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Everything posted by Skywolfe

  1. ... I just wandered into heaven. Please, excuse me for a moment. I need to pinch myself and get to work.
  2. Ooh, now this kind of topic I can go on for ages about! I only made two, but I've spent a long time head-canoning and worldbuilding for them, so mind me for a moment, please... Name: Aidan (Default appearance.) Gender: Male Spouse: Camilla Class: Dark Blood/Malig Knight Route: All. Asset: Strength Flaw: Luck Personality: Quiet, withdrawn, stoic, very literal, appears to be mechanical, but he's quite loving deep-down. Due to repeated whippings as a child brought on from protecting his siblings from getting into trouble during their visits to the fortress, he suffers from severe PTSD, and an almost complete lack of self-worth. He's been in love with Camilla since his youth, and that brought a lot of trouble into his growth because of the implications that he was desiring a woman he thought was his sister. Poor guy is pretty emotionally broken/stunted in a lot of respects, but he's quite tough physically, and his loyalty is unquestionable when he commits to a route. Name: Eve (Again, default appearance.) Gender: Female. Spouse: Marx. Class: Dark Blood/Falcon Knight Route: All Asset: Speed. Flaw: HP. Personality: Gentle, intelligent, empathetic, a bit of a pacifist and a mischeif-maker. Suffers from asthma and a weak constitution that left her frequently holed up in the healing wards as a child, and believes that since she'll die young, there's no reason to fear the thought of death in battle. Despite that, she dislikes violence, and wants to see peace between Nohr and Hoshido at any cost to herself. Like Aidan, she fell in love with Marx very young, and thought herself doubly sick for wanting her brother like a man. She's the most broken about having to make a choice, constantly second-guesses herself, but she's a natural leader because of her maternal qualities and her ability to inspire optimism.
  3. ... Whoops, I ended up skipping right through the beginning video and directly to gameplay when I got linked. I was happier not knowing.
  4. I'm so lost, apparently I missed this. At the risk of sounding dumb, what did snippet did I miss?
  5. I want to be excited. I really do want to be excited. And I am excited, who are we kidding? But I just dropped forty dollars on my preorder of the special edition for Fates, (and wasn't that fun to get a hold of!) and I have no more money to hand out to Nintendo, no matter how much I want to do it. CAN WE PLEASE BE NICER TO THE POOR, NOW?!
  6. ... I love that someone else has this opinion of Naga. And no, it has nothing to do with the fact that Awakening!Tiki was probably my favourite female character in the game.
  7. Spent a good few minutes mixing and matching to get all the replies synced up to the proper parent/child, but it was so worth it. I know the child mechanic gets a lot of flak for a lot of reasons, but... Well, when lines like these pop out, you can't help but get a little "Hnnggh!" going on in your heart.
  8. Has anybody seen Siebgert/Ophelia running around? I'm having trouble deciding who to marry Carrot Jr with, and Sophie is slowly but surely rising to the top ranks. Not that that's a problem mind you, their support is adorable, but I'm hoping Ophelia just exasperates the crap out of my son for humour purposes. :3
  9. I love this. I really do. I find it fun to see how many people are spinning their own tales with Fates, and working off of both what the game has, what they wish the game had, and what they want to do with it. It's great stuff... I can't honestly find any suggestions to give you, (partly because my own spin on it is so radically different from your own), but I can say honestly this looks like a fic I'd probably poke my nose into with great interest... Fates is a goldmine for fanfiction material, and I haven't been this genuinely excited for a game solely from an author's perspective in ages. The moment I heard about the general theme "Blood vs Loyalty" of Fates, (disregarding the fact that said theme promptly blew up in everyone's faces later on due to reasons) the little muse in my head started to squeal in excitement... And, admittedly, I was even more excited because I did want my Mamui to romance Camilla, and my Femui to romance Marx, but that's the fangirl speaking, and I apologize for it... Sorta. But I also liked the idea of an "inner" reveal as much as the "outer" reveal. Sure, learning that Kamui shared no blood with anyone made for a great celebration that the royal siblings were suddenly husbando/waifu material, and I did join in on that party, but all too quickly my mind went somewhere else. That revelation, poorly handled as it was in the Hoshidan supports, (Mom left a letter, guess what, we're not related! Let's get hitched!), could be a bombshell all on it's own that could dramatically turn around the tone of the Hoshidan storyline. Imagine turning your cloak on the people who essentially raised you, people who loved you and maybe even as they knew you weren't their family, (Marx and Camilla are the best candidates for this, considering their age), for what you thought was your "blood" family... and then learning you actually share no real blood with them in the first place. The entire reason why you left, perhaps the sole reason why you left, is suddenly nonexistent. That kind of knowledge could completely shatter a person, depending on the personality and motivations that led them to run from Nohr in the first place. Otherwise, I can't think of very much to suggest to you. You seem to have things well in hand, at least from my perspective, and I wish you luck.
