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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. +4 while I didn't pull a single one even though I love her REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  2. I don't think there are mages both fast enough AND tanky enough to survive 59/41 offenses, even if they have triangle advantage... Maybe if they have Triangle Adept, but then it's no longer Valter's concern, since it becomes Palla's.
  3. I feel like Quickened Pulse is overkill on Moonbow, since you just need to bait someone or double to get a 1-count Special to proc. Should be easy with flier buffs. The Seal would be better off on someone else, or give Valter a different Seal.
  4. He will never admit it because Sharena friendzoned him.
  5. Hey, who knows. For some the money is just a bonus.
  6. Fish was the produce I always had because of my Speed boon. Do Astral Dragons get goiter? @Gustavos Dark Breath is my favourite. I like the debuff idea a lot, but it's a shame it's Player Phase only.
  7. Because the Lilith Floatie carries her love, her anger, and all her sorrow.
  8. It means I don't have enough Reinhardt counters, kinda.
  9. The answer is Lost in Thoughts All Alone, which describes the struggle of our goddess, Lady Corrin.
  10. See? Team Elise forgets their own. Join Team Corrin for unlimited headpats. You will never be left behind because she Supports everyone.
  11. She probably can't make it past Robin, so she won't even get to duke it out with her fellow dragon.
  12. These are my combat ready units I guess. Only the ones with hearts are SIed though. I think I have enough units to build seven teams, but some may be less effective than others. I only have five 5* Greens.
  13. They just want Leo to be in every gauntlet but lose!
  14. whomst'd've Can walls be smited over? I actually haven't tried... If it does work, then Anna would probably be a good choice to be smited if she can ORKO the Cav. Hector works, but the guy has Pass, which means you still can't bait the mages.
  15. セレナ is actually Severa; her Fates name is ルーナ (Luna).
  16. Yeah. The player in this video was basically just button mashing without using the map system etc. much (understandable, since it's meant to show off the new characters), and as such failed to reach designated areas quickly enough, sometimes even getting roadblocked by the generals like Marth. That basically caused the level to become a shitshow, especially after the Thief's reinforcements came.
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