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Everything posted by Life

  1. Like I said, I'm undecided on Bizz. She doesn't feel like mafia but still some sort of detriment to us. I'd rather feed her rope to hang herself than do it myself.
  2. No, I'm didn't. I moved it because (1) I want to focus on you and (2) I don't like being called a hypocrite.
  3. What HAS she posted? Haven't seen much from her at all.
  4. Two reasons. 1. I'm kinda busy IRC with packing to fly to Canada so I'm not as active as I'd like to be. Like even posting 2. While you might not be mafia, I honestly believe that you're a negative for the town. Or that you'll drive us into a hole by lynching whoever you want or that you're actually anti-town but some sort of wolf. It's this gut feeling I have. But hey, if it really bothers you that I have a vote on you, I'll move it. ##Unvote ##Vote: Kay Start talking.
  5. What are we, your personal vote bitch? I want reasons to follow you rather than you dictate to us how to vote. For the record, I personally don't think that you're mafia but it's starting to frustrate me when you tell me how to vote.
  6. This is just telling me that Ike is overwhelmingly happy to be a father and that his wife and child are healthy. Now this version of that scene is not telling us, but SHOWING us that Ike is overjoyed about being a father by describing his gestures and body language. It's also even showing that Elincia is just as overjoyed by saying that she's smiling. Granted, I may not do a good job of this all the time. Nobody's perfect, after all. But I definitely understand how to show and not tell. Only saw this now. And actually... you kinda of have it backwards. As in, you're completely wrong. The first example is great. Very simple and clean. The second example is explicitly drilling into my head (AKA telling me outright) that Ike is very happy. I don't need all that description. Basically, the first example is showing and the second example is telling. First lets me imagine the scene. The second has a firm picture splattered on the side of my skull.
  7. Then those people are fucking retards and deserve to have their throats slit wide open from ear to ear. As a general rule, when two people have a PRIVATE conversation, the chance that you can lead the conversation where you want it to go is very high if you know what you're doing. When a third party is in this conversation, the change of getting this same information takes a nosedive because the person immediately becomes a lot more cautious of what they are saying. Now imagine nine pairs of prying ears instead of only one.
  8. It's not that easy. OC requires a completely different skillset. Depending on how many factions exist, you can co-ordinate deals and exchanges and stuff. Even without, you can more accurate gauge how truthful a person is because it's 1v1 conversations. Here, everything's out in the open. It's a lot harder to provoke the response that you're looking for, especially with so many prying eyes. No thoughts yet on scorri and Blitz, need to reread the thread for them.
  9. That's called "being sarcastic" and "making a joke based on true things that I've mentioned above". Funny how you comment on the one thing that was said in jest but ignore the valid stuff.
  10. What passive-aggressiveness? Please point it out to me rather than stum accuse me.
  11. Time to be frankly honest. I feel really fucking vulnerable in NOC because I feel like just a lamb to the slaughter. It's a really frustrating feeling because I can't go out and create some sort of safety net or help co-ordinate the town or I don't know what. I'm sitting here with my thumb up my ass and I'm not liking it. Not one bit. As for "food for thought", here's what I think about the town. Until this point, that is. - Bizz is still my number 1 suspect for a number of reasons. She usually posts a whole pile of nothing in every game (that's me being nice, worthless bile may be more accurate since it just bloats up the thread) but the tone here is more of a "listen to me, I know what's going on" one. She's being a bit of a bully in a sense. There's names being tossed out left and right (from her) and it seems like she's trying to get an army of followers to catch onto a single point and start saying "Hmm, you know she might just be right". Like I'll mention below. Oh and like Eclipse said, Bizz immediately gets jumpy when someone mentions her. - As Bizz did say (and this is going to make me look like a sheep), Paper IS passively agreeing with just about everything these days. Don't know what to make of that but might be a good idea to keep tabs on it. - Bal's giving me weird feelings. Not necessarily scum but I think he's still hiding something aside from the obvious role PM. That's about it. But pardon me for making a list because THAT LOOKS SCUMMY, RIGHT BIZZ?
