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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. And my counter argument is why should Reika be stuck with Thief caps? She's supposed to be very accurate with her daggers, how could she not? They're easier to wield that a sword. So I want myrm caps. Snowy didn't make caps, Cynthia did :/ And I don't think Fire emblem should impact everything that happens in the RP, that doesn't mean I disregard it completely. I'm not really concerned about where the figures came from, but the fact that they were accepted and implemented, means everyone should have to abide by them. If you have problems with Cynthia's stats, provide a new set which valid explanations on alterations. And then we'll have something. If you think getting a horse will solve your trouble, then go ahead, Aiya class changed from random unmounted soldier to Wyvern Rider, I don't see why Chase can't pick up a random horse somewhere either. So by all means, go ahead :/ @Snike A link please? I can't find a comprehensive list, or was it just a small set?
  2. If we can boost all class Spd's to 5 then sure.@Rein Chase was supposed to be what you signed him up to be, a character which maxed his stats at 4 in all fields (except HP at 6). And you wanting him to be whatever doesn't count as a valid reason as to why his stat caps should be altered. I don't care what their motives are, if they oppose the idea they oppose it, and I'm providing reasons why it shouldn't be allowed. You on the other hand are screeching that you should be given "special treatment" because you want something. And I'm confident I can argue this point across to anyone else who doesn't have an issue against you ignoring caps and adding whatever you want. A system was put in place and it was imposed equally on all players. Instead of telling me your personal wishes, how about providing a valid reason as to why it's required or why it should be allowed? What you want is not an issue, I want higher Str caps, that doesn't mean I get them. @Kai's Stupid ..... Is that even possible? XD @Rein again I'm pretty sure Snike and Kai don't like me either :/
  3. @Rein If you want to argue against the existence of caps completely, that fine, but making a special exception for you isn't be any means fair. Helios could apply to have a class change to Myrms as well, sacrificing 4 Res, for 1HP and 2Spd doesn't sound like a bad idea does it? Overall stat cap transfers, simply because you don't like the caps imposed on your own character is idiotic, Only complaints that are legitimate against stat caps over the old system is if you can only get 3 (or 2) in a field. Otherwise, it's still maxed at 4, it's still the same as the old system, and it's what you sign up with. With your argument Isotov should also have 6Spd, he ran alot :/ Edit It doesn't really matter what your intentions are, whether they be for double attacks, or evasion. There isn't a valid excuse for you receiving special treatment, and being exempt from the restriction placed on everyone else.
  4. If you don't like it then that's just tough, Technically at sign up, his caps were 4, archers caps at 4, so nothing has changed. @Snike, I don't think Thieves get the "Steal" skill by default (If it does, well I'd like to know about it now). So it has extra skill open to it. And that's about it. @Administration of LoAF If you're allowing Chase to use different stat caps for that reason, I'm going to cite the same reason and request I be allowed to use Myrm caps. And I'm not joking :/ Snowy's SPD caps aside, class cap changing merely because you don't like your own cap is stupid and undermining the whole point of caps. @Rein's Nomad comment It's called a horse.
  5. Okay, first of all no :/ He does not have nomad caps unless he somehow class changes to a nomad class. Otherwise I'm ditching thief caps and taking Myrmidon caps <_< And everyone else can do whatever they want with caps, rendering the entire system obsolete, if there's a valid reason as to why Chase needs Nomad caps I'd like to hear it.
  6. Okay, screw what I said earlier, someone explain how an archer can manage 10Spd? :/
  7. I really can't comment too strongly on the skills until I see a list of current skills, Overall I don't care much for skills, I'll pick one out of the completed list. Until then I'll leave discussion here to the higher ups.
  8. So damn tempting >_< Nady must resist, Nady must resists! >_< .... Screw it, if this doesn't start making sense soon I'm picking up the wrench gun.
