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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Y'know what, thinking about it, I think they're kinda even. Artur has a much better start because of his Con, and his growths are really good too. Lute's Con is absolutely terrible and is a bit of a pain to train, but Mage Knight gives her horse access anyway, and she grows even better than Artur. Slayer is sort of irrelevant between them, because Excalibur is crazy good. @Xenomata "Well my teammate can take care of units that this one can't!" isn't a defense for a unit. A unit that does more with the same build and same required team slots is the better one.
  2. I tried, just couldn't pull a Katarina lol. I don't like L&D on Celica since I want her to be more flexible.
  3. Jokes on you, she still has Distant Defense. There's this 3* +Atk -Spd Oboro around, and a random Abel for Brave Lance+... Then this Hana was just leveled to level 20 in preparation for 20k feathers... Though I was planning for the L&D to go to Lucina instead.
  4. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Take good care of my account...
  5. I heard about that Lilina thing. Apparently if the RNG is rigged or something (so it's not a real LTC, to an extent), then Lilina just happens to be the one min-maxed enough to do the wack Bolting strats.
  6. I didn't actually play Gaiden myself, though my friend did and he kept me posted. Lilina just isn't worth the effort to train, since she joins late for her bases. Though I still would because Lilina. But objectively Lugh is just better I think. Hugh would be the best if he didn't cost an arm and a leg. How good is Linde?
  7. I don't know much about Archanea, so idk if those games are male mage dominated Jugdral has Sety the god. Early game Kliff was pretty good in OG Gaiden, but the best mage was Sonya by far. In Echoes, the female mages have all gotten buffed and Kliff is now ass. Mage Tobin is around though. FE6's best mage was like... Lugh. Niime doesn't really count I guess. FE7 is a no brainer. Erk, Lucius, Canas, Pent, Athos... FE8 has Saleh, but he's not that great on Ephraim route. I guess best mage would be Artur. FE9 doesn't really have a clear best mage kinda? Perhaps Soren, but his start is as terrible as the other options. RIP FE10 mages. Micaiah is "the best" I guess. Robin can be male or female in FE13... Ricken is ass though, and Henry is just alright. Tharja and Miriel are nice. Fates doesn't even have good Gen I mages... Ophelia is a goddess, but before that I guess... Nyx? Rev Hayato?
  8. Even though Cordelia is one of my favourites, I actually would have wanted to see some Whitewings instead...
  9. She's a bit popular, y'know. Can't always be around for Sharena.
  10. No, I'm not surprised that she's losing at all. I'm surprised that people are surprised.
  11. @Vaximillian Sure, Sharena. Perfect time to show up. Hold Celica's Ram Wine.
  12. Woah, they're handing out Light's Blessings? Is this a dream?
  13. Like when she shoots bubbles during Dragon Fang, or the water that surrounds her dragon form in general?
  14. Corrin creates her own water, as pure as heart and everything else.
  15. Pure water is actually a very poor conductor of electricity.
  16. Because it's a demo that isn't part of the story? If there's a dedicated story mode in a Warriors game, there are usually character locks here and there.
  17. Actually, hmm... I think two of your three(?) playable allies on a map will always be locked to Rowan and Liana, so I'm not sure.
  18. You'll probably have to use her in the story anyway, I think. I just pretend Fates' story didn't exist and enjoy the cool character designs.
  19. idk, maybe the localization makes them sound older in both voice and text. Right now, Corrin is probably the one I'd use the most lol. Her moves are unique, and also great at crowd clearing.
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