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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. "By all means, continue drinking, it'll make it so much more easier to kill you all in your sleep" Reika hissed, clearly unhappy about being ignored. "Should be good for you, if I don't kill you I'm sure something else will" she said noticing something move in the dark again. Though perhaps it was just the wind? She couldn't really tell. "One would expect that a group of travelers would know when to rest instead of drinking their sanity away, no different from common bandits" she muttered shaking her head. It was hard to believe that this was the same group that had been kicking up a fuss infront of the bakery only a few hours ago.
  2. Reika returned, having had an uneventful meal she looked around at the group and frowned, they were all sitting in a circle talking about something and for a second she thought they were planning something sinister when she noticed the healer girl sitting atop one of those winged lizards edging the creature to pounce on one of the mages who was on all fours making dog noises. "Alcohol?" she said out loud quickly shaking her head. She'd seen what alcohol could do to bandits but this was a rather, unusual sight. She'd noticed a few shadows moving around in the dark earlier, and was wondering if the group was spying on her, but apparently they were all here doing.... well whatever they were doing. "I really hope that you don't usually drink this much" she commented noticing the drinks.
  3. One post fix nothing! XD I want it displayed via attitude, not some lame one liner post :P And I am bored, off to do something else for a few hours.
  4. Yeah, Oh XD It wouldn't make any sense for Reika to participate and I'd probably dare people to kill eachother XD So I'm glad I had Reika get out of there XD If you're doing it though, just do it with people who are around, and make sure when people decide to log off, they quit the game as well, otherwise we'll have a Frozen Alchemist moment. Morgan <3 XD
  5. Reika watched as the group began eating, apparently the nomad had been true to her word and gotten some rabbits, though as a few of the group members started chatting she got bored and decided to go make herself something too, as long as a hole hadn't ripped open at the bottom of one of her pouches there should still be some mountain goat meat in there. They'd probably starting heading off to sleep soon, and she knew they wouldn't want her anywhere near them while they slept, but more importantly, she knew she'd wake up either with the group surrounding her, or the gagged and tied up as so many of the members had suggested. She still had her flint, and a few sticks and leaves from the area should be fine. Doubting that anyone would notice her missing she headed off a fair bit away from the group before starting a fire, and sitting down beside it, sighing to herself as she pulled out a few large portions skewering it and letting it cook, she frowned and then grabbed the remaining portions and started cooking those too, the meat would probably go off soon, so she didn't see the point of keeping the left overs. Yawning she laid on the floor and looked up at the sky, "Bandits, mercenary, thief, it doesn't really matter does it?" she asked the sky. Suddenly, she got the feeling she was being watched, and she jumped up scanning the area for a moving shadow. Uncertain of who it was, but sure that whether it was just townfolk or a group member, it wasn't a good sign. (Open plot, no one decides to show up, I'll just make it a random towns person keeping an eye on her).
  6. Problem solved, sort of, If I move Tessa and Isotov up, then Arrin leads the mid-high tier, meaning the standard there drops quite a bit, (Increase High range, drop standard for Mid-High). I suppose the ultimate goal of this is to have everyone in Mid-High, and have no one beneath that. Another reason for no "low tier" would be, I don't want to argue with someone whether their characters sucks, or characters sucks more. Cause essentially they suck. And if you look at the bottom tier, you will find that they do indeed "suck" What they're sucking is up for debate We'll have to throw Katie down and Esphyr down there too if the definition of "bottom" is redefined.
  7. Hmm well, if you think so :/ I initially rejected the idea of having a "low" due to it seeming a bit... eh insulting. You can't really whine about being in middle (average). And bottom characters were under-performers, "Low" seemed to indicate that they were doing something wrong, since if your character is in "bottom" alarm bells should be ringing. An alternative would be to move a few up to "Medium-High" but I doubt that'd help much. So if one more person wants a low tier (Cynthia/Phoenix/???) then I'll implement it..... Or you can argue it? XD
  8. @Lightning That complaint post you posted to Bal about page stretching in the character thread. It better be replaced with an actual Character post, or you better find some way to delete it, else I'll focus fire my wrench gun, and at least make it completely impossible for Conrad/Viveka to join. <_< If you have a comment specifically at someone, PM is usually the way to go. If not, then use Chat, and hope Bal will see it, Don't need anymore spammy threads on this RP >_<
  9. Okay, changes were made according to the input, the flow of new characters is Reika Dani Charlotte Heinz Alf Reika, since I love myself XD (Honestly just there for screen time), Dani's attack happy'ness pleases me, and Charlotte's good competition, But a coin toss put Dani on top, IMO they're equal. Heinz is slighltly hindered due to activity (Not Whistlers fault) And Alf, well I've still yet to see any in-depth character from him really, due to a lack of interactions. Other significant changes include Erics promotion to Mid-High tier, above Damian, despite the difference in RP time, Damian isn't really openly interactive, and I have to agree on the "Mary-Sue'ness" I'd think if Damian was in Reika's position (Wyvern nest) He'd most likely have a smoke bomb handy, if he didn't kill everything with Gae-bolg first. Chase has been upped significantly too, I still haven't read this morning/evenings posts, but as discussed prior, I seldom see him doing anything other then crying "hear hear" to Morgans opinions, however he has become generally more interesting, though whether he's above Dani I'm really not sure. (Edit)Forgot Irina, she still significantly lacks interactions, but we're getting a pretty good look into what's going on in her mind. Rejected requests Helios can not be moved down, due to Helios still being above Aiya IMO. Dropping Isotov, isn't something I agree with from that argument, Though It's not something I'll outright deny, Phoenix's response and belief in regards to your argument is correct, and Cynthia's posts is a bit more specific about it. But if you can come up with something a bit more solid, I'm willing to drop him a name.
