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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. So you would support Nohrian Scum just because he is Takumi's friend?
  2. I find myself liking all sorts of music from all sorts of eras... There are rather few genres and singers that I dislike. I can't deal with country at least.
  3. Still waiting for a 4* Abel. At this rate I'm gonna use my 5* Abel for Swordbreaker.
  4. @Ice Dragon Is your leader Baby Tiki right now? She's ridiculous. What nature is she?
  5. So in the GBA era, FE games would just autosave if you turned off your device/emulator, but it couldn't be used to cheese failed strats since it locks you into an action you selected. Why was this removed from the newer games in favor of manual bookmarking? It's quite convenient sometimes.
  6. Hm, he does have good defense, but I feel like that's a bit too passive for such an offensive beast. It goes well with Subaki because of his role...
  7. That's pretty cool! I think a lot of people would like to use this sort of thing as signatures.
  8. But that would unnecessarily bloat things. Also, all Manaketes shoot the same stuff in Awakening.
  9. Drop the lolis in weird clothing. Honestly imo, Deen should be your second DF instead. Kamui, if used at all, should only get the bare minimum benchmark of Myrmidon before Act 2 ends just for the sake of having a second fast dude to face tank. I spent forges and an EXP fountain on the guy and I regret everything.
  10. I hope fliers and cavs have some sort of penalty to them, because being able to "lol who cares" parts of the map is ridiculous.
  11. I gave Celica dem Boots in Act 2, and it was glorious. Fuck 4 Mov. Saber outpaces Kamui so much without excessive grinding it really hurts. Though it hurts less if Saber gets RNG screwed along the way. My Saber in my Bltizkrieg reached 20 Spd before Dread Fighter because he is dumb.
  12. So about 3 years. The SoV forges are pretty easy to remember for me. Mostly because there's not much you need to bother with lol. Only about half of the trees are worth remembering.
  13. Kept getting this guy with a wack ass Wary Fighter Hector, so I deleted his ass from my friends list.
  14. If you were a real casual, you wouldn't think about Barrier spam for EXP/Staff rank and just play the game normally. lrn2casul!
  15. I mean, in an LTC sense, neither of them really function as mages anymore, since their purpose is just to get Staff rank while Seth and Vanessa kill everything.
  16. Y'know what, thinking about it, I think they're kinda even. Artur has a much better start because of his Con, and his growths are really good too. Lute's Con is absolutely terrible and is a bit of a pain to train, but Mage Knight gives her horse access anyway, and she grows even better than Artur. Slayer is sort of irrelevant between them, because Excalibur is crazy good. @Xenomata "Well my teammate can take care of units that this one can't!" isn't a defense for a unit. A unit that does more with the same build and same required team slots is the better one.
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