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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. @Psych, most likely Morgan, though you've pretty much started a support/relation with all characters you've tarot'ed. @Phoenix I sense sarcasm :/ It's no different to an archer attacking it from a safe distance really, since your beasts don't want to come in. And if you have problems with that solution, on the same grounds I could ask you how you were swatting wyverns away earlier :/
  2. "Hmmm, Fire, smoke, and calamity all I need" Reika mused as she outstretched her hand, "Though I don't want to stay here for long, so time to get out of here, Calamity" she summoned her weapon back into her hand, repeating the process with the other wyvern, It took her 3 times as many tries, but they seemed intent on sitting outside instead of coming in, most likely waiting for reinforcements. Just as she was about to start on the third, the other let out a high pitched wail, as if it'd been injured. Slightly irritated that she wouldn't be able to boast killing 3 wyverns alone, yet relieved at the same time, she summoned Calamity into her hands again, and decided that her reinforcements weren't going to kill her prey. She noticed the shadow, who'd barely jumped back in time to avoid an attack by the wyvern, "Don't you die on me Alferis, I expect you to lead me out of these mountains after we're done with this" she said tossing a few more daggers at the wyvern, trying to draw it's attention towards her as Alferis continued to spar with the wyvern outside.
  3. Reika sighed, "Bloody creatures had to have a brain" she muttered before dodging backwards as the wyverns swiped at her, "Entrance, 3 lizards, Hmmm, she covered her mouth as smoke had well and truely started wafting out of the cave. She lifted Calamity infront of her eyes and smiled, "the number of times you've saved me" without hesitating, she tossed her crimson weapon at the head of one of the animals which seemed reluctant to enter, after all it most likely wasn't their nest, and fire and smoke was animals worst enemy. Missing her aim, but hitting the wyvern in the eye she cursed "Damn it, and here I was hoping for a clean hit" she said before quickly tossing the other dagger again aiming for the head, but as the beast screeched at her, the hit went right into it's mouth killing the beast short after. "Two more" she said waiting to see if the other two would leave, come in, or follow the fate of it's companion.
  4. Depends on if you have anything important to do tomorrow Bal :/
  5. I actually don't mind it, though I would like the blood remark retracted, I didn't actually kill wyverns and I'm not actually covered in blood or egg mucus. *Mainly cause I don't want to smell like the rest swampers XD That said, finally, someone willing to give me a challenge. @Phoenix, requesting numbers.
  6. What Lacuna said, and I really don't want to be sticking around this mountain pass for 2~3 chapters, nor would it make any sense for the territorial wyverns to come after us whether we be in Halton or on a boat. @Kai, You mean the one on FEEF? it was actually a joint venture with another member on the forum, but he disappeared, and I can't be screwed continuing it. @Psych, You might want to kind of not ignore our animal specialist, but I thank you for your compliment regardless.
  7. @Bull Wyverns Nady solve problems, that's what :) @Phoenix, and if you're demanding reasons, I have plenty, but that's for a PM.
  8. Reika smiled, she'd notice what resembled a large cave earlier, and after making sure that the group was engaged with the wyverns, decided to go take a look inside the cave, only to find it uninhaibted, though several large eggs lay around neatly sorted on what looked like sticks, rocks and branches that had been gathered. "Hmmm, too big to steal, damn" she muttered, she'd been hoping to swipe an egg and selling it to whatever buyer was available, but she couldn't lift one, much less carry them away. "Shrugging she looked around, making sure that no one was around before summoning Calamity. "Eh, you're better off not coming into this world, she said grabbing the hilt and forcing down the dagger into the eggshell, successfully cracking it as a foul smell oozed out, "Argh, two more" she muttered repeating her actions on the other two, before using the flint she'd used earlier to set fire to the nest. "World has enough of those abominations without you things coming into the world" she said as she watched the flames consume the eggs, as they shattered, even if it something had been in there, it was roasting now. Hearing a loud screech outside, she figured the group had done their job and killed the wyverns outside. "Time to head back to Alferis I suppose" she said to herself before quickly exiting the cave.
  9. I thought it was rather realistic, moving in when everyone is launching ranged attacks isn't exactly a smart move, a bit like running to stab someone when there's a machine gun shooting at them :/ I applaud Kai's post, not because it was chaotic, but because it was good, And god saw, it was good *Waiting for Phoenix to progress the battle*
  10. I suggest ignoring the new chapter until current issues are settled, no idea why Snowy made the next thread already *Shakes head and mutters something* No guesses on what I said, since it should be obvious @Cynthia I already told him that :/ But and I think his love for wyverns are getting in the way, making them seem a bit stronger then they are. Essentially, they're just two wyverns. Bull or not, it's not something which should be considered almighty. And as I've said before, we defeated Helenos, we can easily defeat two wild lizards.
  11. Was making/eating breakfast, I'm not sure what's happening that requires me to wrench gun this but I'm looking forward to it. And I take Snike's actions as open hostility against me and will target him henceforth. XD
  12. @Cynthia: I'm not saying Char was a bad idea, it's just funny seeing everyone requesting Charlotte's aid now instead of asking for a healer. I know it's for OoC reasons (Bal not being on) and I'm fine with pretending Tessa was healing others, but it was just funny to see the sudden switch, it's like Tessa botched a heal of something, and no one wants her services anymore.
