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Everything posted by Skywolfe

  1. Well, the idea of dragons losing control of themselves isn't anything new to the series, and having them lash out at loved ones in their moments of madness has certainly been done before... The execution however is what I'm more interested in, especially since (despite the obvious pain she's in), Aqua kept some composure and asked Kamui to return to their senses. I question if this is the first time Kamui loses control in their dragon form, or if Aqua has had experience with this in some other manner. Of course, I can also get behind this. The partial transformations we've seen before might lend credence to it, as maybe Kamui rarely goes "full dragon" for that exact reason?
  2. Thanks for your hard work! And I knew there was a reason why I loved Orochi as soon as I saw her. She's going to be one of the more fun characters in the roster, methinks.
  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your hard work! You're a hero! Now excuse me while I bounce my head off of a wall till 2016.
  4. Can this be a thing? I really, really, really want that to be a thing. I would pay any amount of gold for this to happen. I think it was said bosses cannot be captured, which, while being a good thing to hammer in the choice mechanic, is also really a heavy blow for me as a player. (As I run under the assumption that we will be forced to see each of our Nohrian/Hoshidan siblings as bosses in the opposing paths...) It's going to be extremely hard to kill my siblings, and I'm hoping beyond all hope that some boss fights are optional depending on their chapter goal... I'd be ecstatic to have to run away from Camilla/Hinoka for ten turns to hit that "Survive" objective rather than kill her.
  5. Where's my "both" option? I switched back and forth between Japanese and English for Awakening quite often. It was my first experience with dual audio, so I went a little wild with it. I eventually ended up doing two Japanese-audio only playthroughs, one per female and male, and I was pleasantly surprised by how "new" it made the game. If it is an option in If, I see myself doing this, too... and I really am hoping it's an option again.
  6. Since the choice was posed to me, I immediately swung over to Nohr for first playthrough, and I haven't at all been inclined to change. I'm not entirely sure what it is about the Nohr campaign that demanded my attention, but it got it. Of course, speaking plainly, I'm going to eventually for all three paths, and knowing me, it's going to be the third path that I'll end up replaying the most... At least, if the third path goes the way I'm hoping and we get everyone on the same side, regardless of realism and absolute final boss, just because it'd be too much fun to pass up.
  7. I finally got off of my butt to get myself an account here, and I credit this topic and the preceeding one for motivating me into it. I just could not resist. As for choices, Orochi, Camilla, Aqua, and Mikoto (because why not) are the winners for M!Kamui. F!Kamui gets Ryouma/Nishiki, Marx, and a tossup between Cyrus and Suzukaze. This game might just a shipper's worst nightmare... Unless you're just holding out for the desperate hope (totally not like me) that Kamui isn't actually related to anyone.
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