  10. I'm not sure how I'm presenting Reika as an emo, but either way, I'll accept these comments from anyone but the controller of Helios XD
  11. I attribute Viveka to you masochistic tendencies then. @Line We'll see about that, I can sense some negativity heading my way already @Katie's Peronality .... Mental Note: Accept Racism, Accept that I don't like America @Iso's personality From Isotov's perspective I can understand that, but when looking at it from Katie's or a general perspective, he's either "Dumb as rocks" XD or this is getting ridiculous :P @Morgan Hmm, well I don't know, I doubt Cynthia will take things that way but after developing things in that direction (Unlike a certain pairing which skips all the steps) I could see it happening, no really I can :/ @Fantasies Your fantasies probably don't involve burning an inn down, or running across a nation as a wanted criminal, or entering smelly swamps but that's not the point. @Obsessiveness I think your biggest issue is claiming that Katie is sexy. (You saw what Katie looks like from Cynthia/my perspective XD) It's a bit narcissistic constantly claiming your own splice is sexy and promoting it, which usually leads to unfavorable comments. But citing a fictitious character is sexy generally doesn't win you any points either :/ @Picking on Katie/Iso I'm sure that Cynthia's just picking on it due to it be standing out from the RP as something odd, or at least that's what I think, that's my reason anyway. Romances are fine and all, but I get the feeling Ether has a better grasp on that then either you or Snowy, go ask him for lessons in creative softcore porn scripting.
  12. Had to take care of something else. @Phoenix, her standards aren't really high at all, from what I can see she's just opposing the same issue I have, which is the illogical nature of Katie's personality. Which as she said, is possible in some people. But at the very least, if I was in this RP and had say... Aiya's perspective (Female and has been around from the start+Isn't connected to Iso/Katie) I'd probably view Katie as a cheap whore purchased by Isotov. And I'm not saying that out of malice or contempt. That's probably how I genuinely feel about her actions, and it's not just this once (apparently due to drugs). That's just my personal perspective on the issue, and I'm probably stepping completely over the line there, but I don't see the point of keeping quiet, as I'm not really concerned with insulting anyone. If Morgan suddenly started fawning over someone else (say Alferis since he just joined). It'd have comedic value at first, but after awhile it'd just seem stupid, even moreso if they were doing obvious things together,"couple things" and then pretending to be completely clueless, it just seems stupid. :/ That's my perspective on the issue. :/
  13. It all makes sense to me now <_< I have concluded Amari is stupid and that solves everything.
  14. Cynthia XD *Speechless* XD I don't think I've ever laughed that hard at something before and it's not even that big a joke XD *Has Nothing to say at the moment*
  15. @Psych, how exactly are you imagining that when you don't know what I look like? And if it's a self conjured image, what exactly do I look like? :/ How many fangs, horns? red pupils?