  13. Cause others are losers? Tessa been reduced to transport duties? T_T *Waiting for Phoenix*
  14. @Char = Rendered Tessa obsolete, Nady is not happy. @Bickering = Lmao, someone holding their ground against Morgan, a lowly mercenary at that XD Do NOT question her highness @Phoenix = Come on bullies! XD
  15. Reika yawned "Ah right, not exactly a friendly bunch of people those things" she said indicating the group with her eyes. "You did forget to mention that though" the wyverns seemed to have backed off for now, but it'd be only a matter of time before they returned. "Thunder and fire probably luring them over there, and not at us. Though why would you want to seem them again? "To complain? they'll probably try to kill you the moment you open your mouth against them" Reika said rubbing her eyes. "As I said, not a very friendly bunch, though if you want to go down there and meet up with them I suppose we could, safety in numbers, and if it comes down to it, the more sacks of meat waddling about, the easier it is to get away"
  16. Firstly Morgan <3 Now, wyverns All of you stop making up lame excuses, you killed'em be proud. Morgan's attitude makes a whole lot more sense then the excuse and actions people are taking. You've killed bandit and soldiers and perhaps even civilians so far, I don't see why anyone would be sympathetic to killing wyverns except Irina and Aiya (possibly Damian). As for feeling for Irina, half of you haven't had a decent conversation with her, infact I'm surprised people even know her name. @Territorial, I am assuming there are more then one group of wyverns in this mountain, not just one big happy family of a hundred. @Female: See PM @Rolled with it You accepted it, that means you agreed or at least didn't object to the happenings, Irina's entitled to her belief but from the Rp'ers perspective, and most likely the other characters, it was inevitable. @Snowy: LEARN TO READ!!!! Oh right, probably can't read that either :/
  17. You might actually get positive points for that if Irina's going to decide to mope around for awhile Mountain wyverns? You mean the ones that are dead? Or the ones that are supposed to be swamping you at the moment? -If there's "over a hundreds mountain wyverns" around they'll come, with or without the bulls. -I disagree with killing the bull pissing them off, according to your article, wyverns are competitive creatures, if the male dies, that's the king of the court getting knocked out of play. Females, I don't know but they're not supposed to be attacking the group anyway? If they are, well I can't see them "protecting" a male anyway. One demon dragon = Two bull wyverns?...... "Right, Halton! You're taking care of the D-lord now," @Irina:Moping, I'm completely for her moping, and I'm completely for her lashing out when people tell her to "get over it". @Avoid They're territorial, and attacked when the group was sleeping, I doubt there was any way of avoiding an encounter unless we decided against the mountain pass completely.
  18. Don't cite BS when you idiots decided "Hey Helenos, evil dragon lady with high magical powers, let's go fight her." And if you're telling me Bulls are stronger then Helenos, we have Ulfrhahn, screw the Demon Lord.
  19. If you don't spawn them, then I consider that you relinquishing your control over them, and therefore open for others to take. You can't say "No you can't do that, the bull aren't here yet" and then say "Nah the bulls aren't coming at all anymore" That's not nice @Ivanko He's going to have to fail if he's going to turn against the group at some point, cause you know, we're invincible, and if that's ever questioned, we decided to screw logic and do whatever the hell we want.
  20. Awww in that case, it's all the more reason to have the group fight the wyverns >_<
  21. Bulls Male v Ulf Female v Group? And despite your article, I refuse to believe that we they're that powerful, mainly due to Ulfrhahn, it's like having Ivanko in the party <_< Also you conveniently have an NPC in the group, kill her XD
  22. I could of told you that :/ Just wishing the bulls would actually do something other then sit around and sleep >_<
  23. Reika raised an eyebrow "We?" she said suspiciously, "I just explained to you why I was after them, but I wasn't aware you had your own agenda against them, what did they do? Set fire to your inn? Kill your friends? Tell you that you were some almighty chosen one and that you had to come with them?" Reika could smell blood in the air, and while she wasn't sure if it was wyvern blood, or the blood of wyvern prey, she couldn't help but ask. "Are wyverns cannibalistic? And have you ever tried wyvern meat?"
  24. @Ether It's a bull, get over it ya'whinin'pansy. Healing cue is Humans>Horses>Kiev>Helios>Ulfrhahn *Is happy Sage decided not to be a hero* I have no idea what you lot are doing, though I did expect a bit more then a quick raid while passing through the pass. @Char I think Psych/Cynthia might have organised something between them, or at least Cess seems to have taken the noble deed unto himself.
  25. "Nothing" Reika replied honestly, "I just owe someone a violence debt that I felt like repaying, and going after a certain group of people seemed like the best way to get to them". "As I told you earlier, I'm still in the pickpocketing business so the official route isn't exactly a good idea, plus I raided the capitol a few days ago" she laughed making it unclear whether she was joking or not. "As for bad luck, well it happens to all of us, as long as you're alive you'll be battered with bad luck, and if you're dead, well you're dead, probably due to bad luck, don't see how a job change would rectify that, I know I couldn't live any other way even if I tried" she admitted.
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