  10. Was there ever something like this made for Awakening...?
  11. Camilla's recruitment chapter in the Invisible Kingdom route is the first plot point/plot happening that springs to my mind, and I'll happily pick apart my own argument afterwards, but bear with me for the moment. I am going to be the first to admit that I saw that scene with shipping goggles firmly attached to my head. I've been a Mamui/Camilla shipper from the outset. I read/watched this scene looking for subtext and interpretating it in the fashion that most suited my desires as a shipper. I saw romance because I wanted romance, and I'm not about to deny it... but I also know that's now how everyone else saw the scene, but this is the evidence I would use to fuel my own fire, so it might as well be something I can note in an argument for my favour. However, I will also be the first to admit that I know not everyone else sees it that way. The fact is that because this scene will not change for a Femui rather than a Mamui means this could very well be interpreted as a familial declaration of love and loyalty rather than a romantic one. It's really all about perception. I went in looking for romance, and I found it. Another could watch the same scene and see nothing but an elder sister throwing her lot in with a little brother or sister that she's fiercely devoted to in a purely platonic way. It's all about what you see, how you interpret what you see, and what you want to see... All which is what makes this canon business extremely tricky to work with from any standpoint. But I'll still assert Aqua/Mamui is more blatant, even if I don't ship it. It just seems to be written that way.
  12. This seems like more a heavily subjective question rather than one that has a clear-cut answer... Shipping is usually more opinion-based than anything else (even when there are clear cut canon pairings, and any and every fandom has that particular war raging at any given time), and that's also taking into consideration the cultural bias in Japan of preferring canon pairings over the westerners love of choice... However, having said that, the question is: "Are there any other characters who beat out the implied romance between Mamui and Aqua?", so I am going to try to approach this as objectively as I can rather than as the shipper that I am... But changing the title to reflect the opening post would probably help get the message across that you're insinuating that the romance is "implied" rather than "canon", even though one could make the argument that both are similar enough to use interchangeably. That however is just my personal bias. I've noticed, especially in the Fire Emblem fandom, that tossing out the words "canon" in the same breath as "pairing" is usually a bad idea, if not just outright flame bait. Returning to said question, and admitting outright and right away that I do not ship Aqua and Mamui, I would still have to say no. The only two characters that come close to the level of implied romance would be Camilla, as previously stated, and Felicia. Camilla relatively speaks for herself at this point; it is confirmed in canon that she loves Mamui, but the idea of that being reciprocal is very much optional rather than something explored or implied in-game, unlike with Mamui and Aqua. Felicia is in the same boat, though it could be argued that her loyalty to Mamui is simply that, a servant's loyalty to her master rather than romantic affection, and as with Camilla, the idea of reciprocation remains more of a player choice than an in-game implication. In-game, Aqua and Mamui have far more "evidence" to rely upon for the two of them to be romantically invested in one another, or at the very least, attracted to one another, as has been outlined above. Even without the shipping goggles on, the chemistry does exist, and it was most definitely put there for this couple to be seen as the first choice rather than the second, third, or fourth.
  13. He was put there deliberately. I will not accept anything else. It's Zero.
  14. I almost... ALMOST... want to take that as a challenge. If I'm allowed to make at least one "BY THE MULLET OF IKE!" joke.
