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Everything posted by Life

  1. You can be the straightest man on Mars and still be a faggot.
  2. That's fine but I can't carry games as a Support when Jax appears in Bot lane after 10 minutes with four kills and a nearly completed Trinity Force. I can carry but when people are near the point of intentionally feeding, I just don't have enough power myself to counter carry.
  3. Seriously? Do I have to spell it out for you? I'm calling you a faggot. Not a gay man, just a faggot.
  4. Oh dear god... Taken from Urban Dictionary. You do the math.
  5. The difference between us is that I'm not flaming. That immediately kills your chances.
  6. Enjoy the avatar. You should add me on like Skype or something.

  7. Here's a hint for you. Fallout 3 is more realistic of a shooter (like holding your gun and stuff) than Call of Duty.
  8. I now have 10GB of data on my phone. Absent no more.
  9. How I know that I'm in ELO Hell: First pick bans Sona/Soroka/Leona, autolocks Yi and claims ADC. Umm... No. It frustrates me that my ELO keeps dropping due to Mid and Top feeding so hard, no matter how much I rape Bot. Fed my Graves nice and well playing Blitzcrank and it means nothing when Jax can tower dive us at Level 13 and not feel a thing thanks to a retard in Top.
  10. You'd spend your time better by playing Fallout 3 and being overloaded with stuff all the time.
  11. In related news, Portal 2 is fun but hard. Cost me only 200 shekels. EDIT: I would also like to add that I have now been a valued (HAHAHA) member of this community for three years now and this would be the perfect time to announce that I'm running for the job of God of Serenes Forest. Move aside Jyo, YOU SHALL BE ENDED.
  12. 1. Reagan didn't build a strong economy. He just managed to strengthen it. And while you're right about Hoover fucking up during the Depression, you forgot to mention that FDR was also skilled in business (being a corporate lawyer, he knew more about the failings of companies more than the average man) and pulled America out of the Depression with a combonation of his New Deal and wartime production. 2. Look at the unemployment rates. Companies didn't lay off workers, they went bankrupt. And I can guarantee that Obama was not for business growth through rebuilding from scratch. Remember, this is a man that doesn't have experience in the private sector. He just doesn't (not a negative). So you may excuse him for thinking that laying off people sounds counterproductive.
  13. Are you truly that stupid? He's saying that I'm cynical and bitter because I have a small penis (I am perfectly proud of my average sized cock).
  14. I wouldn't believe anything that Romney says about Obama or the opposite because both sides are trying to sling as much mud at the other as possible. And when it comes to economical policies, I'd trust Romney a lot more than Obama. Romney actually understands business. Obama does not. Proof? Well, the US auto industry is about sunk right now and it wasn't when Obama got in. Maybe laying off workers in the short run to get the companies to actually gain capital sucks now but in the long run, it produces more jobs than it lays off.
  15. You must be absolute tone deaf.
  16. Never beaten FE11 before, mostly because I got bored. Mostly because I can't be assed to reclass every chapter and I never liked the game. But I'm bored so... yeah. Pick my team and I'll beat this game for you on H3. Team: Maria (Cleric -> Sage) Gordin (Myrmidon -> Paladin) Midia (Dracoknight) Cain (Cavalier -> Paladin) Caeda (Mage -> Sage) Astram (Horseman) Barst (Fighter -> Hero) Linde (Mage -> SM)
  17. I promise you this. In a couple of years, people will start looking back at FF13 and say "Honestly, that game wasn't that bad. Sure, it's not like traditional FF games but as a standalone game, it was well done". Hopefully. I enjoyed 13 and it doesn't deserve all the flak that it got. Quick review on the FF games I've played: 1 - Can get frustratingly hard at points because you really need to find your way around that game. No real complaints aside from spells costing an assload of money. 2 - It's FF2. As hard as you try to like it, the game is determined to kick you in the balls, especially on a first runthrough. I don't like training Josef/Ricard/Minwu/ect. just to have them die 5 minutes later. Not to mention the horrid level up system. 4 - Bores me to tears. I get to Scarmiglione and then I have to put it down. 5 - Very well done. Writing is atrocious for the most part but since when has FF had golden scripts? The idea to have all of Galuf's shit transfer over to Krile means that I can train Galuf and not lose progress. 6 - Golden. Very enjoyable final boss (can't say the same about any other game) and WoR makes up for the slowness of WoB. Pity that Ultima ruins the fun. 7 - Another game that bores me. Just can't get into it. 8 - The single worst game in the series. 9 - Another masterpiece. Legitimately fun but that card game bothers me (it's just... there. Doesn't do anything). 10 - The only game when the bosses actually made me rage-quit. Seriously. Seymour Flux can go suck it. 13 - I enjoyed it. A lot more customization exists than what meets the eye (money isn't exactly plentiful in this game until Chapter 11) and the characters are all really well balanced with the exception of Sazh (who is the best character by a mile for the first half of the game and still suffices for the second half). That's about it. Tactics can suck my cock.
  18. Nothing wrong with that. IX is commonly known as a wonderful video game. I love VI myself.
  19. No role from Bullshit Mafia made this game subpar.
  20. I wouldn't say that I'm playing wrong just because a Rylai's gives Cho everything he wants plus retarded utility. I'd just say that he's not at the level of other supports until then.
  21. This is my thoughts on building him: Red gp5. Yellow armour. Blue scaling mres. gp5 quint. Start: Boots/Ward x2 (500/500) Back #1: Ruby Crystal/Ward x3/SWard x1 (800/1300) Back #2: Heart of Gold/Amplifiying Tome/Ward x3/SWard x1 (1135/2435) From there, Rylai's and support items. Should work in theory.
  22. On guard duty on base and I just came up with a sick idea. Support Cho'gath. He might need a Rylai's for ultimate utily but runes and masteries can make up for the money loss of a Philo Stone. Want to try this out when I get home.
  23. An INT or fumble means nothing if you go 1-2-3-Out right afterwards.
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