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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Nyeh, if you're three hours behind me, you'd be having lunch around now XD After weighing the possibilities, I decided to not wait around for Z, if he wants to talk then he can walk in on me talking you two fools~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're not sorry~ You're just saying that~ I'm not giving you anymore secrets anyway *pouts* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stat battles exist, you sort of can't prevent me killing you of Valter v Eirika(Seth) style :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Seph, you sure about that?~ XD As for them, I'll probably have them TS anyway, unless they want to do something inbetween (If that's the case do it in retrospect I suppose)
  2. Carrion, had made it look like she'd teleported away, but the fact is, teleportation was flawed, as they hadn't figured out a way to use it on living beings without killing the transported. Their were three possibly methods, one would be to break the object up into bits and send it off into the distance, recomposing the object once it had reached its destination, clearly killing anything that would be living, the second would be warping time, but even if time was warped it'd cost a huge amount of mana and fatigue, making the caster wish they'd walked instead. And finally there was the options of engulfing the object in a sphere of magic, tossing it into a energy vein, and letting it flow to it's destination, perhaps the closest method of working, but the energy flow would mean the target didn't always go where it was supposed to, and Mana contamination usually killed the transportee anyway. Instead Carrion had just cloaked herself with invisibility, ducking away from Grants blade, and had squatted there for awhile before using the uncovered earth she'd created with her flames to get away. Even if she were cloaked, she still existed, and walking through the snow would mean footprints would appear out of nowhere so her earlier flames had been essential in her getting away. The cost however was a strong drain on the Prana she'd gathered, considering how little the man she'd killed earlier had to offer, the healing of her ankle, and the invisibility she'd used had put her accumulation for this mission into the negatives, hardly a desirable result. She'd walked a fair bit away when she heard someone speaking in hushed tones, at first she'd though it was more soldiers, but wasn't much happier to discover that it was the Anri from earlier, he'd probably try to kill her too if she revealed herself, and the invisibility was starting to wear off unless she used more of her stocked up Prana. Her best option would be to flee from the Anri, as she was well aware she stood no chance against an Anri in a physical fight, and she'd used most of her magical energy on the earlier charade, most importantly though she was tired, and in a slightly foul mood for facing a near death situation. Though there was something in the Anri's tone that intrigued her, it sounded almost as if he wanted to negotiate something, possibly the release of his companions, which would be of no merit to Carrion, infact they'd probably kill as soon as she tried, and whether they did or not was irrelevant since Carrion had no reason to help them. Though an Anri...... she pondered for a few more seconds,if she could gain his trust and drain his Prana, she'd be well into the positives, and the potential of having someone as a meatshield was enticing. However she decided against the idea of confronting someone who could rip her to shred in a matter of moments, and she headed back to the area in which she'd engaged the others earlier as the shouting had died down. As the remaining individuals came into view, Carrion watched with amusement as the young boy she'd thought useless gutted one of the Alman soldier, such a cold hearted act without a hint of mercy would make for an ideal sword in future encounters, but judging from their interaction earlier, he'd probably try to strike her before she could even commence negotiations, that said, he was burdened with an injured team mate, and might be smart enough to not fight her the moment they made contact. Either way, it didn't look like he had a proper weapon, on him approaching the pair silently, she picked up the spear the man had kicked away, before pointing the tip at the pair, who finally seemed to have noticed her. She'd never actually used one in combat before but she'd had more then one lesson in how to use it, though that wouldn't be happening anymore now that her mentor wasn't around to teach her. "Now where could you two be off to in such bad shape?" she asked coyly, fully aware that she had the advantage here.
  3. Heh, now what to do XD Cam just smited my only active NPC which I was supposed to use as a medium :/ *Sigh* And once again Kanami must alter her plans This is you retaliating to me calling you predictable isn't it Cam?XD
  4. We made it past the twenty post mark with the three of us (and Slave) so I'm happy with the amount of posts, Goodnight Cam~ Shush Seph >_< You weren't even supposed to know that :/ I don't even know why I told him anymore since he seems intent on preventing it from happening. I was going to delete my Z interaction, but if Cam's going I suppose I can wait until tomorrow Though I'm not too sure I want to lock Carrion into a conversation with Z if I'm going to have to wait for him tomorrow as well. :/ Hmm choices choices.
