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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Thanks very much for your efforts. Small nitpick (which considering the non-existent knowledge of japanese I have feel free to disregard): The part around where Ryouma goes this is fpr father I can't help put to feel it should be more in the vein of You're not getting past here or I won't let you pass. Again I know nothing so it maybe just my imagination :P.
  2. Yeah was it Iwata who mentioned in twitter that the games shown would be the stuff of 2015 or early 2016?
  3. Instead of Xander should've just called him Alexander..and call the castle Brennenburg instead.
  4. Honestly, that wasn't a high standard to top.. Edit: Looking at the trailer the first purple explosion was apparently caused by some jackass with a glowing purple sword, so are these cultist weirdos the potential men behind the men?
  5. Great right in the middle of the night...
  6. I think it was in the schedule..
  7. Maybe, but they might not've won the genetic lottery as hard as Aqua did.
  8. That might be jumping the gun a little bit with what we know, it might just as well be that Aqua's "ability" may cause Kamui to berserk without her explicitly wanting it to happen. If so, then she might be willing to let herself get killed by Kamui as a for of atonement for the mayhem se wrought even if just accidentally.
  9. Fire Emblem Dual Destinies confirmed for copyright infringment.
  10. Also when Kamui was going nuts he was also covered in that purple flame-esque stuff, another connection?
  11. On the other hand those cutscenes looked damned amazing.
  12. Lol I laughed all the way to bank with that dubbing.
  13. Definedly need to see it again so I can focus not popping off on stream chat :P
  14. Sure I can see the context for the name, but it's still clunky as hell.
  15. I'm not all that upset over the concept of archetypes or expies per se, but rather that they just happened to put in the two characters I absolutely hated from awakening. I would've been snug as a bug in a mug if not!Inigo and not!Owain would've been replaced with say not!Brady or not!Batman.
  16. Reminds me of Blaze Union and the case with overusing Emilia.
  17. So are we gonna have Aqua as Catwoman to Kamui's Batman?
  18. I rarely dislike characters solely on their looks, their personalities are almost always the bigger deal breaker. So rocks shall fall and not!Inigo and not!Owain shall die.
  19. Don't really care if they have some "premier" pair like Chrom & Sumia or something like that planned ahead as long as they don't force it down my throat.
  20. If she pulls a Nashandra, the endgame will be one huge ass anti-climax.
  21. I've long since accepted that I'll always be treated as a sub-human mongrel by the industry at large.
  22. Not to mention the censoring arguably made it seem worse than it actually was.
  23. Didn't you know that life's all about that illusion of choice?
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