  9. I'm going to say this as nicely as I can, there's no hostile intent behind it but "I don't really give a shit what FE does." XD A system that works with FE doesn't necessarily work with the RP, and I'm completely against the idea of integrating something just because it's in FE. If it's passive then SPd 4 characters can't have it either, as it put them on equal with the 6 Spd classes. Spd 5 characters can't have it since it makes them better then Spd 6 characters. Which means.... Yay for Armor Knights XD
  10. Vigilance seems like one of those skills that should just be scrapped :/ When does it activate? If it's a passive skill then it's ridiculous, And yes, it's Psych idea hunting season. XD
  11. ... Yes, if we get free skills then I'd like to see a skills list somewhere XD One which won't be changed frequently XD Or do I get that skill that lets me steal stuff? Enemies have pretty nice items lately :/ And I haven't got problems with stealing from friendlies :P
  12. Sounds like something the priestess hero would have, (Your absorb idea) I really haven't got much to say about it's formula and usage, I'm just against it being a CW. @Barrier staff. You do realize how shitty your character will be? 1/2 a Clerics max mag is 2+1=3 :/ Unless of course you want to add in a roll, making the max Res boost 6. Decent, but.... I sort of think a regular heal would be more useful, just my opinion though. EDITTED TO ADD MORE Hellfire = anti goddess? Is that like saying clouds = anti hell? Different construction and origins, and it's already been knocked back, so I don't really see much point in arguing whether it's a valid CW. Probably better if you try to push it in as a unique weapon instead. @Kai If I ever wipe my memory and decide to marry anyone it won't be Phoenix, although the chance of me marrying Phoenix are higher then you coming to my wedding. That a pretty strong negative :/
  13. (SKL+SKLROLL) - SPD = Hit or Miss? A bit suspicious if boosting luck's EVD effect is a good idea. But I suppose it's not too bad.... I think? Not sure, need to think about it. So we all get to toss in a free skill now? Or is that just for newies.
  14. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=19567&view=findpost&p=1063684 Item post would be this one. As far as I know, it got scrapped, there really is no need for them without a proper gold distribution system, and I'm not sure this RP needs more number crunching. I actually think that sooner or later it'll be a 6 post of possibly even 8 post limit as we've got a new lot or RP'ers now. And 5 posts isn't much once again. At the moment though I don't really care as long as the 5 post rule is maintained (and isn't decreased). I hate to agree with Snowy, but it really doesn't sound like a Crimson weapon, classifying as one makes no sense (as stated prior) Crimson weapons are things created in a specific way (hellfire+Light) and with specific effects Hp-1/Atk+1. And breaking this mold seems like we're calling any weapon with magical effects CW's. @Dancers I kind of get the feeling that it renders the thief class obsolete. It's essentially just the thief class with two less SKL and 2 More HP. (As well as the higher luck). I can't imagine why we'd suddenly need to introduce dancers as well. We've already left the land of prostitutes haven't we? XD
  15. .... I'm against it. (Crimson Staff) 1: Pary is not a demon lord, CW's were made with hellfire(?) shards and light magic, I really don't think the Pary's anger, no matter how severe was enough to match hell itself. 2: Shanice does not have binding powers, or at least be better not <_< Honestly though, Shag-nice is more interested in his name then binding random weapons as far as I know. 3: Shagnice's objective was to destroy the CW's I think, I'm not sure, Snowy's Demonology is very... crappy? But the demons objective is apparently to destroy the CW's. Them trying to make replica's seem rather... stupid? 4: Plot relevance, what is the relevance of this? I wouldn't mind a new slew of weapons (Jade Weapons!) created for those who want them, (Make them non-soul binding weapons with magical CW like properties I suppose) made for whatever reasons. I don't know, but classifying your idea as a CW is ridiculous, and illogical. Interesting note Crimson=Red, Azure=blue. Usually the red guys are the bad guys, and the blue guys are the pesky do-gooders. We is the enemy?
  16. If you've gotten approval from Mr Incompetent then I'd say go for it, otherwise it's probably a better idea to post it here in chat first, and then see what everyone's response/thoughts on the issue are. Cause at the moment I'm leaning towards a "no" and I know I'm not the only one. If you don't want to show it to everyone, then probably a good idea to at least run it past Cynthia and get her thoughts on what you have planned.