  5. I was actually putting my faith in Adrians whining skills :P But yeah, looking at both of your responses, it seems like it'll be fine, though I do hope you're not forgetting that you need to get through a dozen plus soldiers to get to the "thing to save him" XD They'll probably say so if they plan to leave, atm it's past roys bed time, and with roy gone Slave doesn't really have anything to do.
  6. @Seph, I posted second, so I've editted mine, don't worry though, I'll get that strike in one way or another! *Summons mysterious archer* @Plan, I suppose, might be easier said then done though~ XD Or vice versa? :/ @Cam/SephPrediction Right XD I figured Cam would want to go, but didn't think Adrian would tag along, I mean he is injured and sort of a burden, and there's the chance that Ormis will try to get Adrian to safety before coming back for the others. :/
  7. The soldier wasted no time in raising his spear to strike Adrian through the heart, he was less then an inch away had it not been for the ice cold blade that was held to his neck. Unfortunately, for Ormis though the soldier wasn't in a good enough mood, nor a coward that would give away his colleagues just because a blade was at his throat, not when his spear point was placed just over Adrians heart. "Go ahead, you kill me, and I kill your buddy here" he stated confidently, figuring if the brat had come back to help his friend, he wouldn't risk his friends life"
  8. No, that's pretty much where he still is :/ I'm sort of worried where things'll go from there though, assuming you dispatch the soldier, I don't really want Adrian and Ormis eloping and running away from the enemy (Susan/Grant) which'd be the smart thing to do. And yes, Adrians still in the same spot, just with an arm which'll probably have to be loped off unless he finds Susan quickly XD
  9. XD No Cam, they're gone, they don't want to wander around in the dark scary forest at night time :P So they won't be coming back anytime soon XD I considered that, but didn't want to chase you through the dark As stated above, I sort of wanted Carrion freed up before I tried to kill any of you, guess that isn't happening.... *contemplates deleting the part with Carrion and Zwool* ^Take your pick Cam, one soldier, or 9? XD Either way works though, you could follow the soldiers you were running away from, or you can head back to the place you last saw the others.
  10. XD I can post now, didn't want to make an edit to the last post, and I wasn't about to double post him skewering you :P Plus, even if it is sort of pointless, I prefer giving people the chance to post their reaction/thoughts anyway. (Who knows Adrian could have super fast healing abilities, and take on the one guard that stayed behind to kill him) Not a contradiction, you have a spear in your face, not spears[/s] XD But Greg needs his beauty sleep~ And he has a role much more important then saving whiny Adrian~ :P *Kanami likes Cam, he's the only one of the lot of you that moves exactly the way she predicts* XD Either way, Z's slowing things down again~ >_<
  11. @Roy, I thought as much, not sure what constitutes as over, so if you want you can stop reading and I'll throw in a summary for you when I think (or others tell me) it's relatively over. @Cam, As Great as Greg may be, he's not going to waltz in on nine guards with hostages by himself and expect to get anything done, I think you people might be connecting braggart=Useless in situations together :/ @Slave, Probably see what Seph and Cam do now that they don't have spears in their faces. And for Z to actually get back so I can have Carrion do stuff. Grant and Susan just get thrown in some makeshift cellar near Alifer village (Encampment). And you can either go for interaction, break out (somehow) or wait for the remainder of the group to come to the rescue. Not many soldiers in the encampment itself, cause quite clearly occupying a puny village isn't a good enough reason to cross the border, and it's not really ideal to station an entire army XD
  12. The soldiers eyes reacted at the sound of a twig or something snapping nearby, the kid didn't have a bow or anything, but the prospect of having those metal shards thrown in his face didn't appeal to him at all. Just as the soldier was in range of seeing Ormis though, the sun dimmed enveloping Ormis in the shadows of the branches. Making it nearly impossible to see anything, the thick clouds that poured snow on them all day weren't helping visibility and the soldier didn't want to risk climbing head first into any trouble. Climbing back down grumbling, the soldiers wandered around the area for a few minutes before giving up, they'd just report that they killed the kid and they forgot to bring back a souvenir, judging from the way the kid ran, he wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The captain rolled his eyes figuring he should have done this sooner, Judging from the spat the group was having earlier, they were clearly some sort of investigation team that to some extent at least, valued eachothers lives. After making sure that one of the soldiers had gained custody of Grants weapon, another soldier hesitantly approached Grant to tie his wrists up. The only problem now was the man squirming in the snow. Judging by the way he wasn't going to be at all cooperative, and it didn't seem like he'd be willing to trek back to the encampment anyway. He made eye contact with the soldier sending him a silent message with his eyes, before speaking "We'll head back first, he's your mess, clean the mess up before bringing him back" he ordered before turning around, accompanied by soldiers and the two prisoners who'd had the brains to comply to his demands.
