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May B.

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Everything posted by May B.

  1. I will also be pulling for all the colors, but let's not forget that Carrot Lance will have an upgrade, so they might make S!Xander more viable... or not My opinion for this banner is, reds: I would love Ike and Celica, I actually don't care about Ayra... I won't complain if I get her tho lol and if I get more than one, I might pass down her skills. blues: I love Shiida, not exactly the best blue tome user, but pulling for the characters you like is more fun imo greens: I kinda want every single one of them lol Hector because I need to complete my armor emblem, Deidre just because I find her one of the most beautiful characters in the series, and Bunnilla because of flier emblem (I didn't get witch Nowi so ;-;) colorless: I prefer Summer Gaius than Bridelia but LOL I am not complaining at all, and also Brave Lyn. I already have Mist as my 5 star healer, but Genny is also cool, and I like her character better
  2. Okay, I am finished with the halloween banner, I wanted Nowi but I got an Elincia, so I won't complain And it seems I am the only one that isn't amused by our new frozen-chick, I want Veronica, not a random chick out of nowhere ;_; Well, I am saving orbs for the new banner, for sure, blue is the weakest color, but I will be doing full summons anyways
  3. Hello :D A couple days ago I said that I had a problem bc I bought orbs but didn't receive them, so I contact apple and I will get a refund :D It's a relief rly Thank you @Rezzy @Nosmur and @Quintessence for helping me here I am kinda scared to buy orbs again lol but f2p life is not for me
  4. Yep, I am having fun lol And thank you also your marth profile pic is gorgeous
  5. Yep, when I make a purchase with my credit card, 3 things happen: I receive a message on my cellphone showing me the purchase (date, hour and how much it costs) It will appear on my bank acc I receive an e-mail from apple about the purchase, too, however this one I receive with a delay sometimes, and I still didn't receive x_x If I look on my purchases through apple's site, it only shows the orbs I bought last month Oh well, first time for everything I guess, I contacted them today, lets see how it goes..
  6. Yes, I tried that, but nothing changed x_x also restarting the app and the cellphone
  7. ARGH I am frustrated --' I bought orbs but they didn't show up, and of course the payment went in. I contacted the support and obviously they said "solve your problem with apple not us :)", but I still didn't receive the email from apple about my purchase, so I can't do shit, basically. I was having fun with this game, but I don't wanna play anymore if I don't get my orba or a refund ;-;
  8. No animal sacrifices... yet. But 3.50% pity rate helped a little bit, and I am currently only doing full summons (the only characters that I see myself sniping colors for are tiki, ephraim and olwen)
  9. Thank you (: Adult Tiki, Summer Tiki and Young Tiki... ;-; it was hard to let go, but I hope to get them back someday lol (Summer Tiki will be the hardest, but oh well, I will wait) Besides these 3, I had S!Camilla and S!Lucina, +spd Jaffar, +atk Klein, neutral Olwen (I prefer Olwen than Rein), male Corrin, lancer Azura, Ninian... and some others that I don't remember On my new acc I have PA!Azura, PA!Inigo, Sigurd+1, H!Henry+1, Mist, Hawkeye, Hinoka, vanilla Jakob. I also picked brave Ike
  10. Aaaand I am back. I stopped playing a couple months ago because I was stressed with the game and well, after I changed a little bit my mindset towards this game, I decided to come back :D I created a new account (I wanted Deidre + Axura, but I didn't have the patience, so I settled with Axura + PA!Inigo from the rerolls), and I am having so much fun :D I have so many units to level up lol but I reached 100k on TT so I am pretty satisfied. My first upgrade was my +spd -def Mae, now I am just saving 60k feathers so upgrade Alsharanna in one go That's about it ._.
  11. My birthday is the same as Eponine's... and that's funny, because she's my daughter lol
  12. Well, I ALWAYS marry Zero, and I use him as an Adventurer. My MU has +mag -str and is a witch. It gives zero a +6 mag bonus, and then I give him a forged shining bow. Holy Bowman is my secondary class ^^ But of course, this is a bit specific, not everyone likes to be a magic unit.
  13. *coughs nervously It's unfair how Kamui can marry anyone, and your siblings can't. I would marry Leon/Camilla, like, seriously. I ship Silas/Elise. I wanna marry Kisaragi. I feel like im the only one whos really feeling guilty here, but oh well... :'D
  14. Hey, anyone knows if Izana is a playable character?
  15. I'm kinda disappointed with the children thing coming back, but that's okay. I'm getting the vibe that this is not going to be that important, like it was in awakening. I tried once play fe:a without children (only lucina and her brother/sister, of course) and it was really nice. I'm thinking about doing the same thing in fe if. And yeah, not marrying Aqua as a girl is sad, but so be it. I will just reach the A support and pretend that we married.
  16. I thought I would be the only one voting for my Oboro :') Forget your precious Takumi u.u
  17. I think it would make things easier with all the discuss over marriage, like, you can choose what kind of ending you want with a character, but yeah, I agree that its not necessary, just an easier way to solve the "problem".
  18. Well, one thing that awakening didn't have, even with an avatar, was dialogue options. I don't believe that we'll have in if either, but... it would be nice, like, when you reach an A support there would be options of dialogue that determine your relationship with the character. Like... one option leads to a normal support, just the avatar & character as friends The other one leads to an ending together, but not a romantic one And the last option leads to a romantic end Of course, that would be exclusive for the avatar... Like I said, I don't think it will happen, but what you guys think?
  19. I'm more interested in Nohr, but I'll choose Hoshido first for two reasons: 1 To get used to the new mechanics and all that stuff 2 I'm kiiiinda obsessed with Oboro, and I really wanna seduce know her more.
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