  17. -I thought we already established that there was no Crimson Staff? Didn't know you were still pushing for one. -Nyeh, you can make whatever character you want, for whatever reason whether it be love whoring, comedic relief or even spite, but trying to usher in another character for such a reason seems silly. -Staves are silly, amen. I'm not really sure what status staves are, but if they're related to status conditions (poison) then I'm pretty sure we've said no to that before as it complicates the system. Barrier is sort of the idea I had for Kamilla. And you could probably work a non-CW weapon of such a design through Snowy, as there is precedent. Though that would probably be in the case where I leave, and Kamilla is permanently removed from play. @Feedback Stop reading it then XD I find arguing more fun then this RP at the moment, so I'm spending more time there XD Though I admit the ShuXLoAF war is getting sort of boring. Other statements are fun, whether they hold any water or not though is another matter. Overall, just echoing Bal XD
  18. I did care Bal, but that was until you broke my non-existent heart by refusing my marriage proposal XD In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't sell my soul away to some random guy on the internet, it's not a matter of quality, but the medium in which we met that bothers me XD Now the only thing I care about is who and what I can flame next, and who I need to be wary of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In more serious news, Kanami's activity will be plummeting soon, (If you haven't noticed already XD) I took a semester of Uni (or College, still not sure what the difference is) these past few months, but I start up again next month (27July) and I've loaded myself with another full time job. One which doesn't allow me to work from home >_< As you all know I'm bored of this RP, I'm still keeping an eye on it hoping it'll get better,I know it won't. But if it comes down to it, I'll give you all an early Christmas present by leaving this RP. At the moment, my student ID number is acting up and won't let me log in so I can't tell how many hours a week I'll have at Uni, but between that and work, I'll probably log in for 2~3 hours a day at most. Deactivating serious mode, but retaining honest mode. My other not-home job, is right next to a petrol station...... XD
  19. ~Continuing from Feedback~ I don't like Snike XD I don't know, XD I don't like anyone in this RP I think, not sure XD Yes, well, some of these people don't the ability to think, I reference this for as long as this RP continues. But say you accidentally kill someone, murder, crime bad. Your options A ) Wait for the police to come and get you B ) Leave the country C ) Strap on a few guns and run towards police station, shooting anyone that gets in your way and talk to the chief officer at the police station to drop the charges. What we did in this RP.... C <_< But instead we killed everyone that tried to arrest us, didn't bother talking to the King or any authority in Ilyphina, and decided to go off and investigate some tentacle monster in a swamp. (Within the nation). That's how bright these people are, they either have a hero complex "Nothing can touch me." Or simply lack the ability to think. Take Lightnings comment when confronted with an enemy trying to arrest/kill the group "I'm a wanted criminal who's commited other crimes in the past, don't kill me!" XD And I thought a wife and sixteen kids was a lame excuse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall, I'm for a slow down in pace. But however you phrase it, the words getting through are "post less" and when you've seen so many RP's die due to not enough posts..... well you kind of become reluctant to tell people how they should post. Though I have no qualms with flaming people I don't like :P Personally for the active-actives I'd recommend starting up another RP, and splitting their attention so it's not solely focused on LoAF, but after discussion with three people, all three declined such an idea and said they wanted to focus on this RP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PS: I'm using this thread, because I don't like the Feedback thread. The mods get angry when we use it XD
  20. @Csquared08 ~Carrying over from Feedback~ It's nearly 6PM on a Saturday where I live :/ And I've always considered Friday evening the start of the weekend. Mainly since that's when the little kiddies start planning their weekend sleepovers (starting on Friday night) and us older geezer go out to clubs bars and other pointless social gatherings to get drunk and forget that life sucks XD ~Going back to chat topic~ I've kind of been asking SlaveBlade for reasons why posting lots is bad. I know we as the Rp'ers get left behind at times, but I don't see how it affects a non-participant, and it doesn't seem to be the point he wants to get across anyway.
