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Everything posted by Life

  1. I may not be born here but I live here now. Plus there are two factors you're missing. 1. Dont hate Arabs. Just terrorists who throw rockets at my country and city. They hit my mall in Beer Sheva so you know. But Nightmare is one of my best buddies here to give you an idea. 2. I said this in 1 but rockets are hitting my city. Do you blame me? General answer is avoid civilians as much as possible but it's a lot harder on this case. It's a question that I don't want to answer though because of what commanders have told me to do. No more time to answer.
  2. Update: Rocket just hit Tel Aviv.
  3. Appreciated. Seriously. Can't confirm or deny if I'll be on the front lines. Just one thing so that everyone knows. We have no beef with the people. Our fight is with those who shoot Qassams at our people and cities. My shopping mall in Beer Sheva took a rocket yesterday. Don't get fooled by reports of the IDF going after civilians, they're not true. If you guys can spread the word, thanks.
  4. Where's the Facebook page that has the attendence thing? Wanna put "Life is attending". In all seriousness, shit's going down. Rockets are hitting Kiryat Malachi and Rishon Letzion and Egypt is planning on cutting ties with Israel. No ground strike has been called yet but Gaza might end up getting razed at this rate. Predictions?
  5. We got hit by something like 200 rockets in 2 days (including a couple that hit my city), took out the Hamas commander as retaliation and got another 50 or so instead of them agreeing to the ceasefire. I don't blame them for not agreeing but they started first and we got their leader. Bad mistake on Hamas' part.
  6. Check the news. This'll get interesting. As for myself, I can neither confirm or deny anything.
  7. Who the fuck made Integ a mod? Might as well have made me, can't do much more damage to the forums...
  8. It goes beyond that. The biggest problem is the fact that you don't know how to be consistent (consistently wrong doesn't count). You nearly equated Boyd's supports to Reyson's real utility and claimed that when side by side, Boyd's supports are nearly as good as Reyson's refresh ability.
  9. My internet just crapped out, Eclipse. Posted from my phone. Sorry.
  10. Because the community is ass for the most part.
  11. FE9 Stefan. The best infantry unit in Ike's army unless you purposely pump up Mia or Boyd or someone specific to be better.
  12. My entire family lives in Canada. I live in Israel. Aside from flying to Canada or them flying to here, how else will I see them?
  13. There's a Donkey Kong reference in Baten Kaitos: Origins as well. Brilliant one too. Looking at my Xbox games, Tales of Vesperia has the obvious Tales cameos, Portal mentions Half-Life a good half a dozen times and Prince of Persia has an Assassin's Creed poke (Find the Assassin's View). Oh and the Riddler in Arkham Asylum asks if you're checking your answers on the internet but that doesn't really count.
  14. I don't believe in scores. You can't accurately describe a unit with one because every unit has positives and negatives everywhere. If Soren gets a 4 and Geoffrey gets a 4, it doesn't mean that both suck. Soren's just mediocre (and a magic user) while Geoffrey comes at a shitty time (he's essentially usable for 4 chapters and 2 of those don't exactly have him doing much). Words explain the situation more.
  15. Titania: The best unit FE9 bar none. Except Bastian because the man talks like Shakespeare who got high on cocaine. In all seriousness, Titania is the best unit in the game when it comes to Efficiency and/or Speed runs and simply quite awesome on regular runs. She comes in Chapter 1 with decent base stats for a promoted unit (she could use a little more strength) but fucking hell, check out those growths. Better defensive growths than Ike in 80/40/45 (and I was busy slobbering over Ike's) and good Str/Spd growths in 45/50. Titania's offensive and defensive capabilities can be expected to stay high throughout the entirety of the game. I'm going to pass over any "she sucks up Exp" comments with a reply of "BExp says hi" and move on to advocating feeding Titania early bosskills. For killing a boss, a unit gains an extra 45 Exp (15 for HM, 30 for Boss Exp), no matter how high of a level that unit is. That 45 Exp goes a lot longer of a way on Titania since she needs to kill a lot of minions to equal that amount of Exp. However, if Boyd or Oscar were to kill Zuwana, that 45 Exp goes more to waste because both gain a lot of Exp from regular mook kills. I know I didn't phrase this paragraph well but basically, give Titania boss kills. You'll appreciate it more. Titania also starts off with amazing weapon choices to complement her stats. She uses every Axe in the game at base level and can also do the same with Killer/Laguz Lances. A single proc in Str lets her wield Hand-axes without AS loss (14 Spd at ??/1 is already good so this ensures doubling at range) and by the time heavier axes come into play, Titania should have more than enough Str to not lose AS from them. There's really not more to add here. Obviously Titania slows down as the game progresses and Oscar starts to match her but she remains a very solid combat unit right up until the end of the game, similar to how Seth was in FE8. Being mounted allows her to create rescue chains (awesome) and Light affinity gives her really good supports (Acc is always welcome when using Axes), most notably with Boyd. The Boyd support is a bit slow (20 Chapters to A can go fuck itself) so Rhys and Mist exist (with Mist having similar movement on promotion) for quicker supports. tl;dr On the whole, fantastic unit no matter what type of play. Invaluable when playing quickly and/or efficiently and just overall solid for any run. No actual flaws exist here.
