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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. She's honestly not that great lol. Unless they have infantry buffs someday. F!Robin performs much better in single player content (GHBs etc.) than Arena, and in those GHBs, 4* unoptimized is usually already enough for her niche. 5* and Raven just expands her role a bit.
  2. I think she was talking about Cecilia's major in school. She took Wind magic. @Anacybele Giving F!Robin Gronnraven just gives her more options I guess. I switch around between Wolf and Raven depending on what kind of map I need her to clear, and it works pretty well.
  3. Oh all this time you didn't have Reposition... I thought you did since you didn't question me. Reposition is good anyway, and great for Flier Emblem. No loss there.
  4. Huh? How does she not have a spot to move? Follow these steps from that pic: 1) Move Camus down 2 2) Move Catria down 2 3) Move S!Camilla one square left, one square up to kill Lance Cav 4) Olivia dances while staying in place 5) S!Camilla moves down one square, right one square, and Repositions Olivia backwards to safety
  5. Perfect! Lilina actually can't hit S!Camilla where she's standing right now. Have Camus move down to bait the Red Mage (he won't die), and move S!Camilla in to murder the Lance Cav. Olivia dances where she's standing, then have S!Camilla move back to that spot while using Reposition on Olivia. You won't get Flier buffs for the next turn, but that's okay since it's mostly dealing with Lilina and the Archer.
  6. How though? There should be a square that Lilina can't reach but Cecilia can, hugging the right edge. Can you take a screenshot of what happens? Or draw lol?
  7. If you have S Camilla go in to kill the Peg, get danced to leave and Reposition the Dancer away, you'll be in prime position to kill the Cav next turn, then back off to bait only Cecilia. Neither the Archer nor Lilina can get you, not even the Red Mage from the left.
  8. Technically, he's forced to be in this pose, since the Fujin Yumi's arrows don't appear until he nocks the bow.
  9. Wow, so the Archer just ignores the breakable wall and makes a beeline for her?
  10. I don't think so. The sprites are stored in the game in one piece. Perhaps something will pop up now that we have the Hero Catalogue.
  11. Oh, looks like I was wrong, Sheena does use Hector's pose. So it's not unique lol!
  12. Hmm, iirc, Sheena uses the pose the other Armors do instead of Hector's, so Hector is technically unique, as a reference to how his status as an Armor unit is wacky.
  13. Here's an album of a few I have and remember. Azura and Olivia have their stances in their own games, and the rest are just cutesy poses for the seasonal girls I guess.
  14. I got a +Atk -Res Lukas earlier. Maybe I'll run Brave Lance on him instead of Oboro... @Oboro!
  15. All this time you never had a merge? Wow. @Oboro! My free pull for the Bound Hero Battle banner was also 5* Roy, but I fed him to Eirika lol.
  16. Yes, she does. Three questions: 1. Can you put Hone Spd and R Tomebreaker on M!Robin? Hone Spd is more important. 2. What is your Nino's bane? 3. What is M!Robin's nature? The first two questions determine if the strat I'm coming up with works, while the third is just for accuracy's sake.
  17. What are your builds for Nino and M!Robin? What kind of buffs are you putting on Nino?
  18. Do you have some kind of Blue mage, archer, Kagerou, anything? I don't think you need Celica at all.
  19. What if... You put Distant Def back on Celica!! What team are you running anyway?
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