  21. @Csquared08 It really depends, since I don't think that the current people are no-lifers :/ Phoenix though, I'm willing to agree, he's a no-lifer XD. 7 Pages? Really? Hmm well it happens on the weekend I suppose, but I can agree that this thing speeds through, I'm kind of on a similar wave there, decided to go do other things for 2 days and we're 20 pages or something through now XD Getting shoved to the side though, I suppose you're going to have to get used to XD You can either forcefully shove yourself in, or wait for someone to shove you out XD (You won't have to wait long). And I see your point, however do you really think it's fair to tell people who "can" post, to stop posting? It's not your fault you can be online 24/7 but it's not their fault they have a whole lot of spare time on their hands. If you don't like, I'm going to suggest heading over to Shu's Quest. Not out of spite, I just think that if what you say is true, you won't have much luck here. I honestly don't care much, since my days in this RP are numbered XD @SlaveBlade 1: Okay, so your definition of many is twice Yes I'm just being a sore loser now XD Didn't see 17 for some reason I assume the other you 20 not 19 though. Painting a better picture isn't always better, simple is sometimes better. In rn7's example it is better, since the responder has things to work with, perhaps we notice how he's edgy, perhaps is hinting at how he'll attack the group? Perhaps it means nothing at all, but people would pay attention to that. Baggy eyes, and a dull voice really just indicate he's tired. 2:As you say, this is forum not a chat room. However after we posts 20 posts, the old post gets lost in the pages of RP history, and seldom does anyone look at it again. So description isn't all that necessary. If it's a painting, why bother putting effort into a painting which will stashed away and never seen again? As for the posts.... I see your point. Again, please ignore Snowy, Kai and Lightning, they're idiots XD I think Dark Sage is new to Rp'ing, and hasn't quite gotten the grasp of the RP just yet, but that's really not relevant. The difference is, you're saying one-liners are bad and shouldn't happen, I personally don't really care, "Well with the demons on the way and the soldiers in pursuit, I say we negotiate with the Elysimians, much as I detest that," said Alferis who looked weary and tired after a night of being pursued. He was rather fit for a man his age, but constantly being on the run from enemies with questionable intentions was starting to tire him out very quickly. Looking around he noticed his condition was shared by many within the party. Okay crappy extension, but I get your point, it paints a better picture, but as I've been saying the objective isn't to create a better picture, there's already an issue (soldiers and demons) so deviating from that and trying to draw attention to how everyone is tired and sick of running, doesn't really do much, since we're all different people. In most cases my extension would go just as unnoticed as the original, and overall would just be more reading. Wrry? Hmm the reason why it's happening probably isn't because they're rushing, but because they don't have anything useful to say, I've never actually given it much thought, but it's not to get more posts in, those posts are usually made because, the RP'er doesn't have anything important to say. 3: Effort is meaningless unless it bears fruit. Trying is a waste of time if it didn't make a difference. Sure "it could have worked" but if things are going to fail either way then it's best to direct that effort elsewhere. While a post isn't really a fail, it's a matter of attention. I've posted things in this RP which have been completely ignored. And it's not because of the RP posting speed. 4: 49 is better, because 49 is the option taken by the RP'er. 7 is not better, 49 is not better. It doesn't really matter does it? I'm still confused as to why you're complaining about the number of posts. Cause trust me, even if RP speed slows, quality will not increase. Not from people like Kai and Snowy at least anyway. Umm you might want to call Jesus, cause it is me waiting for a response. :/ If the opposing character responds, then I can control my character to make a move. And it's not because of the double posting thing either. If I'm not waiting I'm not sure who is, I just know that a character I made up in a few minutes in my mind isn't waiting because.... it doesn't exist? Time constraints doesn't force us to rush through interactions, only when the person indicates they're leaving soon. When that happens we prefer to end the conversation quickly and continue anything else important in another conversation. Since waiting for them to return usually results in a few hours of waiting. Overall your fix suggestion isn't a bad one, I just don't see any logical reason behind slowing down post count, and any other argument, well as I've said before this is a group thing, and some of the group just aren't capable. Don't ask me if they're idiots (for not being able to write a decent post) cause my answer isn't going to help either of our cases XD @Csquared08 (For post above) That indeed is a hideous post.
