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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Good for the Snowy? And stop directing your comments at me you miserable wretch.
  2. Then do something >_< Someone, anyone :/
  3. Can I burn something down? This is getting boring :/
  4. Go to hell you useless piece of birdshit, I hope you, your retarded brother, and everyone related to you get raped, drugged, raped again the die a long slow death. *Mental note: Do not let Phoenix/Lightning take over the plot again, things take forever to get moving*
  5. Editted last post. That's up to how much you people annoy me? (I get annoyed easily) Then I can't annoy all of you with Nady hate. Though I'll still retain my attitude of wanting to "seemingly fuck up everyone at every goddamn turn" through Npc's. @Cynthia, Not right now, but technically, I've already been told quite a bit of what I need to know, Name: Kamilla Cynthia: Crimson Weapons their role Bal: That I serve the goddess I can start unraveling the spell from here. And I'm sure being chased by soldiers and hearing Isotov accused of being an arsonist won't help much either XD *Wonders what to do in the RP from here on* @Ether, In that case not very long XD As soon as the "We're all your friends" lie falls through, Kamilla will be Free! to start hating on a good portion of the group
  6. @Ether, Is that a new challenge? Though I request you don't count Helios since..... well for obvious reasons Plus, I can undo Morgans memory wipe spell whenever I want :P So if I start hating members of the group then I'll just slowly or quickly start unraveling the spell XD Since last I checked I hated pretty much everyone from the group. Viveka, Conrad, Tessa, Katie, Arrin and Damian being the ones she doesn't hold a grudge against. And most of them are only unhated because I never interacted with them, or didn't have enough time to hate them.
  7. Kamilla glared at Aiya suspiciously, she'd acted on impulse but part of her was expecting to get yelled and and possibly hit for her actions. The woman started thinking and Kamilla was certain she was coming up with evil schemes and methods of punishment. But when Aiya smiled, Kamilla smiled hesitantly back and stuck out her hand, "I'm Kamilla, what's your name?" she asked innocently. She recalled seeing the woman earlier with Morgan, but had never gotten around to asking anyone their name except Tessa. She wasn't sure if she could trust such an aggressive woman just yet, but she was willing to admit her mistake (too hard on the boy) and people who admitted their own mistakes couldn't be bad people could they? More then anything, she was supposed to be one of her friends. (OoC: I noticed Kamilla V1.0 didn't really know any of your names, and was getting sick of referring to people as him, her, that woman etc, So I'm going to try and establish names quickly this time round)
  8. "Oh, so I'm Kamilla?" she asked satisfied when Tessa nodded her head in confirmation. She pointed at Morgan again "She's my friend too, does that make you my friend?" she asked frowning trying to work out the question as if it were some sort of complicated equation. Not being able to come to a quick conclusion she shrugged her shoulders and returned to the topic of the dead soldier. Kamilla smiled and shook her head, "You're silly miss, dead is when they go to a place far far away, they're still sleeping there, they're not dead" The mentioning of a Lady confused her, she pointed at Morgan and asked "Lady?" but when her response was corrected she frowned "Is the lady friends with the flame lord guy?" she said racking her brain to figure out which piece went where. She was once again corrected but she not being able to comprehend the answer she just shrugged it off. And was about to scamper away when Tessa grabbed her in a tender hug. Blushing furiously she attempted to break free of her hold like a cat who no longer wanted to be held. But she didn't resist as much as she wanted to. It felt nostalgic, something someone used to do for her in the past, a past she couldn't remember. Her thoughts were interrupted as Arrin called Tessa and herself over, Suddenly remembering where she was and that people were around she started thrashing around, to which Tessa quickly responded by letting her go. "Kamilla Coming!" she said raising her hand and waving it back at the boy. Tessa seemed worried about something but Kamilla took no notice of it and pulled on her arm. "Miss Tessa? That man over there's calling you, isn't he your friend too?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Timskip? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kamilla had been watching Morgan and Tessa and hadn't realized the boy urchin either, but when she saw Aiya pull the boy up off the ground by the hair she frowned and walked over, apparently Amari had also been stepping on the boy, but the horse had removed it's foot now. She raised her hand and wacked Aiya's arm, and surprisingly, the soldier let the kid go, most likely more surprised then anything by Kamilla's actions. She pointed a finger at Aiya menacingly "No being mean to the poor people" she said before turning to the boy. She raised her hand and flicked the boy in the forehead. "Stealing, bad, make other people sad. No more stealing okay?" she said proudly, acting like a child who was trying to mimic the actions of her parents. *Waiting for Aiya to cleave her in half* XD
  9. Kamilla jumped up, the same reaction one would expect from a child who had been caught by her mother doing something she shouldn't have been doing. Looking around she notice Tessa looking at her and skipped over, "Who's Kamira?" she asked cocking her head, "Is that my name? You're.... one of the lady's friends right?" she asked not really knowing who Morgan was either. A mischievous grin crossed her face as she pointed at the men lying in the plaza. "These people are sleeping in the middle of the street, they'll get in trouble by their mommies if they catch a cold won't they? Miss?" she asked as if she were appealing to Tessa, asking her to applaud her logic. "I don't know who you are but pleased to meet you" she said sticking her hand out enthusiastically. (OoC: Thanks Bal, I tried to work on this 'new' Kamilla, but when I started a conversation Lacuna and Cynthia just gave me a short reply and hurried off XD Clearly no one wants to talk to poor crazy Kamilla XD)