  16. This isn't to mock Snowy, it's literally to show how to do this thing. We shall start the list. Ike: Ike is a Lord. Your FE9 Lord to be exact. Anyone who has played this series probably thinks that because of that, he starts shitty and ends... mediocre. Well... not exactly. Ike's base stats aren't that stellar (alright, they're downright shit with defensive parameters of 19/5/0 and 5 Str working in combination with 7 AS) but his growths look like he's just started to take steroids. 75/40/40 are growths worthy of being an Armour Knight (I'm not kidding here, Brom has 75/55/25 while Gatrie sits at 80/60/30, barely more than Ike defensively) and 50 Str and 55 Spd will get his offense up to par very quickly. We're talking like Sigurd/Celice growth rates, not Eliwood/Roy style. This shit is bananas. Ike does have a few downsides. Weak bases have already been covered and he's also got swordlock which starts to hurt at about... Chapter 4. That being said, he also gets the Regal Sword then which gives him 14 eff Mt before Str on Cavalry and Armours. It's a bit of a nuke on harder earlygame enemies but it doesn't do much. No 1~2 range also means that he'll always just stand and take 2 range shots but that's pretty much a given with swordlock. 6 Move isn't great but most of the units in this game are infantry so I'd rather call 6 Move average and give points to Cavs for being redonkulous. Aside from that, Ike goes into beastmode if he's about 10/0 by the end of Chapter 8. His defensive growths should have started to kick in by now (26/9/4 on average with the possibility of the Chapter 1 Seraph Robe) and there's no reason why he shouldn't be doubling everything in sight. While being a lord, Ike promotes at the end of Chapter 17 (midway through the game) so he's a bit later than the rest of the team but not Roy/Eliwood late. After that, Ike is simply a very good infantry unit who turns into God after Chapter 27 because let's face it, the last two and a half chapters are just an interactive cutscene while Ike slaughters everything with Ragnell. Speaking of Ragnell, let's just get into how ridiculous this weapon is (because I can). 18 Mt, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, 1~2 range, +5 Def and infinite uses. Wut. Even the Sword of Seals or Tyrfing break sometime (and let's not get into the fact that Tyrfing is nothing special due to Holsety, Ichival and the Balmung). This may be the best holy/ultimate weapon of all time for a Lord. Anything that gets hit by this thing dies. Sure it's got 20 Wt but that means nothing when your Lord can wield it without AS loss at 20/6 on average. Ike's usually 20/20 when he gets it. All of Ike's other features are pretty groovy pants. Since this is the only game where supports are actually attainable, Ike's got a WTF double Earth support with Oscar that is fully done by about... Chapter 13. That's +30 Avo on a unit that should be sitting at 38 natural Avo at about 13/0. Titania and Soren are both early supports with Soren's bonuses being a bit better (the downside is Soren himself) while more mediocre supports in Lethe/Ranulf/Elincia are in the future and simply give those units some much needed Avo (because while the cats are Laguz, neither can really take that many hits and 10/15 Avo does wonders). Ike's skills are also pretty good. Aether is a free Sol/Luna rolled into a single skill while combinations like Wrath/Resolve help Ike take down the BK in Chapter 27 fast, not to mention turning the man unkillable. Just for shits and giggles, IF an enemy were to get Ike down to 50% HP in Chapter 29, this is what they'd be facing. Ike would have 57 Att with Ragnell from 1~2 range, 75 Crit and something retarded like 148 Avo with A Oscar and B Soren. And on the off chance that something manages to hit him, they still have to go through Ike's 28 Def with Ragnell attached to dent Ike's still 25 HP. In case any of you were wondering, Berserk Ashnard has 160 Hit so even the final boss can't really touch Ike. On the plus side, he does 2HKO Ike (assuming he can touch the man) but 60 Att is pretty much enough to 2HKO even Giffca so Ike still stands out. tl;dr Ike has a shaky start like all lords but once he gets over that hump, he'll turn into a wrecking ball of chocolatey nougat fuck. Care for him in the early chapters and he'll never disappoint.
  17. It's not that complicated to come up with a system of how good a character is. It's called a verbal review, not numbers. If we really need numbers, use a 1-5 scale with no decimals. And "lol" at the "lack of integers", like everyone else. An integer has no decimal. Speaking of which, how does Ike get 7.75 on Utility just for his supports? That's just a silly score. No foot unit (least of all Ike who needs to be ferried to seize squares) should be getting more than a 2 in Utility unless we're talking about Reyson/healers/siege bombers.
  18. Life


