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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. GRRRR random duplicate 5* Reinhardt ruining my percentage. +Def -Res so kinda meaningless.
  2. Whaaaaat the hell dupe 5* Reinhardt. +Def -Res, so just a +1 for me. No Katarina :(
  3. 70k boys. I think I can hit 100k by Sunday or so.
  4. She has New Moon... I just keep Aether on for Arena points to be honest. Spur Atk has been useful though.
  5. e f f o r t At least Lucina comes with Spur Atk and Aether! Less effort!
  6. 3DS only boyz... That boyfriend thing was joek btw, don't worry about it.
  7. I'm pretty sure Nergal's original goal was to revive Aegir with quintessence, but he went off-track after getting drunk on power. There's no telling if he could have succeeded if he hadn't forgotten his goal, though. I'd say it's up to one's imagination.
  8. 1. Favourite branch of magic in FE, and favourite spell in that branch? 2. Do you have a Switch? If not, will you buy one? 3. On a scale of 1-10 how old is your boyfriend
  9. @Ice Dragon @shadowofchaos That 3* Eliwood though.
  10. I can see those two weapons working well with Windsweep? Maybe Faye would like the Bow since she can't do the traditional murder builds that well.
  11. A lot of times my Lucina just sits there in Arena fights, but when it's her turn to show up I'm always glad I brought her along. She's been the ace in the hole for Tempest so far, partly because the Darting Blow I put on ages ago is overcoming some of the buffed Speed values seen in Tempest for ORKOs.
  12. Now all you need is an extra Chrom. Who even needs that guy
  13. Yeah, I know, but there's no way he's settling with only New Moon. Unless he's just doing Moonbow, but Rey wants original skills instead of optimal.
  14. Ardent Sacrifice is more controlled and less taxing on your pseudo-healer, compared to Reciprocal Aid which could mean swapping and taking on your allies' single digit health. However, it obviously "heals" more. It depends on how much you rely on said unit for combat purposes, but then again if you can afford to run a combat medic Lucina, you're usually already set in terms of combat. Reciprocal Aid is also more accessible than Ardent Sacrifice, since Donnel and Matthew are free units.
  15. Did you just give her Luna or did you actually go all the way and give her Aether lol?
  16. One thing I will say, I do like the twin swords that the new protags wield.
  17. I think the key difference between this game and Hyrule Warriors is that the Zelda series is supposed to be one giant timeline instead of separate games with separate universes (supposedly). As a result, the fandom is much less divided than ours, because every game there's always a Link, Zelda and Ganon, and the key things that separate each Zelda game don't lie as heavily on story and characters, but rather gameplay mechanics and gimmicks. Hyrule Warriors gave Link, Zelda and Ganon new designs, justified by the structure and lore of Zelda games, then sprinkled in some originals and a few fan favourites. It worked really well because the core cast of the Triforce trio was the most important, and what they had to get right the most, and they certainly did. The originals were cool, and the other characters were well-received by the fandom overall. There was salt about missing people, but nowhere near as what it is (and will be) for FE Warriors, because it's all one big cohesive thing.
  18. I got the idea about the indirect kiss, but you might be right about it just being SFX. I've never seen "Piron" used as SFX before though, so I was confused.
  19. *Organizing the Convoy* Celica: I wonder if we have any garlic? Alm: (I'll have some Leftover Bread) *chew* Celica: Oh right! I should finish up the bread from earlier. Alm: !? Mhmghm Alm: I'm sorry!!! I just ate it... Celica: Oh, perfect! Thanks, Alm! *Piron☆ ^100 (Outrageous levels of recovery)* I'm not sure what "Piron" is. It's the Japanese name for the chemical Pyrone, but I'm thinking there's some sort of joke here that I'm missing. Couldn't find anything on it.
  20. Oh, Chrom only does one flip huh. Guess he's not as acrobatic lol.
  21. I'll probably go dump it in the Echoes thread, but it was relevant...
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