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Everything posted by Duke

  1. I guess it's good that the stream crapped out for me again, don't have to see the failure.
  2. This is painful to watch lol.
  3. Did they just recycle the Hierophant's hooded mug shot for the boss lol?
  4. Glasses guy looks hella suspect. Edit: Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Right what just happened, summary please good peeps.
  6. Ah forget this, this is such an unstable performance it just makes me angry.
  7. Oh now it's suddenly working, what the heck.
  8. I guess it's a good thing I can't see the stream, I'd probably not see anything from all my facepalming.
  9. So any one got an idea how to get this blasted thing from stopping it's endless buffering and actually showing me something?
  10. Sooo Gunther died cause plot or cause incompetence? Edit: ninja'd.
  11. Well rats, mine just refuses to load.
  12. God going through this sea of spam hype was an ordeal. Still Lilith has a human form? Didn't see that coming.
  13. As hyped as I can be, given the situation.
  14. A full course meal of fine eastern cuisine.
  15. Hopefully not, that tends to rob previous scenes of their emotional gravitas if there was any.
  16. I have a bad habit of spoiling the everloving crap out of most things, despite that it has rarely had a negative effect on my experiences.
  17. Pro tip: You must use Sakura to stand a chance.
  18. ^Pretty sure that's just an armored gauntlet..
  19. I can second that, as long as the children stay as a scramble-esque not relevant to story fluff I'm a-ok with it.
  20. If I didn't know better I'd say IS is personally going out of their way to add an expy for every goddamn awakening character I hated.
  21. They should just make it like touhou and cut the game short at some point, with some decapitated heads mocking you for going all ez mode.
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