers don't know how to argue for either of them.
  23. - Jimi Hendrix doing the American Anthem at Woodstock - Behind Blue Eyes, Teenage Wasteland, Acid Queen, Pinball Wizard (The Who) - I Will Possess Your Heart (Death Cab for Cutie)
  24. I'm going to correct you on BKO (I loved that game). Shannath ripping out Gena's wings took that cake for me there. EDIT: Haven't played it in so long that completely derped on that scene.
  25. I don't see why Aerith dying was sad. I find it really hard to feel pity for a character that unlikable (I blame her engaging personality which has as much charisma as a cardboard box). However, the FF universe is littered with good immersive moments. Galuf's passing in V, Sazh losing Dajh to crystal in XIII (I'm going to go ahead and say that the end of Chapter 8 may be one of the best FF scenes of all time) and Vivi going berserk after finding out that his lifespan is finite in IX are the big ones that spring to mind. I think that it's because these characters are actually likable rather than the completely redundant Aerith.
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