  12. Anyone who looks like that they're trying to actively control the lynch. Hence my vote on Bizz.
  13. Sorry, war nearly broke out and a rocket almost killed me last week. Pardon me for not caring about FE9 so much. Oscar: Oscar is... solid. There are really no bad points about him except for the fact that he's not Titania. But nobody is. Let's start with the bases. For a level 3 unit in Chapter 1, his defensive bases of 26/8/0 are the best you'll find for a while (Titania, Gatrie and Shinon excluded from this group). His offensive skills are slightly less memorable with 6 Str having him lose AS from every lance you see but a 45 growth rate should change that soon. Same thing with Speed (7 AS with a 45 growth rate) so doubling shouldn't be a problem after the early chapters. And he's mounted. Canto. 8 move BEFORE promotion. Which is WTF ridiculous, mind you. You'll find slower units really having a harder time keeping up in this game, especially with no Warp staff existing. Being able to carry everything and their mothers (aside from untransformed Mordecai before promotion) is incredible utility simply for the fact that Mia has now just been upgraded to 9/10 move and maybe more depending on the length of the Rescue chain. There's really no negatives for Oscar. Base stats and growths? Very nice. Mounted unit? Wonderful. Dual wielding Lances and Axes after promotion? Cash. Earth affinity and double Earth supports with both Ike and Tanith? Shit son. If Titania didn't exist, I'd be pushing for Oscar to be the perfect unit of the game. tl;dr: All positives, no negatives. Slow(er) start shouldn't discourage you from raising him.
  14. That means work. What circle of hell did I enter coming into a NOC game? I'm bored to shit.
  15. What the fuck is an RVS vote or whatever?
  16. Lord: Leaf Cavalier/Paladin: Kent Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Stefan Fighter/Warrior: Johalva Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee (like no other exist) Mercenary/Hero: Gerik Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight: Florina Wyvern Rider: Cormag Sniper: Wil (manages to always turn out decent for me) General: Oswin Sage: Pent Priest: Saul Cleric: Rana Thief/Assassin: Legault Beast Laguz: Mordecai Bird Laguz: Naesala Dragon Laguz: Nasir Manakete: Myrrh Dancer/Bard etc: Sylvia Druid: Niime Pirate/Berserker: Hawkeye
  17. Actually... ##Vote: Bizz You're going after people's throats and then immediately fighting back when someone mentions you. This is not normal behaviour of someone who has nothing to hide.
  18. Spot #11 for me. Aged 21, birthday on Sept. 28.
  19. Maybe if you wait more than 1 phase, yeah. But waiting exactly one tells us how many mafias/kills are flying about and gives us a better chance at finding the mafia, don't you think? You're being extra defensive today.
  20. By the way, I'm super secret hidden wolf, everyone claim to me.
  21. So... I get home, look at the thread and I had a vote on me... because I'm returning to Mafia? Wonderful. Glad to know that this community still thinks I'm the devil. Anyways, I don't really have a vote to place because it's Cycle 1. Not Night 0 but Cycle 1. Probably a good idea to wait a cycle and for results of some kind.
  22. Now that ther's no more with Gaza, I can get back to FE.
  23. I really wish the US would stop pretending to understand the conflict better than Israelis and Palestinians. It's rather insulting that they believe that a ceasefire (for reasons that I will explain in a bit) is the true answer to peace.
  24. As all of you know, my brother [Life Admiral] (z"l) is a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. And last week, Gaza started raining rockets on Israel, who in turn responded with military action, including mobilizing my brother's unit. The army parked the ground forces near the border for about a week. Bet you Unfortunately, during the rocket attacks on these troops, one of them landed within the confines of my brother's company. 4 soldiers were hospitalized and my brother was killed instantly. My family received the news last night and will be flying out to Israel for his funeral. All of us are in pain from this attack. suckers believed My brother was proud to be a part of the IDF and we are proud of him. He was a hardworking soldier and even earned his commander's pin during the ceremony for his beret (his current avatar). He was well loved by his friends, commanders and family and we will miss him dearly. this crap. Why am I tell you this? Because he left me a message for this forum in case anything would ever happen to him. I've put it in spoiler tags because it is quite long. Still alive.
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