  15. "Yeah. Up until now you and I have spoken much right? I only ever thought of you as a sexy older sister something like that, but you were pretty different to what I thought." ... Hinata. What are you doing. Stahp. Oh my god. I laughed so hard I started choking. I might just ship this because of her immediate, "What, I'm not sexy now?" response. Orochi just leapt up like ten spots on my favourite character list. She's awesome.
  16. That is a very good question. Someone needs to rewrite their support, ASAP.
  17. Mamui/Camilla and Femui/Xander, right out the gate. Takumi/Oboro is definitely a big one, too, as well as Kagerou/Ryouma and Hinata/Hinoka. Flannel/Felicia also hit me where it hurt. Then we have Luna/Odin and Grey/Matoi for the Awakening flashbacks... I would have liked to see Flora/Joker, but that's a whole other monster.
  18. Thank you so, so, so much for doing this. I genuinely think I've grown to love the retainers by a good 75% increase after reading these translations. They're just all so ridiculous. This is my kind of fanservice. And Belka and Setsuna need a support.
  19. Speaking solely from experience, this was EXACTLY what I considered the relationship to be between the Nohrian siblings (mostly barring Elise due to her age and inexperience) and Garon to be like.
  20. I hope there is minor tweaking in the localization, enough to smooth over one or two plotholes and provide better flow, (as well as changing Shenmei and Mikoto being sisters, because honestly, what purpose did that serve at all in IK?) but not so much that the entire concept of the plotline gets shafted sideways into an unrecognizable mess. I understand the problems that people are having with the storyline, but I also believe a lot of it is getting blown way, way, way out of proportion. The story in Conquest and in IK was not nearly as bad as people are making it out to be, at least not from what I know of it, but I accept that I'm in the minority camp here, so there's no point in making too much of a fuss. As for the manga, I have no set opinion. I'd like to see anything and everything at this point, because more Fire Emblem makes me happy, and either or, it's going to be something I'll read, and more than likely will enjoy.
  21. Just when I was beginning to regret hopping on this forum so much due to the negativity everywhere, this thread pops up and brings a really big goofy smile to my face. Before I begin with anything, I thank you for brightening my day, and giving me an excuse to gleek out a little over all these awesome characters that Fates offers. I owe you a cookie, and an internet hug. :3 Ahem. To return to the topic... and excuse my gushing, I've been wanting to do something like this for ages. XD Shared Characters: Nohrians: Hoshidans: I don't have a favourite child character at the moment, mostly because there's an extreme lack of supports for them in comparison to the first gen... I'm leaning most for Kanna and Siegbert, if mostly because they'll be my babies, but I guess that is another thing that can change as things go? Who knows. Ophelia is edging in though for a third, if only because I love the idea of Owain/Odin's kid being every bit as awesome as he is. I'll admit that outright. XD
  22. No, no they are not. Words cannot express how happy I am with this DLC at the current moment. I am all aboard the "the subordinates need a vacation more than their lords do" train right now, and I seriously hope it's the same with the rest of the siblings' retainers just for the sheer lulz factor. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. Belka is best retainer.
  23. ... "We're taking Kamui to Krakenburg!" SORRY NOT SORRY. I hadn't known Nohrdor was a thing, but now that it is, I'm using it everywhere.
  24. I'm parroting a few people here, but it needs to be said again, because it just makes sense. Zero/Orochi and Crimson/Ryouma are big ones. I also wanted to see Aqua/Camilla, and was shocked they didn't get a support when all of the other siblings got a chance to talk to her. I'm not sure if it was just a random oversight, but I was pretty upset that they just never get a chance to talk. I'll probably fix it myself somewhere down the line... -sigh- Also, Yuugiri/Orochi, because learning more about Mikoto would have made me super happy. She needs more backstory, and Orochi seemed to love her, and that made me super happy, too. This. This with utter impunity. As well as Flora and everybody else from Nohr. Well, mostly Gunter, Leon, Xander, Elise and Camilla, but still. Flora needed more love in every single damn way, and I'm extremely upset she didn't get any.
  25. I'm with everyone else that Marx and Ryouma should be done first/second... ... but can we have Camilla third, plz? Thank you so much for this!
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