  22. Immediate enemies? You clearly don't get into too many arguments :/ The discussion is flow is this SB: I think this (comment) RP1: I don't agree RP2: I don't agree SB: No, I'm right your problem is (comment) RP1: No, you're an ass shut up. RP2: I still don't agree SB: Well I hate you all too *Rant* RP1: No u RP2: Yadda yadda etcetc XD You keep complaining people don't take your comment seriously and then refuse to be clear about your comments by saying things like "I shouldn't have to be clear" "I don't want to tell you my point" etcetc. Personally it looks as if your just as butthurt as Snowy is XD
  23. Offensive is good, offensive is fun. Much better then boring old defensive. :/ 1: Okay then, I've read them again, and.... you've mentioned it once at the bottom of page one. :/ So if you're going to call my statements stupid, then I expect some quotes that indicate otherwise. Putting words in people's mouths? I can't help it, since you want to be all hidey-hide about your reasoning and throwing your point across, Yes we get it. You want less more descriptive posts. That pretty much summarizes up your entire argument, when asked why, you reply you want the group to paint you a better picture, and that lots of posts equal bad. How about presenting an argument for a change? We get your point, now how about providing supporting reasonings? 2: What's "fucktarded" is that you're complaining about one-liners that only appear every once in a while. This isn't a novel, consistency in writing quality isn't required. And if a Rper finds that on occassion they don't have much to say, there's no reason for them dragging their post on for any longer the a "one-liner" just to tell the reader that they have nothing to say. Again, if you mentioned an example of such an RP'er it would help. Since some people I can agree are lacking in their posts. But by not picking out someone, you're comments reflect equally on all members of the group. Saying "It's happening, oh no" and then that "I don't want to read and find an example" I'm assuming is just you being difficult or stupid, take your pick. 3: I am well aware it was an example :/ And likewise this is an example which uses your example :/ Why I'm arguing with you? Because lets see, you're arguing something and not making any sense? So I'm trying to get you to answer what your point is, which is apparently "Stop posting so much" and "Put in more detail" The former I don't see what your problem is, the latter, people have told you that they believe they're being descriptive enough, using your "EXAMPLE" A sleepy man is a sleepy man, use your imagination, what does a sleepy man look like? And are we really supposed to pay that much attention to some random sleepy man? Does a dull tone matter? What are we supposed to do with the bags under his eyes? How do we even know he didn't get sleep last night? Perhaps he's a drug addict? Smoker? Natural expression? This "Extra" information doesn't really add anything important, and is decorative "fluff" on the side. I don't think "fluff" is important enough to add if people don't want to. 4: And that is your point. Yay~ *Clap, clap clap* And the argument against that is, that the people in this RP prefer to do posts in a CR style, opposed to waiting 12 hours for the next post. I'm not sure about you, but when I ask a question, I'd prefer the answer the question after I've asked, opposed to several hours later. Your argument fails to render this null. You're argument seems to be "You can respond to it whenever, there's no hurry" When the point you're trying to render null is. "We want to put in as much interaction as possible, and progress the character/plot/relations etc" As I've said before your suggestion would lead to say 7 posts, over 7 days. Whereas the objective is to get the 7 posts done in one day, so that the following day another 7 posts can be made. Do see the difference? Or do I need to tell you that 7 posts is different from 49 posts? Do you read? Or are pretending you can't? You said yourself that the group is aiming for quantity over quality, and yes, that's what they're doing. However in this case quantity does not come at the expense of quality. Semi-permanancy has absolutely nothing to do with the argument, other then you trying to counter... or should I render void a point which has nothing to do with your argument.
  24. Currently wrench gunning everything outside the RP <_< Honestly though, you people need to stop picking on the Faq'ers XD I think I might resign from this RP and just float around flaming all the RP's instead XD
  25. Nice one XD But to be honest I'm not entirely sure what the Lord of Azure Flames" role is in the RP. So firstly I'm siding with this side if we're arguing. "Shu's Quest" doesn't necessarily have to have a "Shu" in it from start to begining, Does our RP have the "LoAF" in it from beginning to end? I haven't even seen any evidence of him even existing yet. "Shu's Quest" could refer to mr_e_s's attempt to make a successful RP for all anyone knows <_< So I'd really refrain from complaining too much about the name, since it's not all that important. It's still way too early for any clear impressions to be made, I've commented previously on how it was set-up. And that was solely regarding to the way things were organized at the beginning, but 20 posts, regardless of how long they are is still too early to be demanding for Shu's appearance. If you're so damn curious about the RP, join, then complain :/
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