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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I was thinking about single hits, but yeah, the super slam does more if you get both hits. Though it's still 45 for the strong hit. It's no secret that Horn is great in multiplayer, but I was specifically talking about its damage output problems (which is very relevant to me since I couldn't really go online, so I had to solo pretty much everything). Speedruns are indicative of a weapon's damage output in both speed and ease of positioning, which HH has trouble with in some fights due to awkward swing angles. If I get the opportunity to go online when I do get XX, I'll go back to fiddling with the HH a bit, but I'm not really sure since the Maqam Sedition's songs are still ass, and that was my favourite thing.
  2. Well if we're counting built-in buffs, Hellblade SA's Power Phials make it have more raw, pretty sure. HH's highest motion value is 45 with the backwards slam, which is just average, very low for a strong hit. Its moves aren't exactly on the fast side either, so it's damage output isn't impressive. HH consistently has the lowest or second lowest speedrun times because of this.
  3. Maqam Sedition had rad songs alongside decent raw, but they took away both... The Grimclaw and Hellblade HHs both only had 180 raw, while every other Blademaster weapon of these monsters had 200. This is in addition to having the shittiest motion values in the game, such that in some cases, the Bow can outdamage it with melee attacks. Disgusting. It's 100% forced to be support. No, cinnamon roll is nothing compared to the red beauty.
  4. I don't have XX yet since I'm just gonna wait for the Switch version, but isn't Brave HH better? The buffs to Horn's moves were cool, but between Maqam Sedition getting hit with the nerf of the century and even the Deviant Horns having low raw, I quit lol. You should join Team Priscilla at the start. We might not make it to the end, but we must fight.
  5. Lmao that's literally the only weapon I have yet to touch in X. Played it in 4U, couldn't deal with the sorry state it was left in in X. The fact that I couldn't play online also contributed. But I applaud your sister for dealing with it.
  6. We already kinda had an older sister gauntlet with the Pegs and Wyverns lol.
  7. No we need the goddamn points for the multiplier UGH
  8. Go Team Priscilla with us. If not, then Team Sakura.
  9. It's us against them, Vax. Get your bonus Priscilla now. @KongDude ayy lmao I should add you. I beg your pardon, madam? I suspect we are in disagreement here.
  10. Yeah, but then there'd be Too Many Swords™, so we're excluding Tellius and Magvel.
  11. A big brother only gauntlet, where Ryoma and Xander duke it out while six other faceless guys lose!!!
  12. So tell me, who else is gonna start on Team Priscilla?
  13. You mean... We can spam the shit out of this board? I'm on board with this fanfic
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