  13. @Seph :/ I was trying to egg everyone into a fight so I suppose it semi-worked :/ for... just one person >_< @Cam: Greg is napping, in the snow somewhere, in a pile of pretty red snow? Not entirely sure XD he was spying on a few guards last time I posted with him. I suppose I can have him stumble into the fray and act as someone's meatshield @Roy Confrontation piss you off? I admit I can see why the situation isn't a fun one to be in Though my sadistic glee is another matter But while I hope I'm not going to resort to skewering prisoners in the near future, I can't really help reckless behaviour~ I'm not entirely sure everyone's noticed, but you're in Sapphire, being held prisoners by Astarte soldiers :/ Put the two together~
  14. But the red snow is so pretty~ To be honest my original plans (estimate) was that you'd all fight back and carry it over into a stat battle, But Cam sort of ran off, Z decided he wanted no part of it, and Seph got cocky the moment he found out he had semi-plot immunity XD Either way a group split with the few people we have didn't seem like a good idea at this stage. If you're not enjoying the situation, I'm hoping it'll be over soon, if you're talking about the Rp as a whole, I can't really do anything about that (complain to the rebel players~) and it'd be a pity to see you go. I noticed you said something about not enjoying RotE either, has roy's Rp'ing days expired? :(
  15. Thankies Tang~ :) We can now dominate the chat subforum! @Rp I'm starting to wonder how much of a beating I can give you insolent RP'ers before I cross the boundary between leaving for dead, and overkilling :/ @Cam Aware of that, figured I could increase the chances of finding you if I climbed the tree, instead of craning the soldiers necks at the bottom :P Monkey climbers are go~
  16. Before the captain could respond, the soldier with a very sore Jaw stood up and plunged his spear into Adrians left shoulder, twisting it while it was still embeded to cause as much pain as he could. The captains mouth had paused before making a sound, and he didn't really care what happened to these runts anyway. If one died now, it wasn't like his paycheck'd be cut or anything, it was probably easier that way since they wouldn't have to transport 3 sacks of potatoes back to the encampment. He glanced at the soldier again who was preparing to strike again, and turned to the other two, as Grant tried to start negotiations. "You've either got the choice of dying now, or obliging with our demands, nothing more to talk about really" the captain stated gruffly, not liking the mans tone at all. "I hope you two'll at least be smarter then your friends, he stated bluntly before holding up his blade only inches from Susans throat just in case Grant decided to try anything.
  17. *Mental note, once entrapped, torture and torment his soul for several years before following the original scheme* @Hack back then, It was run by Iced (I like my cake iced?) back then, and he was as active as.... well can't think of anything that's as inactive as he was :/ I'm actually surprised that hack went anywhere, result of Astra's hard work I suppose, Since Enjo did crap all besides threatening to leave if the hack didn't have him and Tailto/Tiltyu? making out for 2/3 of the plot
  18. Strange people in the thread~ *Gets nervous* I only killed a dozen people, everyone else perished in a fire and that I lit, and it's not my fault that nature made things combustible. Think I'll have one of the mods move this to the Chat sub-board soon, it's either that or hop on IRC and I'm not too fond of the latter. Funny things is, Astra was pretty quiet and inactive back then, so I didn't really have an impression of him at all beyond him being Enjo's lackey. :/ @Cam, Hourly basis? You swing that way huh :P Contemplating how to deal with Adrian at the moment, killing stabbing him a few times is my preferred method, but I get the feeling Susan and Grant will also have to be put down then :/ Which works I suppose. Genocide of the masses~
  19. *Puts her Queen of Hearts outfit on* *Looks down at Adrian* "Off with their heads!~" Maowy? "Off with his head too~" Seriously though, I've starting to wonder where you got that name from :/ I'm pretty sure neither you or Cam were around (for long at least anyway) when I was helping organise Astra's hack.
