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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life


    Speaking from a nation that smokes a ton of nargila... Apple is shit. Try watermelon or peach, those are delicious.
  2. Life


    Then the bailouts which did... what exactly? Saved them? That's why European companies are suddenly more successful in the USA than American ones? Sure. The banks are a mess. The auto industry is essentially gone. Please proceed. By the way, important to note that all that money that Obama sunk into the auto industry and banks as direct cash in the pocket could have gone towards something like... Obamacare or education or all the other goodies that Obama vowed to patch up in 2008.
  3. Everyone in Colorado. Time to move to Boulder, weed is legal.
  4. No, the .RAR version. No shit the .EXE version.
  5. Life


    Do you honestly think that a man in the position of the presidency can get away with a "get rich quick" scheme like that? You're basically calling Romney's economic policies a money sham. Note: If the economy sinks, it hits the rich harder than the poor since they have more to lose. Obama has placed the brunt of costs squarely on the backs of the same group of people he vowed to protect. We've got like... 4 years of evidence to back up those claims. The man hasn't helped your country financially whatsoever. He's sunk it into even more debt (speaking of which, I wonder when China decides that they want their money back since this was a loan and not a present). And that's before talking about the joke that we call is diplomatic skills.
  6. Life


    >Implying that Romney's lifetime of experience in the private sector is worth less than Obama's failed four years and two years tennis experience prior to that lol Seriously, I'm sick of seeing this argument. Is it just a coincidence that anyone who knows anything about the economy was voting for Romney?
  7. The problem here is that your way of giving scores is flawed. Hear me out though. Supports... don't actually mean much. There are very few enemies that someone like Brom (someone who supports with Boyd that got a 7 in Utility) now 1HKOs even with +3 Attack (this is before assuming that Boyd is beside him, of course) but only 2HKOs without it. Supports (and especially Attack) are pretty much negligible since you will have a team that pretty much 2RKOs or ORKOs the game with no support help, no matter and +2 Attack won't make a significant difference at all. The next problem is you attempting to separate Efficiency/Speed from Stats/Combat. The thing is that a man like Boyd (who has the most ridiculous offense ever) does affect efficiency in a positive way because he can help with routs and taking down bosses. I can rescue/drop him and put him in range of... let's say Gashilama in Chapter 14 and Boyd will guarantee me a 2RKO (which requires 31 Attack) when nobody else can (short of overleveled promoted units). Efficiency has a toe in the door of Combat, like it or not. And vice versa. Lastly, your Utility category is a bad idea. To have this category and completely disregard flier utility is asking for problems. Seriously man. Give it a rest at this point. Do this stuff in Microsoft Word, at least it won't criticize you on mistakes in your basic way of thinking.
  8. You guys are also forgetting that Wily created fucking Colonel.
  9. Life


    The problem is that Obama is going to sink the USA into a financial and diplomatic hole. A lot of people who voted for him only did so because they can't connect with Romney and don't realize that the harm that he (Romney) will do to the social policies of the country is nothing compared to what the economy will look like in another 4 years. Basically, if none of you think that the economics apply to you, tell me that again when a loaf of bread costs $15.
  10. Life


    I'm waiting for the exodus to Canada and Israel and other countries to start. I wonder if it'll be before or after the USA recedes into a third world country. You realize why, right? Obama runs the most powerful country in the world and has a big say on the politics that go on in my country. Israeli elections are in January and Netanyahu may have just been fucked. I'm voting for Yair Lapid anyway but still.
  11. Canada Day is July 1 while Independence Day is July 4.
  12. Life


    Didn't start in Israel. Started in Canada. But that's another story. Rollies are still cheaper than actual cigarettes though.
  13. Life


    I buy Winston Lite. Prices are going up on cigarettes here (20 shekels for Nobless, wut) but at 24 shekels, it's not that bad. $6 for 20.
  14. So for Halloween this year, New York decided to dress up like New Orleans.
  15. Life


    How many people here smoke? If you do, what brand? How long? Be interesting to know how many smokers (tobacco, not weed) actually exist on the forums. Me, I've been smoking for two years. Kinda hard not to in the army and in a country where 95% of the population sees no problem with it. Not that often though.
  16. Status reports? Let's see... Tales of Vesparia - Round 1 of my 7/7 Completionist run. At Zaude I believe. Assassin's Creed 2 - Efficient run is essentially done. Year 1499 so about to go after Rodrigo Borgia. Bioshock - Neptune's Bounty. Somehow, I keep dying and don't understand why. Maybe I should move to Normal instead of Hard... Fallout 3 - Storywise? Haven't met Three Dog (essentially got my info on Dad from Colin Moriarty and that's it). But I'm level 9 and I've been doing other quests like Trouble in Big Town, not to mention getting into Paradise Falls. Evil Karma. Prince of Persia - Almost finished off the Hunter, no other Corrupted fallen. Portal 2 - After the big plot twist, stuck underground. Borderlands - Roid Rage Psycho. Bastard won't die. Eternal Sonata - Believe that I'm past Agogo Forest but no clue how far past it. That's about it. Plus League of Legends.
  17. Kiriane, hang on with the guy. Look, we're all learning here and badgering him about aggressiveness isn't going to help. Let him feel comfortable with last hitting and then he'll learn how to play aggressive between the hits.
  18. Karel. It's going to take me a while to start since I need to power through ENM but I can play on base due to going to kav and having FE7 on my phone. EDIT: Quick analysis of my opponents. Ghost: Not really worried about this team. Sure he's got Florina but the rest of the team isn't so hot. Oswin is going to soon be useless due to rushing maps fast, Dorcas' speed is very unimpressive (and less so without LHM) and Lucius is still made of paper. There's also no healing here until Lucius promotes, making the earlygame harder (decently easy with Oswin and Dorcas until Flo joins). Overall: Mediocre. Otacon: This would be a great team if not for two flaws: No offense until Sain and no flier/waterwalkers for Chapter 25 and 28x. Luckily, Sain joins when Marcus leaves and 28x isn't mandatory. He's going to PFoD Jerme but should be OK. Overall: Pretty good but no earlygame save for Marcus. Life: I feel like I have the most balanced team here. In HNM, Lowen has no doubling problems and with no LHM, Sain and Kent lose that level advantage. Ergo, best Cav. Guy is there for instant offense when I need it and the vast majority of my team comes early. I would have liked Legault or Lyn instead of Guy but sure. BBM: Mediocrity until Fiora. exiled: Pretty good team. This will be a dogfight over turncounts. I'm planning out how to take the chapters now. Can Matthew's thieving skills be free for Chapter 15? There's no chest key before the chapter so only Otacon can get the shit in that chapter as it stands.
  19. I've thought it over a lot and I shall be drafting Guy.
  20. Dart. Thanks for the waterwalkers.
  21. Life will be taking Farina.
  22. Army and stuff has me busier than you guys would like but still. HNM? No doubling problems. Lowen.
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