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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. So the land inbetween is Helenos land? Joy, you'd think someone would have noticed a giant dragon flying around near Haltons borders, but nyeh, people in this RP are all stupid anyway. @Ackbar: Nyeh, not important really, haven't really watched starwars, a few clips here and there, but I doubt I've actually finished an entire episode.
  2. "Arsonist?" Reika asked amused, "demolition history?" she asked Katie not really understanding what a mute was. "And Esphyr, think I might of seen you in Darien, can't remember I suppose that makes you one of the chosen ones with these flashy toys" she said indicating calamity before the daggers disappeared into thin air.
  3. So we're going to ditch the port? Ah poo and I was planning to sink the ship too :/ XD (JK) Ackbar is fine, don't know it's significance, but it's just a name.
  4. Reika sighed, and lifted her hand infront of her face, "Calamity" she muttered as the daggers appeared in her hand, making some of the others react. "No point in taking them, I can summon them whenever I want, clearly you don't have one of these useful little tools" she said rolling her eyes.
  5. I know <_< Can we make decisions here already? Or am I going to have to summon magic wyverns and force the group to head to the port/Halton? @Psych, While I don't mind you developing a hostile nature with my character please try to at least make it less obvious? You don't know her, have never seen her, and you're supposed to know a bit about Crimson weapons. (Their severing) that was just a dumb post overall. :/
  6. Reika shrugged again, her shoulders might fall off if she kept doing so. "So I suppose you're the smart Crimson weapon wielder in the group" Reika retorted, more amused then insulted. she frowned then took a step back. Immediately sensing the suspicion directed at her. "Reika from Araphane, occupation stealing, killing and other little nasty jobs you mercenaries are too good to perform, apparently I own the Crimson Daggers, and will be? Forcefully or voluntarily joining your merry little band of criminals. Would you be willing to provide your own names, or should I just give you all nicknames?"
  7. Reika shrugged her shoulders, "I don't really see the point of lying, but if you want to remain in your comfortable little protective shell, shielding you from reality then by all means sister" "I don't suppose you're willing to reveal your destination, but please don't tell me you came to these mountains for sight seeing, it's obvious you're running from the military for whatever it is you did, so I suppose you'd be heading to the port" she said to herself. She looked over at Alferis, "I wouldn't bother wasting your breath, some of these people and I have a not so friendly history, and you have to admit, I didn't really tell them much at all, though I suggest you worry about your injury first, should have swiped a vulnerary " she finished muttering to herself, she contemplated looting one of the group members but they were too on edge for that.
  8. "Not according to the list of wanted criminals in Hamburg you're not" Reika said with a laugh, these people weren't really intelligent at all were they? "You're the local church girl right? Apparently you're responsible for luring these criminals to hamburg, bishop was kicking up a fuss about it when I left, something about you being sly and the spawn of the Demon Lord." "A sister that serves the demon lord, sort of has a nice ring to it, no?"
  9. Reika shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't really get a choice in the matter, plus, I got paid for it, and if following you nets me more gold then I figured why not" she stated oblivious to how it wouldn't be worth all the gold in the world. She didn't really care either way, she hadn't been asked to extract any information and didn't exactly come here to make friends. "Nothing to report, nothing to worry about" she said simply. Assuming Morgan had finished her lecture, she scratched the back of her head, "Well that was easier then expected" she said to herself, she glanced over at Alferis, she'd done what she could, it was up to him to decide whether he wanted to approach one of the healers himself, she wasn't his mother. "Bind and gag, You could try?" Though I might accidentally kill someone while you're trying" she spat at Esphyr.
  10. @Psych, she's heading to Ilyphina, and I'll post what's happened to her in some post later..... when the sun comes up, (RP Time). Still too early for Kamilla get to the capitol, and I really can't be bothered posting "Kamilla and captain traveled to the capitol" in a post. Hostilities are yay! XD
  11. "I'm not attacking you, because at present that would be detrimental to why I followed you all the way to these mountains, what did you do in Elysimma anyway? At Ilyphina you were all chummy with that girl with the flying horse, the next time I hear about you, you're on the run as Elysimma's most wanted?" If you really want to know, then yes, I am a spy, I'm being paid to follow you, as to why, I haven't got a clue, what I'm supposed to spy on, again I have no clue though I suppose this things, Crimson Weapons? Are the reason, but I haven't been instructed on anything." "Either way, I only approached you since my guide seems to have hurt himself, and unless you're familiar with these parts, it might be a good idea to keep at least him alive."