  20. Aww Sephie, you know me too well, don't worry I'll have your head hacked off as soon as I finish dealing with Ormis :P @Cam. You're playing him well then XD And like Seph, I'm glad you know how I work, get yourself out with the powers of creativity and writing skill, or prepare to have your body tossed into the pits of fiery hell~
  21. The soldiers clearly weren't pleased with the result as the boy dashed into the woods again, it was almost as if he had some sort of divine blessing or the agility of one of those beast-people. Letting out a groan, they chased after the boy who seemed to have a untapped well of energy hidden somewhere. They'd lost sight of him once again, but it was sort of getting repetitive as all they needed to do was follow the footprints that clearly marked the snow. When the footprints once again ended at a tall tree, one of the soldiers rolled his eyes, as if to say "not this again" and while they couldn't see him this time, a fragment of some metal indicated that the man was indeed up the tree. The three bickered amongst themselves for a few moments before one of them grudgingly conceded, taking him body armor off as he prepared to climb the tree. The man warmed his fingers up, and started climbing the tree at a rapid pace, he'd clearly done this, or at least something similar before, and if they didn't capture this troublesome runt, it'd be their own heads that'd be severed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The soldier who'd tied Adrian knee'd him in the backside, "Quiet, as a prisoner you'll remain silent, don't speak unless spoken to" he stated arrogantly clearly enjoying the power he had over Adrian, a few of the soldiers sniggered at the word "criminal." The captain though, raised an eyebrow as he really hadn't expected them to insist on knowing why they were being arrested. "Reason'll be revealed as soon as Mr Green there hands over his weapon and you're all tied up, I'm not taking any risks and letting any of you run off with valuable information" It was clear that these mercenaries had no idea why they were being taken prisoner, though the boy calling the red haired woman a witch unnerved him a bit. Just a rural legend he told himself, and either way the woman was gone and out of his way now. Steeling himself to focus on the task at hand he ordered one of the soldiers to bind Susan, and the several others to disarm Grant, whether it be forcefully or willingly.
  22. Hey, to be fair, Amera got herself killed, constantly interfering, knocking herself unconscious infront of a hostile enemy, it wasn't my fault~ XD My objective was originally to just give Bullet a little scare, but that sort of escalated.... and you know the rest XD But I admit, I can't Rp without finding someone to pick on, yes XD
  23. Awe? Terrified? I suppose it could be, though it'd be fear of Gytha then, (Since I'm not writing things down like *Thinks Veronika has a stupid face* or *Amons left hand annoys him* down XD Looking at the chart we need more relations anyway, so as long as it's been displayed in the RP and is an emotion your directing at the individual (not just a feature or skill). I'm more then happy to make the list look more cluttery'
  24. Sooner or later I'll kill someone! XD Not sure if I'm supposed to do this, but hey, you were the only one to refuse and I'll chase you for as long as you run~ *Thinks she has a habit of trying to kill of Cams characters* .....Now to work out, how to hunt him down XD
  25. The soldiers that had gone after Ormis had lost the boy, while none of them thought the boy to be very bright, they all agreed that they'd underestimated his speed. Unfortunately for Ormis though, the soldiers walked right up to the tree he was hiding up looking up and locking gazes with the terrified boy. There was confusion in the boys eyes, but there really wasn't anything to it, they'd simply followed the tracks he'd left in the snow and looked up to find the boy. The soldiers ordered him to come down so that they could kill him, not exactly tactful by any means, but they hadn't really expected Ormis to comply anyway. They'd only spared two second before the biggest of the three started hacking at the base. Figuring that cutting the tree down was the easiest method, plus, the boy would have to jump 14 feet or be crushed by the tree as it fell. Making their job easier whichever way things went. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The captain looked Susan over, not entirely sure whether to trust the girl or not, he had no intentions of handing any of them their weapons back in the near future, but they didn't need to know that. Deciding that he'd rather not have the girl make a public display of her skills he nodded his head "They'll be returned to you shortly after we work a few things out" he lied. The captain wasn't however willing to let the mage try anything funny, and refused to let her heal Adrian though, mages were known for their parlor tricks and he didn't need this one pretending to heal a guy only to end up striking at them with magic spells. The welfare of the group wasn't his concern anyway, they'd either be taken to their encampment and slain or sent back to the homeland to work in the ruins as slaves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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