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Everything posted by Life

  1. Vote Totals: Shinori - 9 MancerNecro - 2 Fera is the only person who hasn't voted yet. Haven't even seen a post from him but since I've seen him active outside, he won't get subbed yet. In addition, phase ends... same time. Eclipse, I would like you to do the update if you can since I will be out gambling (just got to Vegas and the Mirage is an incredible hotel). Shouldn't be hard. EDIT: Majority was placed at 4:45 PM EST. Phase is supposed to end 5.25 hours later so no grace period or auto-lynch. Just end of phase. That's to clear that rule up.
  2. I really wish I could do the update.
  3. Oh... I'm big Ben Franklin and this shant be pretty. Let me instruct you how we do battle in the city of Philly! In other news, this phase has another... 19.5 hours. I'm off to Vegas in a couple of hours so pardon me if I screw up the update.
  4. I am the Lizard King, I can do anything!
  5. This world can have but one Emperor, and I am he!
  6. Disagree. Let them fight it out, makes for a better show. And it also involves emotion and we all know how I feel about that.
  7. He's OK. I looked it over and it's legal (he added reasons for the vote). In addition, he did mention later that he edited the above post. However, Mancer. Make sure that you edit into that post that you ARE editing and mention what you are editing. Don't do it in a later post. Next time, I'll be more strict.
  8. Ok. Paper's frozen to the game thread. If anyone contacts him, they're godkilled on the spot. If he responds back, he's godkilled too. The onus is on you.
  9. If you haven't gotten a night result by now, it's because you're not supposed to. Also, if Paper is telling the truth about being frozen, kindly refrain from sending him PMs and stuff via IRC. I'd hate to have to godkill him... that is if he's telling the truth.
  10. Night 0 has ended. Nobody has died. Shame, I wish someone here kicked the bucket. Probably has to do with the fact that I hate all of you. Day 1 has started. Pick an unlucky fucker to get lynched and let's move on with our lives. Oh and over the buzz of a football game, someone screams this into a mic. Phase ends... 10 PM EST on December 13th. Or if someone has a majority of votes sitting on them for 12 hours. Takes 7 for a majority. Get lynchin'. Oh and results are coming out now. Need about 10 minutes.
  11. Not this D1. This one will be fun.
  12. This game's getting epic. In unrelated news, phase end in an hour and a bit. If you haven't sent in a night action, now's the time to do so. If you have, revise it if you want to. And if you don't... shit, I don't care. You're ruining the game only for yourself.
  13. No kills N0. Sorry. I'll godkill you myself if you REEEEEEEEEEEALLY want it.
  14. How many people actually fell for it?
  15. Life

    Well, that's no fun.

  16. Life

    Did you at least fall for it?

  17. Breaking: Scientists discover an asteroid that is supposed to make impact on December 21st, around 2:37 pm. It is roughly 3000 km in diameter. It will make contact within a 300 mile radius of St. Petersburg, Russia. Apparently, there is officially no hope for the human race. I never believed that the world was supposed to end on Dec 21st. I do now. It seems legit. Here's the link.
  18. No. Also another thing just so the town is aware (since this will come in handy on the lynch phase). Remember rule 1 in the sign-up thread? It still applies. I mean, OBVIOUSLY I planned for everyone to know what faction everyone is by the time N0 is over, right?
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