  12. Hmmm, @Those responsible for notes Might be an idea to write up a quick summary for each chapter in dot point (or a paragraph) and stick it in Useful Notes, for any future Rp'ers, and for people who might want to go find a quote 5 chapters ago :/
  13. Won't he? If Shanice does a bit of homework, he could figure out pretty easily that turning into Damian will net him two of the girls, One a CW wielder, would seem stupid of him to not at least try again. But he is a Phoenix character I suppose XD
  14. False, it's called Zombie Miranda Damian XD@Psych, Half the group don't know her, well not her name, they just know her as the bandit that attacked infront of TISME.
  15. "Nice to see you again too witch" Reika said making sure she could reach her blades at a moments notice. "I have my own reasons, do you want me to make up a sob story now, or later?" she said making it clear she had no intentions of sharing information with the Shamaness, "I'd have continued to tail you had my guide not been injured, apparently you've already met him" she said indicating Alferis. She glanced over at the nomad, and smirked, "Nice to see you're still alive, I didn't think you'd join forces with the woman that stole your horse" Reika stated before waiting for Morgan to reply.
  16. Who'd get screwed over by succubi though? Other then Isotov, Damian and KievOr incubi for females other then.... Esphyr, Aiya, Katie, Helios.... okay, nevermind we have a fair few.
  17. Reika frowned as the group noticed them, there didn't seem to be any sign of them getting ready to attack, but it was obvious they were on edge, *Sigh* I really don't enjoy tossing these around, Calamity" she summoned the blades once again, and tossed both daggers over at the group to land close to Morgan, the witch who'd been so interested in these weapons before. It wasn't much of a gesture, but she supposed the witch was smart enough to understand it's meaning, if not, well, they'd just have to find another way. "As I said before Alferis, these people aren't exactly friendly so keep your guard up."
  18. @Psych, planning too far ahead is a bad idea, where we go after Helenos land, depends on the events that occur in Helenos land. Though to be honest anything other then Halton, or the port seems stupid, since that was what was being discussed prior mountain pass, unless Helenos/Demon come out and lure them another way.
  19. @Alch: Irrelevant, you're citing reasons about the group's fatigue, I'm talking about OoC decsion, since it'd be idiotic to have someone mention seeing a sea up ahead, and then end up in Halton. I don't know where the little nation is, but it should be pre-determined where the group is going. Otherwise, there is no determined objective for the group, and if someone asks "Where are we going?" and the answer "I dunno" .... well I suppose you can imagine, unless the group like pointlessly traveling through wyvern territory. Only if I can stab the bolting wench a new hole to breathe out of :/
  20. "Hmm safety in numbers, I suppose she said to herself, while I'm against the idea of joining up with those Halton mutts, I suppose they did have what looked like a healer in the group, whether they'll help or not is another matter, but I suppose any decent sister would have to." She grabbed her pack and looked over to the group, she'd originally just intended to spy on them from afar, but she figured she may as well utilize any meatshields she could.
  21. Well, for one not planning our destination resulted in what happened in Elysimma. It's funny how you'll complain about things going wrong, and then refuse to think your actions through. Do you really want me to list the reasons?
  22. Actually they usually just want to get in her pants, and they don't like the attention. Anyway, where to from here? You people still haven't decided on whether it's Septimus or Boat ride as far as I recall. :/ And getting out of the pass, can only be done, after that's done. @Psych, next post, or the one after. I can't be bothered counting.
  23. You DO know she's just going to derail your plans more, right? Also, I've been wondering for a while: what's the whole 'Spetznaz Brigade' thing? Not entirely true, As long as you people don't suddenly decide "Hey lets turn back to Ilyphina" I might actually be able to put the wrench gun down, though your recent comments make me think a role reversal is in order, so this might be a temporary truce with Phoenix for awhile. Until we get to Zaftra. I suppose I better go start making plans for when we reach Jerdon/Septimus though :/ Since it seems I need to know deal with another little problem.
  24. OoC: We've actually killed three..... ah well, say there was 4, one hiding somewhere. Tossing Calamity at the beast and finally striking her mark between the eyes, the last of the wyverns collapsed to the ground, walking over to Alferis she frowned, clearly upset, "I thought I told you not to get killed?" she offered her hand unsure if the man would take it. "As for what enraged them you can see if you go in there" she said indicating the cave which was still emitting smoke. Actually go in there anyway, she said grabbing the mans arm Cess moment. Smoke should help with preventing further wyvern encounters. She noticed Alferis looking at the nest and she shrugged her shoulder "Personal agenda, don't ask" she said content that he'd been in the smoke for long enough, "Better head out soon, can't be sure when the owner of this cave'll return"
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