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Everything posted by Luminothe

  1. I think there should be an exeption to the alt account rule. If smeone has multiple personality disorder they should be alowed to have two or more seperate accounts for their personalities. Ottherwise, this forum discriminates against those afflicted with said disorder. I like pie.
  2. you have to post a fact about me, since my post was above yours.
  3. has never seen anyone jump from a 56 story building while licking their bellybutton.
  4. I had wanted to join this forum for a while, but was not old enough. However, I then found out that this forum bases joining on clender age, and not maturity level. So I decided to join being a fire emblem obsessee. I stayed because A.) Its great to be able to discuss Fire emblem even though my reputation is so bad everyone disagrees with me automatically. and B.) Its fun.
  5. Because my poopies take so long, I have a variety of activities I enjoy during the waiting and wipind stages(For those who have forgotten or not seen the first topic, my usual poops take 3 hours. ! hour to get all the constipation out, a half hour of waiting, another hour of diahreah, and a last half hour of wiping). Firstly, I enjoy reading manga. For some reaso, manga is slightly more enjoyable on the toilet then when I'm not. It is always exciting to get the next issue of shonen jump in the mail on a day I have to poop. Secondly, if I am feeling hyperactive, I dance around the bathroom, swing from towel bars and shower curtain bars, jump up and down on the rim of the bathtub, and pretend to ballroom dance with my shower head while kissing it. I also enjoy my broken ds, as the screen is half detatched, and it makes funny noises its not supposed to. If I am really bored, I just decide to do one of my favorite regular pastimes. That being, licking the walls. The moral of this story is, poop can be fun if you set your mind to it.
  6. i still say Nephinel is his other alt...

  7. To answer Amelia: Go is an ancient board game creasted in china, it is considered the oldset game currently played. Just google kgs go server and they will tell you all about it To answer the person who gets grossed out at the mention of poopy: because it is fun
  8. Spamming on the kgs go server and then playing go.
  9. Well anyway I'm planning on doing it again, anyone want to join me this time?
  10. screw it Tatsumaki 30 TatsumakiBeta 30 Luminothe 6 AstraLunaSol 21 Soul 36 mikethc 30 CrashGordon94 32 Nephinel 31
  11. look at some of my previous posts <_<
  12. Ha ha, i think this makes me more hated than you Tatsumaki :P
  13. Tatsumaki 30 TatsumakiBeta 30 Luminothe 26 AstraLunaSol 22 Soul 34 mikethc 30 CrashGordon94 32 Nephinel 30
  14. current calender age-13 current maturity level-6 I still laugh whenever someone says the word poop. Especially..ha ha... poopy. BWA HA HA heh. i look a pi's boobs on the .Hack G.U. vol.2 cover and watch Orihime's jiggle in bleach shattered blade though so....
  15. Thank whoever invented prune juice.
  16. Tatsumaki 30 TatsumakiBeta 30 Luminothe 28 AstraLunaSol 28 Soul 32 mikethc 30 CrashGordon94 30 Nephinel 30
  17. you reported the topic?! Thanks alot now my warn staus will be bumped up again!
  18. Because it proves that someone has alt accounts. Its the only rule i do not think should be broken. And Luminothe thinks this comment is rather suspicious
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