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Everything posted by Luminothe

  1. Well you see, It is a little somthing called puberty. When females begin puberty,( puberty can begin anywhere from age 9 to age 15) he horomone estrogen is realeased in the females body, which develops the female sexual organs. When females grow breasts, a small bud will grow underneath the boob to be(fittingly called breast buds) and evaentually throughout the course of puberty grow into breasts. Usually, one breast will be fully developed beore the other, so females should not be concerened if their breasts seem lopsided at first(in fact, they will most likely catch the attention of more males). So, the significant difference in Mia's mamories is perfectly explainable by nature.
  2. I constantly here the statement that FE5 has "fake dificulty". This annoys me a great deal. Most people are calling "true" difficulty in Fire emblem beefed up enemies that make the game harde(and things along those lines). In my opionion, this is "Fake" difficulty. "Real" difficulty is putting the player in uique tactical situations where multiple backup plans and intricate strategies are required for progress. Thracia 776 happens to have alot of these situations. Seriously, anyone can hack the game and make enemies stronger, however the essence of true challenge lies in said situations.
  3. TThat doesn't cover all my symptoms.
  4. Would you know of anyone on these forums, If I ask in real life,I will be labeled as psychotic as I am under survailence(this is because of irrational behavior, I threatened to fake suicide, agitated states ect. ect.)
  5. Basically my symptoms are considered early signs as the disorder usually starts small but escalates.
  6. what is the process of turning them into dark warlords? Is there any special dialouge? How does it happen? Also, what do they mean when they say they"reborn" the captured children in ch.3, is that the same process as the dark warlords?
  7. I like to randomly google things. So, today, out of the blue, I decided to google schizophrenia. Now I'm scared. After looking down the line of symptoms, I felt that there was a distinct possibility that I may actually be schizophrenic!! Is there anyone on this board who would know about that?(I wasn't sure if this topic would be accepted anywhere else so I posted it in fftf. However this is a serious topic.
  8. Alright, I just managed to finish ch2x(not as hard as it looks surprisingly) and recruited lifis/safy. However, I found out that in that chapter fatigue carries over from ch2. THis totally screwed up my strategy and now i can't use Othin(nooooooooooooo!)and I wasted my life ring Havan so i could use him. Is there any more surprises I should expect in the next 6 chapters?
  9. take off the glasses and age me to 16 or 17
  10. which would I need to convert it to?
  11. Help I can't post it! (its a jpg file on image shack0
  12. YAY! I got a new digital camera for christmas Saturnalia so I can finally post in the picture thread. YAY!!!!! Until then, guess what I look like
  13. Did somebody say archetype? I actually do not have a lolicon inside of me. It is instead, a kitty.
  14. looking at the reception that shadow dragon recieved, less than one(ok, thats an exageration)
  15. Seriously how long has it been since the last FE game came out? Nintendos next game had better be a masterpiece for keeping us waiting for so long!!
  16. if you liked the lord of the ring books, another series you may like is the morgaine saga(not the morgaine from king arthur, someone completely diffferent). It is a four book series, the titles being: The gate of ivrel, the well of Shiuan, the Fires of Azaroth, and the Exiled Gate. Amazing series. The author is C.J. Cherryh
  17. After the bosss getting rediculously rng blessed multiple times causing me to restart multiple times, I have made it to chapter 2x. It looks really hard, any advice before I attempt it?
  18. I am afraid that that is hust another one of bk666's lies. Don't believe anything he says.

  19. Fury - 4 Tiltyu - 48 Skasaher - 18 Patty - 30 Nanna - 44 Tinny - 14 Lara - 36
  20. But don't you get that its wrong and driving me me to the point where I'm breaking exspensive equipment? Someones character is bad so deal with it is no excuse. Especially since our very school values that aspect of humanity above all others. The only legible excuse wou;d be if somthing was wrong with his neurochemistry. Nothing at all is wrong with him in that sense(other then a nervous tick).
  21. I have tried that already! please just make him stop! I seriously feel like XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX!
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