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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Well, I'd suggest 2~3 rooms, there's only 10 of us. And splitting up into anything less then 3 people per room seems a bit eh. Stupid. And considering most of us'll probably get up and wander aimlessly around the building, 2's probably enough. TISME is an organization of idiots, or at least their security protocol is.
  2. *Passes bill to Congress to have TISME burned to the ground* Okay, I get that we're in a floorboard dorm room. Or are we? Is everyone going to stand around and watch Tessa and Morgan, "Main group" or are the others elsewhere (Morgan and Tessa have split off from the main group) If we are all "resting" then how many does a dorm room cater for? Since the groups about a dozen in number. An idea might be to split in half (female and male) but I assume you people want to be close to the opposite gender support character you're trying to rack up with. Characters @TISME Arrin Isotov Helios Eric Aiya Kelas Irina Tessa Morgan Kamilla
  3. ... They have a longer name, they must be stronger :/ Is TISME magical rat proof?
  4. So between the ceiling and floorboards XD Rats! Lots and lots of magical rats! XD
  5. Depends on if we could find the unoccupied rooms :/ Otherwise expect an angry someone to walk in on you while you rest XD Half stranger, full stranger, Doubt they have rooms vacant for those who aren't usually around, and either way, it's not enough to fit all of us. So Snowy... ANSWERS! :P
  6. @Snowy: Could you establish where we are? The group seems to be heading to the dorms to rest, and Arrin's comments seem to indicate the dorms are seperate from the main tower/building. And you seem to be leading us through fancy hallways. Q: What floor are the dorms on. Q: If not on a floor where are they Q: I'm assuming there's a reason TISME is giving us free lodging in a dorm despite us being complete strangers :/ *Hands over milk money* I don't like milk :/ @Cynthia, I'm well aware of that, none of you seem to care enough and being in control of the mauler I can control how much damage is done, which I can sort of use to my advantage.
  7. Nyahaha Kamilla had been examining the room when Morgan called out for someone to grab some ice. She raised her hand "Kamilla go, Kamilla wants to go!" she said jumping up and down, running out the door before Morgan could say anything. As she entered the corridor she started wandering around, trying to figure out where she was. She didn't know where she could find ice but she assumed it'd be around somewhere. She decided she wouldn't be able to find anything by herself in such a large complex and started asking students who were walking around. Most ignored her completely, some didn't even seem to hear her question as they hurried on to their next class. She was about to kick someone to get their attention when a young girl stopped and offered her hand to her. "I know where you can find some Ice" she said with a sickeningly sweet smile. Kamilla looked at the woman uncertain but she had her orders, and she didn't want Morgan yelling that she was too slow when she got back. She took the girls hand and was led away.
  8. Nady protests! That Helios Wind mage wasn't doing threatening any character other then my own, and I'm supposed to be allowed to be mean to my own characters! Snowy's bullying me :/
  9. Oww Snowy's countering everything I do :/ Guess I'll have to try and swamp him with numbers then. Actually... *sniggers and then goes back to planning*
  10. The man glared at the guard, and raised his tome. But seemed to rethink his actions and turned away mumbling something about low grade familiars and monsters bossing the superior race around. Kanami watched as the man walked off, sticking her tongue out before running back over to Tessa and Morgan. She wasn't sure what she'd done wrong, and didn't even think of the possibility that her actions might have caused the man to get violent. She looked around suspiciously, sticking closely to the pair. "Dumb mages everywhere, must be careful" she repeated quietly to herself.
  11. Kamilla looked at Morgan as she commented and nodded her head. If the lady said so, it must be true she thought to herself as she scampered into the grounds taking an interest in everything they passed. She waited as the group slowly followed onto the campus, some seemed to lack energy while others were looking as if they didn't want to be here. She was about to ask Morgan or Tessa a question, but Morgan seemed to be helping Tessa with something, and the curt reply she'd gotten earlier, was enough to tell Kamilla Morgan wasn't in the best of moods at the moment. Despite Morgan always being like that. Instead she turned her attention back towards the shiny things lying around, and then at the students who curiously eyed them for a few seconds before hurrying off. She recognized some of the tomes being carried around and she laughed. "Wind mages all look stupid" she declared to herself. A moment of silence passed before a burly man, who looked more suited to wielding an axe walked up to her. "What did you just say you miserable little wretch?"
