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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. That'll take forever. We could just fool her with Sanaki. Not that I have her. FIEND
  2. Zeke has the highest growth total in the game, sooooo... That being said, his individual growths aren't super high, so he's far from screw-proof.
  3. Lack of Priscilla Squad reporting in. Even though we're both fans of Erk x Priscilla. Or is that why?
  4. Dropped some money, and only one 4* with 44 orbs lol. I guess Bridelia isn't happening.
  5. Damn right. Also, usually when comparing Blade setups, I just put +3 Atk and +4 Spd +2 Res, which is what default Eirika with Fort Res seal gives (and Ephraim can be made to give), since that's the most efficient setup you're most likely to ever see.
  6. tfw no new hype video There better be a new season then.
  7. With the same L&D Brave Bow set, the -Spd one wins a few more matches compared to the -Atk one (vanilla skillsets for enemies). -Atk seems to do better when running Firesweep Bow, though I'm not sure how much you'd want to run that.
  8. Looks like it's gonna be 45,868 before the day rolls over. I'm at Rank 1632, which gets me 8k feathers. I'm not really aiming to reach under 1000 in rank, but I might burn a stamina potion to stay within 5000 if necessary.
  9. Don't give up till the end meng. I have still yet to pull my Bridelia, but I'm not giving up.
  10. Hi, it's been a while since I've been on here. It looks like I missed Rex Glacies' interview. But I'm gonna nominate Rex Glacies to be interviewed again.
  11. I'll still be on the site, just not at the same times lol.
  12. Welp. That's why I don't do Enemy Phase baiting much anymore lol.
  13. I wouldn't call 27 Res low, but -Res brings it down to 23, which is a bit low. Do you see yourself running Fortify Dragons ever?
  14. One tip against Wings of Mercy: if you check and see that an enemy has it, highlight them, and their WoM attack range will also be shown to remind you when you leave something at low health.
  15. Maybe. Make me some. 13. I light all of the matches on fire, dump the toilet paper, T-shirt and maxi dress into the fire, then I get some water and put the fire out with the water bottle. I am then hailed a brave hero of legend. 11. Last movie... I think the last movie I saw was Ip Man 3 when I was on a plane (I actually can't remember since I haven't seen any movies in a while). It was pretty cool, but I feel like that series hasn't been super interesting since the original. 12. Night person for sure. I have to spend about an hour switching my brain on in the mornings. 13. I guess a little bit. I don't really study superstition, but it's kinda ingrained in Chinese culture, and I think that affects me in a lot of ways. 14. Vidyaaaaaa. Or watching Youtube. 15. A bit of both. I used to kill them all the time, now I let them go. But lately, I've gotten tired of them, so now my policy is "if I see you you're dead", but otherwise feel free to live with me. I'm from Hong Kong, but I currently live in the US. I'm going back in two weeks though. 6. It's a nice name. I had a friend who had that name, but we haven't stayed in contact. 7. Eh, they're alright. The only Est I would be absolutely compelled to train would probably be Sophia, just because I like the idea of her using Apocalypse more than Lugh. Gameplay wise they're pretty darn annoying aside from some exceptions. 8. The Merric archetype includes Erk, so I guess that one. 9. I'll say Erk, since he was my favourite in FE7, the first FE I played. I love using him, and I feel like I can sort of relate to him. Erk x Priscilla is also the best OTP. 10. In recent memory, probably Boey. FUCK Boey. 11. My ideal class is Master of Arms, but who am I kidding. I'm mostly likely going to be a mage of sorts, probably the glass cannon kind, so decent Mag and Spd, but pretty bad Str, Def and Res. 12. I'd like to see more shapeshifters in the game, probably as Colorless "Breath". 13. Close/Distant Counter was a mistake. 14. None, really. 15. They're cute, I guess. 16. They're kinda wack. 1. I've played Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates and Echoes. I still have to finish Ephraim route on FE8, then I'll probably start FE6. 2. Well, the oldest I've played is Blazing Blade, and idk if that counts as old. I love the GBA era games, but I haven't experienced the super old ones yet. I would love to, though. If Echoes counts as an "old" game gameplay wise, it was pretty fun, if weird. 3. Not really. I've read The Hobbit, and I wasn't too hooked, I haven't read or seen any of the Lord of the Rings stuff. 4. Eh, no idea honestly. Every place has its good and bad points. 5. Probably a passive ruler, though probably after one or two pushes for things I think really need to change. 6. Legal naturalism, for sure. Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right 7. I remember the things people do to me, but I don't really act on them. It burns inside, but I don't think I've ever went for revenge. So maybe a mix of the two. 8 Yup. 17. Quanlity. 18. Western dragons, really. Eastern ones are just spaghettis. 19. Eh, I like both. Maybe broadswords a little bit more. 20. Nope. Don't have the patience lol. 21. Ninja, probably. 22. Psyduck. 23. Glaceon. 24. Don't have one, since I haven't finished a single one lol. 1. Both are fine, I don't mind nicknames. 2. Amphy asked this already meng. Scroll up. 3. Probably all of my 5*s are stolen, and I have about 20 now? 4. I love the chibi sprites. 5. F U C K your gay ass Vantage Bonfire/Glacies whatever people carry. 6. Arcanite is a fake robot. 7. Fuck Giant Arcanites (figuratively), Kill Giant Robots, Marry Gundams 8. Go start with some good ol Gundam. I'd recommend checking out The Origin now, since it's very likely gonna lead into a remake of the original series in 2019. 9. Atlantis, the Disney movie. I'm Rex Glacies. 10. The Valentian Falchion, probs. I'm a fan of longer, thicker swords, but Ragnell is a bit too long for my liking. The giant crossguard is amazing, but the blade could be even thicker. 11. Hmm... The Strike Gundam. 12. Nope, keep it up. FEED ME.
  16. Hell yeah, perfect score even with one member down on the first map. I'm at 41,667 right now. @MaskedAmpharos The Sakura-only Veronica battle is here. It's part of the earlier deathless run, since his Survival score was A.
  17. Abuse the hell out of Invoke. Invoke gives you essentially infinite fodder to throw at Duma and his goons so that they don't attack Alm and anyone else, since the AI will always target illusions first, with very very rare and random exceptions.
  18. One time I actually messed up and lost with my B team against Veronica, and I had to bust out my expensive Brave Lance+ Effie... Veronica made me do this to her.
  19. Broke 38k now. I'm honestly having a lot of fun, despite how many runs I've already done. Perhaps it's the thrill of permadeath?
  20. Yep, that usually results in a better score than turtling with a team that can't deal with Veronica effectively. Niles is the devil.
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