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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Seeing that it might just as well be a sort of mocking/taunting gesture just as well.
  2. I'm still of the opinion that if she's to take any kind of major screen role estate it'll probably be in the 3rd path.
  3. So did I get this correct, the awakening style pair up only gives you the defensive option, while you only get offensive option by standing next to each other and not in a pair-up state?
  4. So can we assume something on the lines of Kamui having "major" dragon blood and hence the ability to transform, while the others have merely "minor" blood and thus only have greater stats/potential?
  5. After Aizen I'll never be able to take Hayami seriously ever again.
  6. So it might be a hostage exchange situation if Aqua was given to Hoshido after Kamui was kidnapped.
  7. That's an interesting theory, but she doesn't really resemble anyone in the royal family, but then again neither does Kamui.
  8. Should I be ashamed I accidentally read that as Rad Knight?
  9. Haven't we seen enemy pair up in trailers way earlier?
  10. It maybe fun for some, but doesn't that just defeat the whole point of a strategy rpg?
  11. Well I suppose you can view it as a built in pseudo godmode. Good for the occasional laugh, but not much else.
  12. The issue with phoenix mode just seems to be that it just makes the entire gameplay aspect redundant if you can just zerg rush everything knowing that parring having a nuke dropped on you, you caan just keep swinging till all the enemies are dead. And if that's the case, why even bother paying for the game in the first place?
  13. Might as well turn phoenix mode into a heaven and hell mode. All units revived at the beginning of your next turn, but all of them die on one hit.
  14. So you can object when your opponent kills your character? *hides*
  15. So phoenix mode turns everyone into Gill?
  16. Well as far as I'm concerned deer!Dragon still looks better than a seahorse!Dragon.
  17. We'll all be playing ET in a virtual reality in 8.8D.
  18. They could although for the most part it was generally just mentioned in the epilogue with applicable pairings who had a maxed put support.
  19. So since were all up for starting a communist revolution I guess I'll name my Kamui Lenin in that case. Also that awful looking blue haired Kamui on the OP picture, god it looks horrible xD.
  20. Eh, I have such a massive backlog of games to play it'll easily tide me over until the eu release.
  21. It's a long shot, but if we count Kamui's manakete nature being some type of trauma activated "superpower" I guess he might have potentially reacted in an "incomplete" fashion when he saw his daddy dearest turned into a pincushion. Not enough to totally hulk out, but enough to give Gauron a clue that this little kid might just be worth snagging up for the future or something.
  22. This is a problem, on the other hand Nohr has boobs and the better imouto. But Hoshida has the lobster lord and Hinoka. Hmm..choices choices.
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