    Pretty sure Romney had it right on this one. Or maybe I'm just dreaming of rocket attacks on Be'er Sheva?
  19. Life


    I'm more ranting at the Jews that supported Obama (my aunt included) but it's becoming a general hate thing. I'll cool off tomorrow.
  20. Life


    You're not exactly correct. In fact... you aren't really correct at all. First of all, it was my choice to move to Israel. I'll grant you that. But when your country is directly responsible for my country's future and the worst possible man for the job gets voted in, that means that I'm screwed because of... you. Secondly, I can be 100% sure that Obama isn't on Israel's side because he still refers to the West Bank as "occupied territories". It's Israeli land. We treat the Arabs in our country like equals (did you know that Arab parties in the Israeli government hold 7/120 seats all together?). If Egypt attacks Israel, will Obama seriously condemn the attack? What about if Lebanon does? He clearly sees Israel in the wrong no matter what (not to mention that he hates our PM). We have elections coming up at the end of January. There will probably be a war here by next June. Probably with Hamas again. War will happen, the question is when and with who. I know I'm voting Yair Lapid but the chance that Netanyahu gets back in just got a lot higher. Last point. Wars here are still fought with guns. I don't do guard duty with a loaded rifle just for show.
  21. Life


    Romney wouldn't be offering my country piece by piece to appease religious psychos. Romney wouldn't just sit by, let Iran acquire a nuke and then after Tel Aviv is nothing more than a hole in the earth, say "Oops, I guess they were actually going to do that". There was supposed to be a war here last year. It didn't happen thanks to under-the-table deals made but there will be one within the next two years for a fact. And it will also be the first war in Israeli history where America stood firm... on the side of murderers. Yeah, sure it's the Middle East and you're all in America and what does it matter to you but if a war breaks out here, there might just be one less poster on SF.
  22. Life

    Whatever, shit happens. I can only hope that the next 20 years are quiet since otherwise, I'm in the middle of the war.

  23. Life


    In case anyone here doesn't understand why I'm so bitter, I'll spell it out to you. Thanks America. You have doomed Israel. And me. Israel's only hope in surviving the next 4 years now hinges on the civil war in Syria since they're too busy hating each other to worry about us.
  24. Life


    You see them running on a functional level but Obama did nothing to solve the problems. AKA futures of the banks and auto industry. When their current capital runs out (which it will), what then? Don't wait to tell me, I'll probably be in the middle of a war by that time because Obama will probably start trying to give the Negev back to the Iranians on the grounds that it was part of Persian empire 2000 years ago and we should go back to those borders. I have my own country to worry over.
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