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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Doesn't Fury Nino die to Horse Emblem Rein too? I'll take that as a compliment. But I'm just saying it how it is in my Arena runs thus far, and I've been running into Horse Emblem a lot. I think I win deathless about half the time? Horse Emblem teams in 700 score battles are basically insta-losses though. Haven't been able to deal with merged Reinhardt because my Julia has no merges.
  2. More along the lines of writhing in pain agony after falling off their arrow-ridden mounts. It all just kinda depends on the map. The ones with fort tiles make Horse Emblem pretty much unkillable for me.
  3. No, it's still gay REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Fliers are pretty adorable when they're lying on the ground!!
  4. When Priscilla loses, I will commit sudoku while the princess escapes
  5. Thankfully enough though, I usually don't struggle against Flier Emblem in the Arena. Mostly because their Reposition shenanigans actually make them easier to separate. f U c K Horse Emblem.
  6. I'll train up my Clarisse to shoot all of them down... I actually don't have a Bow user other than my Setsuna of unknown nature. Perhaps that just means we're not ready for this power yet...
  7. My only Caeda is -Atk, I have no sympathy. My Bride Caeda also has a meh nature.
  8. You can make Flier Emblem without putting any Whitewings in it...
  9. We need a vid of spinning Oboro cutting down Flier Emblem while this plays
  10. Wow, Elise is actually losing, huh. But it's alright. Team Elise people, come join Team Priscilla, and we will rule the world together.
  11. It's part of the autism spectrum, which I guess is viewed more or less importantly depending on where you come from. But it's everywhere.
  12. Tfw you accidentally let a Camus slap your Reinhardt But you have Lancebreaker now ?????
  13. It sort of depends on the rest of your team. If you run Raudhraven (a pretty good idea since Cymbeline isn't that good aside from 16 Might), Triangle Adept allows you to reach absurd levels of firepower against both Green and Colorless. More importantly, it greatly reduces the damage Sanaki takes from those two colors to negligible/nonexistent levels, which improves her sustain. Losing damage against Blue doesn't really hurt her, because she's not supposed to be fighting them anyway; when building your team, you're supposed to have a separate and dedicated Blue counter on board anyway. Some people build an entire team of three TAs with one Dancer and it works great. Of course, if you don't find the need for this sustain (due to your team comp, or whatever reason), or you wish to run Cymbeline instead, Death Blow 3 is an alternative. L&D doesn't help her too much since her Spd doesn't get that much better, and she likes having huge Res.
  14. So that mostly just laughs at Bridelia and hits her with Candlelight or Slow or whatever, and he heals someone else up to max. Wew. He still gets ORKOed by Reinhardt though. Could +Res be a good idea?
  15. I see. Can't say my Bridal Lyn lived through most everything fine, but welp, it worked sometimes I guess. Guess we'll have to wait for some seasonal Odin.
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