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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. you're shortening her life span imgur says the picture in your sig no longer exists. Mila's Blessing currently resides in 3DSes. If you don't have one, she won't make the journey to you.
  2. Well my throne is better than your throne also RIP Scathach There's your problem.
  3. I have renamed my teams. Celica is now on her throne.
  4. Oh, huh. I thought it was gonna be a patch rolling in later, not a app store update. @Kaden Yes, tell Arcanite about Oboro. TALK TO EM
  5. Oboro likes Seal skills.... She's had them for two games now.
  6. Probably, I guess. Though if I were playing on an emulator, having to click over every now and then to start a new battle would still be annoying.
  7. But I still have to pay attention and start a new battle after they're done.
  8. Stamina isn't really a concern to me. Levelling 3*s up normally is just boring and a waste of time. Doing 10th stratum then booping a unit up to level 20 really fast only takes a few clicks.
  9. Ranking up spare 3*s is one of the only times I ever make use of crystals and shards, except maybe to get an important unit who just merged into a better nature one up to speed immediately.
  10. But I have nothing better to do except make my Lyn the Ultimate Staffbot with every support option available. I could train up this 5* Jakob instead? Who even cares about that. I see. Unfortunately debuffing is all my Lyn will be doing with -Atk +Res. At least she has mixed bulk to eat stuff and debuff on the counter I guess.
  11. I'm just training her like a regular unit, while also taking the time to feed her heal EXP when there's only one enemy left who can't kill my dudes. I used to train my healers by doing the cheese you're suggesting, I just found it extremely slow and boring. I don't know if killing things or 0th stratum is more efficient overall, but it doesn't really matter that much. Either way it'll take forever. By the way, which debuff stat is usually the best? Or is the candle already the best? I already did mention the Bride part earlier. Read.
  12. No, I mean I have her get kills, then I have someone face tank while Lyn heals them up for some extra EXP.
  13. I actually do both that AND have her get kills. Also gets me some extra SP.
  14. Training up my Bride Lyn is taking quite a while because of both staff damage and -Atk... I had to feed her Atk +3 from a Gordin. This is starting to feel like a real relationship.
  15. 1. Water baybee. I believe that's what I am. I also got Piplup in Mystery Dungeon so clearly I'm Water. 2. For sin, I guess Sloth? I'm pretty lazy lol. Definitely humility for virtue, though. Though it feels wrong to admit it. 3. My friend suggested that I play Awakening when I asked what 3DS games I should buy, so I decided to listen to him and play FE7. I loved it. 4. I heard about this place soon after I began researching FE stuff, but I decided to join in anticipation of Fates, but didn't post much. Heroes brought me back here, though. 5. Favourite myth.... Nothing's really coming to mind. I'm sure I have one though. 6. Usually fight. Can't win if I don't try. 7. Ehh. Every season has its ups and downs. Overall, probably spring. 8. The last time I did the test, I was INFP. I guess it fits overall, but of course not perfectly. 9. If I make a promise, I intend to keep it. Or at least, try my best to do so. 10. If you weren't busy at this time, you'd probably be the one being interviewed instead of me, so now the people are getting what they want from Rex Glacies. Aquarion's wacky, but it left a strong impression. Look, I don't eat strong, green-haired women, okay? yes I did go and google what a paella is, is all joek Well, if you want a less generic answer, I'd want to see an actual lightning bolt hit a tree. Preferably not one I'm standing below. 11. Gameplay wise, I'd like it if it became a bit more strategical/tactical. Sure, it has side objectives like getting SR points and secret characters, but there's really not that much depth to it, since most of the time you just max upgrade your DPS machine and have it fuck everything up (my friend is salty that Getter is meh in SRW V). 12. Nope. Not really one for pets. 13. I think so. It didn't leave a strong impression. 14. Sea turtles are pretty cool, probably that. 15. Just plain, dry land, no grass or whatnot. 16. They're kinda creepy. I've been around one before, but not in direct contact. 17. Give me fried rice and some chicken wings and I'll be happy. 18. I am Rex Glacies.
  16. I feel like Lance/Axe/Bow would make more sense, since swords actually require a fair bit of training to be effective with.
  17. Uh.... 5*ing a Henry is pretty bad, I guess? Lol.
  18. 21. I like em all, really, though some types go better with other kinds of food and whatnot. 22. Noodles most of the time. Wet food goes down easier, I feel like. 23. I've never really had Samgak-Kimbap before, so I guess it has to go to onigiri. 24. How about neither lol? I don't particularly like those two. 25. The designs are pretty cool. They kinda make sense lore-wise too, I guess.
  19. On average, 40% is definitely not bad, but probability doesn't really care about averages. 40% is a bit shaky in practice. I guess yeah, Skill does help more than it does compared to other games. 1 point of Skl is just 1 point of Hit though, so it only starts to matter in the long term (and not at all for mages). Forging helps, but resources to do so are a bit limited without some farming. Mage Kliff opens up a whole new can of worms kinda, but sure, it does reduce the demand for Atk growth.
  20. Kliff's growths are actually kinda bad. His 60% Spd growth is pretty good, but his 45% in Skl doesn't matter that much, and 40% in Def is on the shaky side. 30% in Atk is the real thing that kills him in the long run.
  21. 16. Cantonese is my first language, but I was exposed to a lot of English as a kid, to the point you can't even call it a second langauge. 17. A bit. I'm kinda rusty though so I probably suck. I also can't understand super fast, accented Mandarin they speak in like, Beijing. 18. It's pretty lulzy, but I don't watch it much. 19. I actually haven't even found a 7-Eleven here yet lol. 20. That's a pretty tough question. I don't think I have an answer. 1. You're cool, but I don't think we've talked much. The -Atk Curse is pretty funny though, and I just got hit by it last night. 2. I've already talked about my dream job in an earlier question, but I guess an unrelated aspiration I have is to not regret anything. 3. I used to hate kids, but now I'm more indifferent about them I guess. I'd like to have a kid, but I probably shouldn't. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and that's hereditary, so if I do have kids I might just make them suffer for no reason, in a way. 4. Assassin's Creed 3, I guess. Everyone shits on that game, but I feel like the majority of the people that do simply couldn't find it in themselves to connect with the story. 5. I personally don't see the appeal in One Piece.
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