  16. Hansel kicked me in an oven, but it was relatively uneventful, so yeah, Kill with Freezer, I doubt ash can reform itself if it's frozen. If no one minds I want see if a corkscrew can pull out eyes and how deep it can dig into human flesh:/ And how do you use a nutcracker? There, happy Phoenix? Now leave me alone, I have other more important things atm
  17. @Phoenix Screw logic, I'll accept Viveka randomly joining the group and being apart of it if you send Isotov and Katie back to Ilyphina for another 10 chapters, they can come back with an A support, kids and whatever, Logic is no longer issue in this case. Just get that twisted pairing out of the RP <_< Please, Yes I said please
  18. @Psych. I'd probably classify Cess Initiator, I haven't really seen him be on the receiving end of much attention, but he's actually tried to break the "receiver shell" with his tarot cards, it's a fun little thing that most characters can just say "do me" XD. And so far it seems to be rather successful, if you look at a character and can't pinpoint one specific person who they're definitely after they're usually not a receiver, Example Isotov would be a receiver, you can easily pinpoint that he's friendly with Katie and Irina and doesn't really plan to interact with much outside that. Again Receivers aren't bad, they usually lead to more focused revelations and interactions between the involved parties, and focus more on private communication over public. That said public (initiators) often affect the whole group and can reveal interesting aspects of themselves through interaction. EG Irina hates Reika. Shouldn't be something we discover from Chat, but something that should be made clear through RP interaction, an example of this was done at a low level with Helios, and everyone referring to him as the idiot of the group, however most people were just jumping on the bandwagon (Kamilla included) and didn't actually have a legitimate agenda against him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've come to just accept Isotov's a recluse, you've mentioned this'll change in the future, but I don't really care too much whether this is true or not, What annoys me is when Katie is being a slut, Hugs/kisses/spreading her legs, and you say Isotov is clueless, but I've accepted he just has brain damage. Arrin/Tessa are being portrayed as naive possible couple, but if Tessa started hugging Arrin, and Arrin started kissing Tessa, I'd expect it to be reaching a revelation climax soon. Irina, well it might of been my imagination, but alot of her posts seem to be inner thoughts, (Receiver) opposed to actually voicing her opinion out aloud (Initiator). Obviously people can't respond to thoughts, the best they can do is say something like "Reika noticed Irina was looking at her disapprovingly" And it can't really go much further then that, if that's what you were aiming for, that's really a "Lure" used to make Reika say something like "What's with the face? If you've got something to say then say it" In which case you're luring the opposition into a conversation. "Lure's" happen quite alot, and I might actually start taking them and annoy some of you. Example being Reika noticing Heinz's expression and think he's plotting something, and assume he's also a spy sent for the group. But doing such things is abusing information not available to the character, and while it'd be fun to take in false assumptions, it get's boring unless you get some things right, and these things might not want to be revealed by the PC's player. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Social Banter* @Psych: KanamiXPhoenix has been suggested before :/ And I do not approve @Psych2: I think Reika was only a year or two younger then Cess, Arrin and Tessa are both younger @Alch: can't remember what context that was in, so idea what you're talking about
  19. Correct, but false. Or perhaps more true then I thought if you realized, though maybe you're just attuned to my picky nature. While it definitely divides the group, I wouldn't go as far as saying "no one interacts" since most people will respond if say, Helios jumped of cliff, Reika attacked them, or Morgan hurled an insult. I cateogize most characters into 3 classes, The Initiator, Characters which will start interaction, or actions Characters like Morgan I'd say actually act as initiators, as she voices her opinion, often resulting in dissent from others, she's also willing to initiate conversations with others when things get quiet The Middle ground, Refers to both characters that have a balance between the two, it could be an easy balance like Helios so far (Little initiate, little receive) or Tessa (Initiate frequently, receive all interactions well) which is a bit of a surprise considering Bal isn't as active as some of the others, but it's a nice mix. The receiver, characters who are generally content with very little interaction, Aiya would be a prime example of this, usually only speaking when spoken too, Irina too thinks things but seldom is it directed at others. It's important to note that receivers do initiate conversations sporadically but it's usually set between 1 or 2 select members example would be Kelas or Irina that usually talk to Isotov or Amari/Kiev. When something happens receivers usually react to the event, but don't really contribute or get anyone involved. I'm going to also say that receivers aren't inferior in anyway, they're all just varying types. But this group has way more receivers then most RP's I've seen, a clear indication being recruitments, the introduced has to work their own way in with usually no help at all, resulting in the "I pop out of nowhere" scenario. Support systems emphasize limit initiations due to adding a mentality of "It's pointless" for example if I asked Chase to interact with Eric, the answer would most likely by "Why? or Why should I?" Group mentality would result in the answer "Because you're traveling with them" but I think people are looking at supports foremost and then acting accordingly. Things like "Interaction/Opinion lists" (Not Alch's chart) "Am I ready for a support yet" and especially things like Psych's "Helios has crappy affinity" are examples of this. I'm only writing this down since I'm bored, but if anyone can be bothered, a response would be nice to keep discussion going. Overall all I'm saying here is that this group/Rp has an unusual amount of receivers.
  20. Not going to argue with those statements, (cause they're true) but that's not what I meant. *Yawn* We finished rather early today I suppose.
  21. Supports = Biggest failure so far in this RP.
  22. "An emotional one that one" Reika commented as she watched Tessa lead the horses away, "Don't know where she's from but we assaulted a few churches back in Vaorin last week, bandits getting cocky when they swelled in numbers, was a fulltime job just preventing them from killing eachother, though most of them, or rather all of them are probably dead now" Reika looked around with a bored expression, alert for any danger, but bored nonetheless. "I wish those guys were still around, they're more fun then this snobby little group" she whispered to herself.
  23. I'd assume so, it was something I saw posted on another forum, I know the guy's from Florida (doesn't mean much) but he didn't come off as very smart in my eyes, so he probably just grabbed a translator somewhere, I don't really know what it means myself, though I think Schnauze was "be quiet" or something, took German for half a year in high school, didn't like it, don't remember any of it. (I can count to 10 though XD)
  24. I don't mind things like But when it goes to Then I get pissy :/
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