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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Huh, Ike and Nowi in Tier 1 while Reinhardt's in Tier 2? Celica at the top of Tier 2 but Tharja way down in Tier 3? Some of these placements are very interesting. I read the explanations, and they make sense, but I'm not sure if I like the philosophy of this list compared to the Wiki's. Having a tier list compare units at the pinnacle of their power (assuming that they can get the best nature they want no problem, etc.) seems to be the best, though flexibility and stuff are interesting angles.
  2. I picked Alm's Falchion as my sole pick. Western longswords are pretty much my favourite type of sword (katanas and stuff are cool but hnnnng), but I don't like blades that are so long and thick that they must be wielded with both hands. The Valentian Falchion is pretty much the perfect length, but I would have liked the blade to look slightly thicker. Still my favourite though.
  3. I'm not sure about that. They'd have to keep coming up with excuse for how the trio got into the new game every time, and Fates' plotline for them was like swiss cheese. If not, they'd have to become fun cameo characters like Anna, but they have too much going on to be reduced to just that.
  4. I've slowed down a bit because of Legion and real life, so I'm only at 83k right now.
  5. Same here, but we both already have good Red mages. I'm feeding my Katarina to Celica, but are you staying loyal?
  6. I guess Defense Tiles and the new Ploy skills play a part in pulling apart the current buff and one-shot meta, but chip damage triggering all sorts of goodies like Vantage and Wings of Memes is a big problem for Dagger users. There are some pretty solid debuffers already in the game like Jaffar and Felicia, especially if they have Wind/Watersweep.
  7. I'm not saying he has to double all time, I'm just saying that the gimmick you designed for him (debuff -> kill on the counter) isn't very useful (possibly detrimental) in the current meta, imo. And if people don't use this gimmick and instead do something else with him, then the design has failed.
  8. Eh, I don't know about this. Two major problems: Since he requires the damaged unit to suicide on him the second round to be actually be killing, that means he nor his team can clear out threatening units on Player Phase since the damaged unit is either in the way, or can just kill a teammate that's dealing with someone else. Since he has to 2RKO most things, he either has to initiate, which could easily leave him in range of a different enemy (since melee + ranged) like to gang up, and he's not one-shotting the second guy ever so he might die. Or, he would have to bait and then kill instead, but a baiter that doesn't immediately kill is terrible, since Wings of Memes will destroy you.
  9. 30 Spd can't even double Julia meng. He can prevent being doubled somewhat.
  10. I was talking about the two skills, not the unit itself.
  11. It does though. Desperation also works at low health. I feel like the Firesweep Dagger would be pretty great if its debuff was stronger, though that'd just make anything not Firesweep Dagger, Deathly Daggers or Poison Dagger perhaps a bit useless...
  12. Oh, huh. That was easier than I thought, since I thought Apple was a lot stricter or something. Thanks guys.
  13. Will say, getting really tired of hearing Yuri Lowenthal in games, and I don't like his voice much, so maybe I'd be on the side that supports variety. Though I'm not sure if I'getting this in English.
  14. So I have a friend who lives in a country where FE Heroes hasn't been released, and his phone is an Apple one. He doesn't want to jailbreak his phone, but if he doesn't, is there no way to play?
  15. A 3* run by mkv on Infernal is basically impossible, I think? If GHB units are also excluded, mkv has to rely on like... Stahl? At least he has access to Cecilia. So it'd be Stahl/Cecilia/Olivia, and I'm not sure what's good for the last slot.
  16. For those without a Nino, I seriously recommend F!Robin. Needs a bit of help to ORKO the Blue Cav Mage at the start without TA, but she's constantly useful against multiple enemies, including the spawning Blue Mage that she can 2RKO (ORKO if B Tomebreaker is still up and Ignis will proc), and later the Lance Cav from up top.
  17. My Lucina did 38*2 to Legion, which is 76 damage to his 75 HP on Infernal... Wew.... But that means my strat wouldn't have worked at all if my Lucina wasn't +2.
  18. Ahhhhh, I was wondering why I wasn't ORKOing...
  19. Probably, yeah. She's pretty interchangeable with Lilina I think.
  20. Still waiting for the Red Tome part of the Inheritance Tier List to get sorted out... shouldn't at least Lilina go down to A+? Also, Bunny Lucina dropped to A+, huh.
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