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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Nah. Too much work. 1. Ey. 2. Paella? Paula? Paola? I don't eat Pallas. 3. I like mecha in general, though not every mecha anime of course. Aquarion is one of my favorite non-classics. EVOL is trash though. 4. I don't own a PSP or Vita, and I didn't know SRW existed until the first Z, but I also don't like playing that sort of game on a home console. So, no, I've never personally played a SRW. My friend buys all of them though, so I watch him play sometimes when we hang out, and I watch a lot of videos about it. To be honest, they'd have to inject some new life into the gameplay for me to buy it. 5. 普普通通 6. A bit of everything I guess? I play Smash and sometimes Street Fighter, but I also like action-RPGs like The Last of Us, or just normal RPGs like Pokemon or even Telltale's Walking Dead. I've played some shooters too. 7. Aurora, though I'm not ready to go to the end of the Earth to see it. 8. I have no idea to be honest. 9. A turtle on land lmao. I like to move at my own pace, often on purpose. 10. Probably, since I'm pretty beastly at procrastination. I'm so good at procrastinating, I can stop myself from playing video games even when I have no homework to do. 1. Probably sapphire, though I'm not one for jewelery. 2. Aeroplane chess. Childhood memories. 3. I don't know its name nor do I have a picture, unfortunately. If you pluck it and put it between your fingers, then pull it through from one end to the other, the petals gather between your fingers, and they form up to look kinda like the gem on a ring. A cheesy kind of romantic, huh? 4. Not really, no. I've been to a lot of places. 5. 6. Star Wars, duh. 7. Hoshido baybeeeee. 8. Mahvel. DC is meh. 9. I really like handhelds. Consoles are cool, but handhelds really feed the addiction. 10. Anime is my favourite medium creatively speaking, despite all the run-of-the-mill trash you see in it. 11. Probably blue, though I also like green and red. You could say I love every color then, lel. 12. Hmm, not really. I don't really relate to characters much, and if I do, usually only in one particular way. 13. Haven't really watched it yet, but I've kept up with the news. Not sequels REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 14. Go out and meet some new people. 15. I used to play the flute, but I was ass because I didn't practice. 16. I actually didn't come up with it on my own. A few years ago, I made my username on a different forum "SetsunaFSeiei", which is a character from Gundam. People said it was kinda hard to spell the whole thing, so one guy jokingly called me SatsumaFSoysoy. I kinda liked it, and it's kinda unique. 17. Hmmm... A bit of both? My imagination is kinda...active, you could say. But I'd say I'm pretty realistic about most of my decisions and my self-perception. 18. Ehhhh. No real preference. I drink soda more for the kick than the taste nowadays, and I can't really drink too much of it at once. 19. Video games all day. I don't even watch TV anymore. 20. It was meh. 1. Mhmmm.... I feel like most unique Hong Kong food are more like snacks than a formal dish. Egg tarts are pretty cool. 2. I don't really like Power Rangers or Super Sentai, so I guess all of them? lel 3. Black, with increasingly noticeable streaks of white on my head. 4. Salt, I guess. Not everything needs pepper, but the world would stop turning if we ran out of salt. 5. I'm kinda upset they're not direct sequels like Black/White 2. We'll see if Ultra can top Platinum though. 6. The lo mein you can get at Seven Elevens in Hong Kong. It's so damn good. 7. Yeah, definitely. I kinda miss them. 8. I don't eat oranges or any similar fruit that often, but I do like them. 9. Yeah, but just a bit. 10. Mondays are the worst, of course. Tuesdays are pretty terrible, too, since you know you still have a ways to go. 11. Hair...down, I suppose. Unless they normally already have it down and are tying it up for a special occasion. It's mostly about that shock of seeing something new, y'know? 12. Yes, why? 13. Lol no. Don't break me. 14. I'd like to be a writer, but that's really out there I guess. It'd be cool if I could write for some video game company though. Maybe. 15. Ehh, it's alright. It's definitely healthy, but I'd rather just drink water if it was unsweetened. Soy milk tho.
  2. Because no one cares about SatsumaFSoysoy, but they didn't hear that the beloved Rex Glacies was available after all.
  3. I am a changed person now. But I am here to give the people what they want, need and deserve. Also sure. Limits are meant to be broken.
  4. Hello, it's-a-me, Rex Glacies, here to answer all of your questións. Yeah, he told me about it once. I'm not sure why though, maybe he thinks we both troll in the same way or something. He's dumb tho!
  5. I'm loading up my Bride Lyn with everything. I'm gonna get her ready for the Tempest Trials, and I imagine her healing + debuff will be quite useful. @Rafiel's Aria I loaded up my Lyn with Miracle, Pain and Martyr from a Lucius. We shall speak fondly of him.
  6. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BOI Bride Lyn's -Atk +Res. Thanks @Rezzy, though honestly it doesn't matter that much for a staffer, especially since Lyn's Atk was kinda low to begin with. 24 Atk does kinda hurt though, and is gonna make training her a real pain. Oh, and this guy tagged along. I didn't even know he dropped as a 5*, and he's definitely not Cordelia. May end up being Renewal fodder someday.
  7. I'm just happy that I finally get a Marth. I have Lucina, Chrom and Alm, but I'm missing the OG from the Falchion quartet. My life will be complete. ...
  8. Even Saint Elimine falls to temptation... THERE IS NO GOD
  9. I imagine it wouldn't change much to be honest. A balance team that gives Camilla her dumb growths are still going to give Camilla great end stat totals, which probably means she's going to gravitate towards being good in the end, no?
  10. Ehhhhh. Hector already gets cut up like butter by pretty much every Red, and even certain Green/Blue offensive units can cheese him. I imagine it's even worse off for Michalis with even less bulk and no freedom of B skill. The thing that would have to make a difference is Hauteclere's effect, I think? I haven't bothered to actually run the numbers atm though.
  11. I'm mostly talking about the chapters that have bosses who can summon other Witches, or Sonya's map. Other maps usually just have one or two Witches and it doesn't matter.
  12. There is an exception to this, which is on Witch-heavy maps. Witches are very likely to warp and target units that have strayed from the main group or the ones sitting near the edges of your formations. Not deploying units useless for the map can help reduce this risk, especially if they can get ORKOed by the Witches.
  13. Usually high Res units that can act as mage killers like Camilla and Titania, I hear.
  14. If you buy me 75 orbs I'll buy you 75 orbs. What a great deal!
  15. Crap, I didn't realize daily orbs ended... I only have 15 orbs now since I did a pull two days ago... Muh wallet...
  16. @Ice Dragon So overall, what do you think of Nowi being S tier?
  17. I'm definitely bringing my +2 Lucina as my ace to the maps. I think I might actually inherit Reciprocal Aid to prepare for this, since Lucina can self-heal and has Desperation. Maybe my Renewal Celica too? Azura is definitely coming. I'm not sure how valuable a healer will be for this, honestly. Maybe Lucina + Julia + Reinhardt core with a healer could work just as well.
  18. Apparently there's a bug with Deliverance DLC supports. Normally, they all have passive supports with each other, but if you do the DLC chapter that triggers the active support, they lose the bonus and don't get it back even with A Support.
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