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Everything posted by SEVA

  1. Find the bastard that wrote it and beat them up. Find them by taking out the letter in public and seeing who has a smug grin. Like, I don't usually beat people up, but that person would totally have it coming. And no, there isn't any chance of it not being a prank. Why do you ask?
  2. As a combat-based game series featuring mainly soldiers, of course Fire Emblem stars a cast of strong men and women. But, of course, some of them have more muscle mass than others. So, which one do you think takes the cake as the strongest? Of course there is a stat literally called 'strength' in the games, but I see it more as a measure of how damaging your attacks are. And that depends on a number of things, such as your grip, your stance and balance, your striking technique, knowing where to aim, etc., not just how much you lift. And besides, the value of the stat has not been consistent throughout the series. So, who do you think has the most sheer physical strength among the men and the women of Fire Emblem? And while we're at it, who's the weakest man and the weakest woman? Note: Characters who have a non-humanoid transformation, such as Laguz, only count in their humanoid form. Otherwise of course the giant dragons are going to beat everyone. (Apologies if there's already a topic like this.)
  3. Is the composer the same person as for Berwick Saga? The musical style seems kinda similar. I think there was even a melody straight from Berwick Saga in there somewhere. The music is damn good, too.
  4. Well, it's cool if someone managed to actually write this game to a cartridge and it works. However, the fact that the artwork on the front is just all the official Fire Emblem lords is weird. Nothing to do with the hack. The same person seems to be selling TLP and Corrupt Theocracy on cartridge as well, with more sensible cover art. EDIT: He's also selling an English translation of Binding Blade, which has photos of it running on a GBA SP, so I guess they're legit?
  5. Yeah, I think that might be partly it... Ray's faces look just a little too... masculine for young women? Maybe? I can't really claim that because I still can't figure out what exactly differentiates masculine faces from feminine ones. I mean, it's easy to make a face very obviously masculine, like if it looks like it was crudely carved out of solid rock, or if it has facial hair, but what if it's more subtle? I've been trying to figure this out for like a week now, and it's driving me mad! I looked the question up on the internet, of course, but none of what I read has completely convinced me. Like, for instance, deeply-set eyes are supposed to be masculine... but I've seen women with deeply-set eyes and men with shallow eyes and they still look like, well, their respective gender to me. This is gonna make me insane... Send help...
  6. Something about the way Ray does faces always bothers me a little. I can't quite put my finger on why. Don't get me wrong, it's still really good art, but... Eh, probably just me...
  7. I've seen some of the LP before. Actually, I've also watched some of someone else's LP of it. Chefmkt, I think. And your voice is honestly not that bad. You could use a better mic, but your voice itself is not bad. I've heard much worse voices. According to your figures, the full game will be at least 30/60%=50 hours long. At least. Don't underestimate how long that is. Sure, that wouldn't be the longet game ever, but it's still pretty damn long. For an indie/doujin game especially. And the fact that you've been working on this game for so long is all the more reason to cut out unnecessary work for yourself. If it's something you haven't made yet, don't 'relegate it to somewhere else in the game', don't make it optional, consider just getting rid of it altogether. You don't want to be taking another 8 years to finish the project, after all. What I'm basically saying is, you already have enought content for a full game. You've done a good job. Don't make it hard for yourself unnecessarily, especially if coming up with new content is becoming a problem. I personally would much rather see this project be finished sooner and lose a few hours of gameplay time than keep them and take several more years to complete.
  8. 30-45 minutes seems like a reasonable time for one dungeon. However, that's quite a lot of dungeons you've got going on there even now. Are you really so confident in your abilities as as a writer as to claim that all of them are absolutely necessary for the story you're trying to tell? As the Mario RPGs have shown us, 8 dungeons can be plenty enough for a fulfilling game. You're going on 40 now, and planning even more. You'll exceed the length of Radiant Dawn at this rate! As our good friend Will Shakespeare once said, "brevity is the soul of wit". Also, despite this (and other RPGs) being a story-driven game, it's still a terrible idea to stop introducing new gameplay things. Not mechanics necessarily, just... things. From major things like new party members to minor things like new puzzle gimmicks. If you need to cut out some dungeons, the ones that don't introduce anything new have to go first. If you get bored while developing, that should set off an alarm bell - of course, you probably will get a little bit bored since it usually takes longer to make things than to play them, but if you get really bored, the player will likely get bored too. After all, if you keep doing more or less the same thing over and over again, the player will be doing more or less the same thing over and over again. I haven't actually seen that much of this game, so this is mostly just general advice. Don't take it to heart. Oh, and don't feel you have to include every little bit of Touhou canon. (fanon?) I find that more focus on fewer things is generally better.
  9. Hey everyone! Today, I found out how useful it is to google your own game every once in a while. Firstly, Ethervil of Youtube has actually made a complete Let's Play of my game, which I honestly thought would not happen ever. Secondly, even more surprisingly, someone's written an article on TV Tropes dedicated to my game. I'll be honest, I always wanted to see a TV Tropes article on something which I made, but I thought Micro Emblem was the last thing that could possibly get me that dream, given how basic it is. Well, both of these things are extremely flattering to me, so I thought it's only fair to try to give them more publicity by posting them here.
  10. Hang on just a freaking second. Soshite tsudoishi star dust~♪ Anyway, JRPG battle music time!
  11. That's not a skirt, that's a tunic. It looks exactly like the regular male mages' clothes. And the hair is not exactly the same as Lute's hair, it's slightly shorter. So yes, you're probably the only one. If it's the legs that bother you, that's nothing new in this series.
  12. That's not Aureola, that's Ivaldi, the FE8 legendary light tome. Aureola has a sort of diagonal mesh of light beams across the whole screen; the four vertical light pillars is definitely Ivaldi. Is it sad that I recognise Fire Emblem magic tomes by a single frame of animation?
  13. The M&L series and SMRPG never did go 'unmario'. The new things in them were based on old things, such as Troopeas being based on Koopa Troopas and Choombas being based on Goombas. And even with the things that weren't based on anything, I still think that team has a much better grasp on what designs belong in the Mario universe. It's true for locations too - they weren't places that appeared in mainseries Mario games, but they felt like they could have. On the other hand, SPM came up with its own art style and tried to run off with it.
  14. Gamers are so spoiled nowadays! XD I think I see why Miyamoto might have made the suggestion. I think it's because Super Paper Mario was borderline not a Mario game. You keep talking about new characters, unique worlds and an original storyline, but SPM took those so far it really had little to do with Mario in the end. It's a platformer, but there are other platformers out there. Other than that, if you replaced the four main characters with original ones, a few enemies with original ones, and question blocks with something else, it would literally just be an original game. It would still be related to previous Paper Mario games, but not the main Mario series. A lot of the new characters and enemies introduced didn't look that Mario-y either. (And no, just being cartoony and colourful is not enough.) Miyamoto might have felt like IS is abusing his IP a little (they weren't, but it can come off like that) and that's why he told them to take it easy with their next game. However, the fact that they're doing it again is a bit worrying. I honestly wasn't expecting them to do that.
  15. I think you people might be underestimating just how many filthy casuals there are out there. I wouldn't be surprised if most (or at least a significant proportion) of the people who played Sticker Star had never played PM64 or TTYD and therefore thought nothing of it.
  16. Well, I don't think EXP ever did much. Doing the same thing through items, like Sticker Star did, is great and incentivises exploration. As for partners, this is more of a personal opinion, but I always thought they were done awkwardly. They're ok in the field, but in battle they just feel unnecessary to me. It's probably because battles are so heavily skewed in Mario's favour in terms of variety - Mario gets EXP, badges, jump and hammer attacks, star power and star power attacks. He's also the one who mainly takes damage and the one who blocks. All partners get is a few upgrades which give them one more move. In battle, partners feel a little tacked on, like "oh, we have these guys who do cool things in the field, we should probably have them do something in battle as well."
  17. I still feel like Sticker Star gets a disproportionate amount of hate. I understand that people think it doesn't live up to the first few games in the series, but that's no reason to treat it similarly to, like, Sonic 06 or Sonic Boom or something. It's not that bad. I, for one, really liked Sticker Star and I think this new game looks gorgeous. #unpopularopinion #dontkillmeplease
  18. SEVA

