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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Dense protags are funny sometimes, but it's so overdone in the cookie cutter light novel anime we get every season that deconstruction of the trope is becoming a common trend. Thankfully not all protags are like that.
  2. It's kind of weird that Alm never really acknowledges his feelings for Celica, honestly. Every time he's asked about their bond, he just does the dumb harem protag "Eh?" thing. We're shown that she's important to him, but not in the romantic way ever.
  3. You just need to tell him to stop. At certain points of RNG screw I reset for level ups lol.
  4. Oh man! My monster Erk had about 4 points of Mag above yours and maybe 2 points of Spd less, iirc. He was gud.
  5. Or they could take a hit for the good of humankind, and become 4* wielders of stuff like the Wo Dao. @Vaximillian @Arcanite Let's all be friends and call it Rawrblade
  6. To be fair, the grinding DLC is much faster for postgame shenanigans. The actual grinding DLC gives fast levels, but you can get decent EXP out of the Silver grinding one, especially from the bosses, while also getting money for forges at the same time.
  7. I'm doing a Blitzkrieg run myself now, and I've done all of the optional routes/shrines so far. I'm sitting at 201 turns total going into Chapter 4. I'm pretty much in the safe zone for the medal, but I'm definitely not winning any awards lol. I could have saved a couple of turns in this, as I didn't forge the Lightning Sword when I should have, and I messed up by going to the Forest Shrine before Forest Village, which meant I had to make the trip twice to get the Blessed Lance for Celica side, causing map spawns. Healers are really suffering in this run. Faye and Silque remain unpromoted, while Genny barely managed to promote before Ch 4 via Lion Wells. My Whitewings are both promoted, which puts me in pretty good shape (though Palla got Atk screwed), but Saber is 15 EXP away from promotion into Dread Fighter... I may have to backtrack for this one.
  8. I meant that the 10 years was correct; unless I mega derped, the Japanese text doesn't make the number ambiguous.
  9. Having played through the early game recently, those numbers he gave are actually right.
  10. I think the Saunion is being underrated a bit here. It seems to be Player Phase only, but it also lets a Falcon Knight (Catria or Est) effectively deal with Mire, Thunder and even Death Arcanists/Cantors/Priestesses. It's also especially valuable in Thabes, especially without extreme grinding, as enemy AS and Atk are so high that Catria cannot engage up close at all, while Palla is prone to getting doubled, such that only a fully trained Est can hope to safely enter direct combat. Vendetta is kinda pointless aside from the accuracy boost overcoming terrain, but at max forge, 10 Might and natural crit are pretty great, especially for Mathilda, I find.
  11. If you only buy Packs 2~5 (which excludes the early game grinding DLC), it actually costs about 1 USD less than the Season Pass. The early grinding DLC was an extremely grimy thing to do imo. A lot of people bought it when the game came out in Japan, not realizing that a late game grinding DLC would be released in about a week.
  12. It actually cheeses all of Ch 3 and a good chunk of Ch 4, especially if given one or two forges. The trick is to hand it to a fast unit like Clair or Mathilda so they double with it, and they can ORKO a lot of things. The Ridersbane instantly fixes Clair's bad offense and lets her snowball pretty fast.
  13. Yeah, I realized that later on. Actually went and checked it in Heroes lol. I haven't played all of the games in Japanese, so I'm not 100% familiar. I played the GBA ones in English, since really, the language doesn't matter to me if it's just text, and FE7 was the first one I played. But hey I beat Berkut the first time without the Ridersbane. I feel good about myself.
  14. I was pretty pleasantly surprised by Atlas. Didn't expect him to have a soft, respectful side. He's a pretty grounded character in his respect for authority.
  15. It's a Bow that shoots Ridersbanes with enhanced tips? Fun fact: the first time I played Echoes, I thought the Ridersbane was effective against Armors instead, since in JP it's "Knight Killer".
  16. Well, she already has one component of it (Heavy Lance). She needs to go on a quest to find the other weapons and combine them.
  17. Hm, yeah, I guess you could forget to switch in the heat of the moment or something.
  18. Eh, they could just make it default to 3-range, and tap to switch to 2-range or something. Surely no one will complain about that if this tome ends up existing.
  19. But what if Oboro had a Lance that could only hit at 3 range!
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