  10. As it is my honourable duty to flame anyone who makes stupid comments I'm going to flame you now. Please wait while I process this application ........ .............. ..................... Thank you, commencing flaming. Physiologically, I'd say the exact opposite applies, having watched people he cares dying constantly he'd have grown dis-attached from people as a whole, making it harder for him to mingle with others. This has already been demonstrated by his general attitude to everyone else. And you've mentioned it several times yourself. You can't say he's not really interested in anyone due to losing friends one moment, then start saying he's extremely clingy due to losing friends the next. This case isn't like when you say "I wish you'd die" then the person dies in an accident. Cause technically it's not your fault. In Iso's case it 'IS' his fault, at least partially, and I'd of thought such a predicament would make him distance himself from those he cares about (Eg Leaving Irina) The mage trio kidnapping Katie, might anger Iso,he might even try (and most definitely will) save Katie. However, saving someone who might be in potential danger (life risking danger) and being clingy are two separate things. I still think Isotov's emotions towards Katie are way too strong, it's not something you do to someone you've barely known for three days. Of which, most of the time, you've spent more time running away then actually bonding. It's your character, and Iso/Katie doesn't really affect me so it's none of my business, but as the resident 'Hag' that no one likes, I feel I need to tell you, that Isotov isn't making any sense. I'm looking forward to your implementation of Viveka, since your usage of Irina is rather poor, she feels more like a support character to Iso's past and character than an actual individual character. You've assured us that she has her own story to tell, and that it would happen once we arrived at the capitol, (or any large city) yet the only things I've been seeing are more Isotov plot stuff. So I hope the Phoenix didn't lie to me like Lightning did :/
  11. You do, don't know about anyone else :/
  12. Kamilla frowned, she'd gotten an answer but now she was faced with another question. Who was this Lord of Azure Flame? Was it some evil king man, or perhaps some corrupt noble? Either way, if her 'friends' wanted to kill this man, he must be a bad person. As Isotov counted those who were missing and forgot Katie, despite being obsessed with her in his dreams Kamilla wandered away and stepped outside. She'd let the old people handle the complicated stuff. she noticed a few dead people outside and carelessly walked up to one of the soldiers, there were huge teeth mark across the mans torso and his eyes had rolled back in what was possibly fear. "Wake up mister" she told the man as she shook the mans shoulder. Not getting a response from the man, she grabbed him by the nose and pinched it, waiting to see if the man would start flailing around if she deprived him of oxygen but the man remained motionless. Growing bored, she frowned, annoyed at the lack of response she was getting. "Cautiously she stuck her finger out and directed it at the mans eye. "Ewww" she said childishly as she wiped her finger on the mans garments.
  13. :/ *Wonders why every male/female pairing needs to end in a relationship* *Thinks Phoenix has too many characters*
  14. Kamilla was growing bored of all the chatter, she didn't know what everyone was talking about, and all these names flying around wasn't helping her organize her thoughts, she felt like she had heard a few of them before, but other names didn't ring a bell at all. As the discussion switched to Crimson Weapons, Kamilla had had enough, slightly annoyed at the group she tugged on Morgans robe, "What's a crimson weapon?" she asked trying to sound polite, but irritation being clear in her tone.
  15. If it's by Cynthia, I'm willing to step down :/ And yes I do take breaks, making apple pie (I sound like an old lady) for one of the kids I teach, it's his birthday :/ I considered cake, but it's likely his family will be providing that, and figure I might as well prepare an afternoon snack. :/ Though I'm certain he'd prefer I fake a sickie and tell him I can't teach him today XD
  16. Nady is taking a break :/ Plus, you're the one who called Cynthia Nady 2.0 :/
  17. An argument between the two big-heads? :D I personally don't see the possibility of Katie escaping possible, not without some sort of assistance anyway. So Katie trying to escape seems like a vain attempt which will just piss off the Magi Trio :/
  18. As everyone moved into the church Kamilla followed still not sure who or where she was. But it seemed like a good idea to stick with this group until she could organize her thoughts. She walked into the church getting a tingly feeling that felt nostalgic but it quickly passed. She noticed more people inside the church and watched as Morgan started talking to another trio. These people just kept popping out of nowhere didn't they? Next they'd probably join up with some guy in a prison cell, despite the illogical nature of a prison being located anywhere near here. She also supposed this imaginary person would also be able to see what was going on. She scoffed at the idea. No one was that stupid. Shaking her head she stood their expecting something to happen. Not really comprehending what the others were talking about.
  19. Yeah, no toying with the Phoenix, that's my scratching post Kind of hard for Phoenix to mention it, Isotov: Unconscious? Irina: Infront of TISME by herself? Viveka: Making love to Chase in a jail cell
  20. I don't know? I'm confused enough with what Kamilla's supposed to think atm without worrying about gender benders. Actually on second though, she knows Kelas is female, due to her... well, current attire. (She has to think female, or crossdresser XD)
  21. Stuff, and not much stuff at that. Enough for you to read yourself and catch up pretty quickly.
  22. Kamilla hummed some tune she didn't quite know as she followed her 'friends.' She wasn't exactly sure who these people were but if they were friends she was supposed to follow them. Right? As they approached a girl and boy on horseback. Several of her 'friends' started to converse with the two and she decided to ask Kelas (closest person?) who they were "Who are they? Are they friends too?" she asked uncertainly, "the boy kind of looks like you" she said with a giggle. OoC: Did not see purple Phoenix spawn, and is oblivious to shouting at the church
  23. You do know that I supported Cynthia's mind swipe and asked for it right? Of course you do, you were around at the time. Meaning it's just your birdbrain memory kicking in :/ I think my main interaction at this point in time would be Cynthia, Snike and possibly Lacuna anyway :/
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