    Elibean Nights

    Well, hacks are very easy to play on mobile systems like phones. You just patch the rom the same way you would for a PC and from there it's literally the same as playing a vanilla GBA game. I don't think XNA has that kind of flexibility.
  19. I don't think pillars ever did give resistance, only defense and avoid. In fact, not many Fire Emblem games actually have any terrain that gives resistance. And even in those that do, it's quite rare.
  20. So do remixes of video game music count?
  21. SEVA

    maps, yknow?

    They all have horrendous height issues, but it's most noticeable in the top one. Don't just use exclusively 1-tile-tall walls, it's boring anyway. Judging by the way the stairs are set up, only the throne room should have 1-tile walls. The room it connects to needs 2-tile walls, the middle room needs 3-tile walls, and the section on the left needs mostly 4-tile walls. Refer to this tutorial for more info. The stairs going under the wall in the second map look a little odd, but it's a creative use for those tiles, so I suppose you can keep it. However, the vertical staircase is far too long and messes with the preception of height as well. I'm not entirely convinced those stairs in the third map work, but I see what you're trying to do. However, you'll probably need a different tile for that. Some of the chests are missing shading. That all being said though, these maps look like they could be quite fun to play on, so well done overall. You might need a few more pillars around, though, to break it up a little. The third map could do with being a bit smaller and with having more floor variety, too.
  22. Final chapter hype! Sigrid's negative EXP sounds like something that could happen due to a lousy EXP formula. If there's subtraction involved and the devs don't handle it properly, you could easily end up getting negative experience if your units are sufficiently higher level than the enemies. Only... Sigrid isn't even that high level, is she? I'm pretty sure you've got other units at a higher level, and they seem to be gaining EXP fine, so... I dunno, really. This LP really makes me wonder if I could do a better job at making an Android FE if I tried. I don't have time right now, but I could try at some point later. Could be fun.
  23. The protagonists are being pelted by a swarm of Meteor casters in the vicinity of the main antagonist's castle? What is this, Genealogy of the Holy War? This game wishes it could be Genealogy of the Holy War. Reeeeeealy wishes it could be. But, these bugs kind of bother me simply because they really seem like something which could be detected in one test playthrough, and then easily fixed. For instance, it looks like the developers accidentally gave Mary's class zero vision or something. Really makes me question just how much effort was (or wasn't) put into this game. Then again, I suppose it could be worse. It could be GhebFE.
  24. If treasure is randomised, maybe there's a small chance of getting a paragon scroll equivalent? Therefore making it not enemy-only? Or is there something I missed?
  25. I don't think it's been two months, so this wouldn't count as a necropost. Don't worry. Also, it's not like I don't appreciate my game being bumped up to the first page again. ^^ At any rate, I'm glad you're enjoying the game!
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