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Everything posted by Life

  1. That's why you would place a colon instead of a comma if you were trying to imply that Bush and Obama are strippers. The first sentence doesn't imply anything. Anyone who gets confused by ambiguity off of it is a retard in my opinion. EDIT: I'm the same way in Hebrew. I learned how to read and write for 12 years before actually speaking the language. Been speaking for... 2 years now? And my Hebrew is still shit.
  2. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Please invite me to play OC games. Otherwise, don't bother me.
  3. It's worked in the past. Besides, I really had nothing going for me at that point. No kidding that it's a one-trick pony but we both know that I'll never be playing NOC ever again because it bores me to shit.
  4. Too much to ask for. I'm actually being serious. Take emotion out of the picture and you immediately get better at hiding stuff.
  5. I'm already offended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Like I actually give a shit.
  6. As far as supports go, Kindergem got an indirect upgrade with the removal of HoG and Eleisa's Miracle gives you extra stats + an item slot. OK. I'm still playing around with items on supports but that Red Sightrock or whatever it's called is incredible. Plus it has an extra 300 HP on it. Beats buying a ton of wards.
  7. Yeah but you're the only person here who believes that shit supports still mean something. They really don't unless we're talking about double Earth or other ridiculous stuff.
  8. There's reasoning behind what I say. First of all, I haven't played with you for like a year and a half but I can still read you like an open book and provoke reactions that I'm looking for. Most notably, you start getting emotional and stop thinking rationally which is a positive for me (and the mafia). Secondly, it was pretty much true. I was only talking about this game and half of your posts were essentially bloat. I don't need to see 50 posts in 2 hours on the same thing just from you. Especially not in C0. Third of all, I was trying to come off inconsistent and let everyone think that "oh, he's just getting back into mafia so he's probably town and doesn't have a clue wtf he's doing". Assuming that RD doesn't check me on C0, it would have worked because I really only accrued votes thanks to him outing my role.
  9. Blitz was mine. We were originally going to kill Bizz C1 but I wasn't feeling it and suggested Blitz or... was it Helios? *checks* Yeah, Helios. Prims suggested him and I gave Blitz's name.
  10. Sounds like Burt from Sesame Street on weed. Edit: Watched a bit. I almost fell for it. I liked the part where he got his Olaf killed, made me laugh.
  11. Regular kill, Paperblade copied the dead vig and lynch tied us with the town.
  12. Boo yah. Too bad I got randomed, I might have also lived because nobody suspected me hard until RD outed my role.
  13. To be fair to Aku Chi, I completely forgot about that C2 Speedwing. I added it into Boyd's review (not like it changes his non-existent score). Rhys: Rhys got shafted. That's all you can say. Here's the skinny on Rhys. He's your first healer and a hell of a lot more durable than the next one (who pops up in Chapter 9 as a Level 1 Cleric with E staves). The man basically has a monopoly on any good staff that exists barring benching him when you get him and using Mist instead every chapter. He should be sitting at about C and a half by the time Chapter 9 rolls around (14 Heal/Mend uses for C rank) which SHOULD guarantee him to be your full-time healer. Rhys' Mag growth is 10+60 which is pretty damn good and has a cap of 20 unpromoted and 29 promoted. He also get Light magic which includes Nosferatu tanking after promotion. This should be the dream priest, right? The thing is that every good point to Rhys is met with an equally bad point. That Level 1 Cleric that comes 7 chapters later? She gets a horse on promotion while Rhys has 6 Move as a Bishop, the same move as fucking unpromoted infantry units; not to mention C Base staves and +4 Mag even with a 10/1 promotion (Mist sits at 12 Mag or so at 10/1). Rhys' Mag growth is groovy pants but the rest of his stats don't share the same luck. His durability is pretty much non-existent (22/0/14 at base with a 40/25/55 spread) so aside from tanking siege tomes and other magical effects, he won't be able to survive Jack Schitt. 4+40 Spd and essentially no Str for his entire life means that Rhys will be doubled with Nosferatu (12 Wt does that to you). And Light Magic is terrible, sharing the same Mt with Wind tomes but less Acc and no effectiveness on anything. All these factors turn Rhys into a mediocre unit, even with his healing skills. This doesn't mean that he should be neglected whatsoever (abuse him until the start of Chapter 10 for sure) but at that point, it would be a good idea to evaluate whether you want him to stay or would like to see Mist in play instead. Bear in mind that while Mist is forced in 27/2, she is in no way obligated to fight or even stay in the room. Physic is a C Staff and Mist just needs enough BExp (and no actual training in battle) to make it to level 10 and promote using a Master Seal (which usually sit unused anyway). Also, I would recommend giving Rhys an early promotion if you do train him, if only for the +1 Move. You could wait until after he's capped Mag as a priest but it's probably better just to do it at level 10. Rhys' stock goes up with an early promotion, mostly because he gains move and nobody really needs the Master Seals. Even at 20/0, Rhys' combat is unsalvagable so it's better just to aim to be a better healer. Rhys does have some pretty good supports if you decide to keep him. Keiran loves gaining Atk and Acc off of Rhys' innate Fire and returns Avo back to Rhys to help dodge stuff. The support is 3/6/9 which isn't completely terrible but the problem is the move difference. Titania is the same story but exists longer and can't offer Avo (she gives +1 Def though). Mia enjoys full Atk and has pretty similar Move so that's always an option. Rolf and Ulki are pretty trash so forget about them. Aside from that, there's really nothing else to talk about. tl;dr On paper, he's better than Mist. In practice, she's better thanks to her extra Move on promotion. It comes down to personal choice. If you use him, give him a 10/1 promotion and forget about his combat.
  14. I've been meaning to buy Karma for the longest time but I was hearing that she'd get reworked midway through Season 2. That being said, if supports are getting a make-over this season, she should go the way of Eve. On a side note, I STILL don't have Kiriane on my friend's list.
  15. I actually did accomplish this. 2 years ago, I had a pretty cushy life in Toronto. Was living off of my parents' money and being generally anti-social. Then I moved to Israel and joined T'zahal (IDF) about a year ago. I'm a completely different person now than I was at the end of high school.
  16. Not actually incorrect. If the teacher is Canadian, British or from a Commonwealth country, it's not incorrect to leave the comma out.
  17. Do people not know how to read? This is MY thread. I and only I (and may I fucking repeat, DON'T ASK AGAIN BECAUSE I) am doing the reviews.
  18. New masteries are the shit. Until I try them out, of course. Have a couple pages for how I'm going to play my specific support. Time to relearn support. EDIT: My pages are a super passive page (Gold and EXP based), Sustain, Kill Lane and I'll see if I need another one.
  19. Wrong boot. If anyone should go from Philly, it should be Andy Reid. It's a shame that Vick got dumped.
  20. Me. I'm their milkman. By the way, say hi to your mother for me.
  21. Life


    Umm... this guy's actually got a point. Thieves kinda suck in FE11 for the most part and leveling them up is an absolute pain.
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