  12. (Nice one Bal XD) Kamilla looked at the secretary and then at Helios, then back and forward between the two, before she took another step towards the secretary "He smells even more" she said indicating the hole in Helios's garments which were soaked in blood (Lacuna's the only one that's changed I'm guessing). She looked at Helios again, and frowned, turning back to the secretary only to find her walking away. "I don't want to be a wind mages anymore, they smell funny and they don't look very smart" she said staring carefully at Helios.
  13. "You're a liar" Kamilla said pointing her finger accusingly at the secretary, "You said two hours, you don't know how to count" she said pouting. She paused and looked at the secretary, "What's a hag? Are you one too?"
  14. Lacuna made her run off, I added the part in my post after I read Lacuna's post. Retcon?
  15. Kamilla raised both hands in the air "I'm a wind mage now" she said proudly. She didn't know what a "test" was but she assumed it was some sort of reward. She was about to ask what a "test" was when Tessa intejected and told her to behave. Kamilla hesitated pinched her nose and approached the secretary still holding her nose, "Sorry Old lady, you don't smell..... much" Kamilla frowned, "Becoming a wind mage was easy, the other wind mages must be stupid"
  16. I'll pay you knock him out then, how about 3 less Nady fires? Deal? @Braindead It's Kai, did you honestly expect he wouldn't see it? It's a miracle he didn't catch it :/
  17. Amusement parks are good occasionally, but just a waste of money if you go too often (maybe once or twice a year max) *Wonders if telling the secretary we were seeking refuge was a good idea* :/ Snowy and Phoenix will most likely bend the plot so TISME doesn't report us in, making the organization completely unrelated to the military, perhaps even pitting them against each other as opposing political powers. But "Hi, we're on the run, please hide us" is like saying "we're suspicious" :/ And lol @ Misunderstandings, you people are guilty! XD
  18. Kamilla pointed at the secretary "Why does that lady smell?" she said loud enough for the secretary, is she going to help us kill the Lord of Azure flame?" she asked no one in particular. She twitched at the mention of "Sanctuary" she knew that word. She ruffled through her belongings and pulled out the battered tome she used and held it up "I have Sanctuary" she said proudly.
  19. You honestly think water and wind have any effect on Nady fire?
  20. I bet if Nady goes there, it'll be nothing but a pile of ash, possibly with a few small live flames depending on how quickly you go to check the place out. Barbecue anyone?
  21. @Snowy: lol @ fail italics :P {/i] :P
  22. ditz • noun N. Amer. informal a scatterbrained person. Scatterbrain: A flighty and disorganized person flighty • adjective (flightier, flightiest) frivolous and fickle. fickle • adjective changeable, especially as regards one’s loyalties. frivolous • adjective 1 not having any serious purpose or value. 2 (of a person) carefree and superficial. Vs Stupid • adjective (stupider, stupidest) 1 lacking intelligence or common sense. 2 informal used to express exasperation or boredom: your stupid paintings! 3 dazed and unable to think clearly. Frivolous is right in the sense of Irina not "having any serious purpose or value." But "lacking intelligence or common sense" and "dazed and unable to think clearly." Seem to apply more. Definitions courtesy of AskOxford
  23. Another no battle chapter? Nyeh, Ah well. *Agree's with Lacuna*
  24. @Bal, It's a better response then I get from anyone else :/ And frankly I think it was perfectly informative. @Lacuna, Indeed, but I can't be bothered talking to duckshit at the moment @Cynthia, XD *Is getting the feeling that Ian>Irina in Cynthia's head* @Halfwit: Kamilla's going to go set Ilyphina on fire, it's in character <_<
  25. Kamilla had just finished greeting Aiya when Tessa's friend, Arrin? Called out something she didn't understand, but she figured this Arrin, was always shouting out things, a bit like the newspaper boys on street corners. She was about to pester someone else asking who the woman up ahead was but Tessa seemed to have figured out her actions and quickly explained to her that it was Irina, and also told her who Isotov was. Pointing her finger around at the group, "Arrin, Aiya, Irina, Isotov, Tessa" she said, immediately getting corrected as she got Irina and Isotov mixed up. Trying again she smiled as she got the names right, and looked around if anymore of these weird people were going to turn up when she noticed the scaly beast beside Irina. Tugging on Tessa's clothes she pointed at Kiev, "Big flying snake?" she asked curiously, Tessa didn't really seem to know much about wyverns herself, but she told Kamilla what she knew. She thought she noticed a quick sigh of fatigue or perhaps it was Tessa getting sick on answering so many questions. Kamilla wandered over to a few of the others she hadn't yet spoken to. (I was so sure we'd get a battle of some sort yesterday :/ Ah well)
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