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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. That was the Satan Emblem Reinhardt with the +6 Spd from Hone Demons. I just have Death Blow 3 and Threaten Res 3 on my +Atk Julia. Stack with Spur Atk for Dragon Fang that adds over 30 damage. It's dumb. He needs additional help from his team just to move him across, when a different unit that counters similar things could just reach that square with no/less help, allowing the rest of the team to do something else, even if it's just moving in ways to manipulate the AI or stack buffs. Teamwork as a requirement is counted against a unit, just like how Blade mages' reliance on buffs is counted as a Con.
  2. Only a man with 5 leadership stars would have the guts to do this. I don't really like dealing with BBCode anymore, since I'm lazy. I guess I can do it though. But if we slowly inch our way forward, it'll give Clarine another shot at a multiplier, maybe.
  3. I bet Reinhardt evades his taxes all the time. Are you using flags right now? I'm not sure if I should, since I don't know if Priscilla can even slip into multiplier range at this point. Also, how do you make images clickable to a link? I tried to make mine a link but it didn't work when I hit the button. Do I have to do it before it embeds or something?
  4. Somehow we've never added each other on Heroes. What's your ID?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuiltyLove


      Yes I am

      Oh well. Having more friends would be nice

    3. GuiltyLove


      Switched my lead back to Catria  though ;)

    4. SatsumaFSoysoy


      My lead is still Celica. I might switch it up to Selena for a little while though, whenever I get that Wo Dao...

  5. Celica has bigger hands than Reinhardt. I don't know, some of the stuff that comes out of Gauntlets is pretty great. Source
  6. Wow, really? And I don't even have Swift Sparrow yet. Probably because no DB3?
  7. Just the Faye? She can do more than that. You should run your Sharena in these gauntlet fights so Sharena and Celica can buddy up.
  8. I'm just in it for the fun trash talk. The best FEH fanart and memes also all come from these.
  9. @Vaximillian Just got stuck with a FUCKING IDIOT who put Priscilla as their leader on Team Priscilla, but thankfully your Sharena was there to save the day. What a hero.
  10. I don't believe so. I'm not looking forward to doing Infernal while my team is at -5 Atk and Spd.
  11. Hmm, even with the bigger multiplier, without coordination within an army, it's still pretty hard to make actual swings happen if you're losing in the first hour, I feel like.
  12. If Freddy ends up keeping his normal Great Knight stat line of high Str and Def, he could do some One Punch shenanigans with the Poison Dagger I guess, a sturdier but slower version of Kagero. That or shutting down some nerds with the Rogue Dagger? RIP Matthew. no one likes robots
  13. Stats aren't really the point of seasonal banners. Bridelia being mad good was really just a bonus.
  14. Yeah, I think they'll be coming back, but the smart consumer in me (and probably many) tells me "I NEED THIS SHIT NOW".
  15. Alright, I'll bring the cardboard... What about gluten allergies lmao
  16. Yeah, I've done that before. Meet my 5* Donnel in hell, after he passed on his Brave Lance+ to Effie.
  17. Ah, well, it's not that important that I have to bother the admins. At least to me. Btw, I just checked, +Atk Oboro with Heavy Spear does 34 damage to Celica on counter hit with Distant Counter, but dies on the second Ragnarok hit. If the Javelin ever gets released so she can carry Fury, I think she can actually just one shot L&D or any -HP/-Def Celicas when they attack Oboro. I think there actually is a standard (childbirth is 10, and then it goes down from there), but the way it's set up, patients are super likely to report a higher number than the one according to the set standard because of subjectivity. Arthritis hurts like shit but is only like, a 3.
  18. Where's that subforum for these? Maybe I'll give that L&D build a shot someday... I want her firepower on Birthright back.
  19. That would have been me on the Ike banner but then surprise Hero Fest madness @Armagon delet dis
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