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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. The criteria they put for S+ is basically "if you don't bring a solid counter you're probably fucked", and I guess it's somewhat accurate for those two? I mean, any Blue with TA effortlessly invalidates Reds. That's not really saying much. Ephraim can do the exact same thing without the Falchion weakness, except that he can do both that AND be a -Blade buffbot at the same time. Nowi only does one thing at a time and isn't even the best at it, which is exactly A+ tier's description.
  2. Isn't Nowi still kinda high, when she only really has one set that only really destroys Red Swords?
  3. I really don't see why Hinoka and Est are lumped in with Cordelia in S tier, when Cordelia does the exact build better than those two. What's the point then? Same for Red Mage. I know all four of those mages are mad good, but come on. This is a bit silly.
  4. It probably does, since judging by its description, it just reduces your Special cooldown by 1 at the start of Turn 1. There's no Killer Dagger though?
  5. I was actively demonstrating how good 5-count specials can be now!
  6. So can we talk about That Seal that gives Special Cooldown -1 on Turn 1?
  7. So can we talk about That Seal that gives Special Cooldown -1 on Turn 1?
  8. Those crazy dudes really did make that Special Cooldown -1 Seal. Oh no. Bonfire Xander pls
  9. Your Mathilda got Spd screwed kinda. Average for her (assuming promoting ASAP, so 9 levels of Paladin and 1 level of Gold Knight) should be 17 with good chance of 18.
  10. Yeah, I feel like they're kinda short and simple for both Japanese and English. There are still some I really like though.
  11. I mean, with 13 extra levels, sure? Anyone that joins at a lower level is basically better if grinded like that.
  12. Clive's lack of magical resistance is actually touched upon in one of the DLC maps with Clair and Mathilda. In Kaga's setting, Res is supposed to be an inborn trait, and not something you can train, which is why everyone had 0% Res growths in the older games, and in the Echoes the single digit growths can sort of be called a miracle. Clive is pretty damn bad. His joining stats are quite mediocre, but he's at least functional in Ch 1 if you take the Steel Lance away from him so that he can actually double/not get doubled. He's likely to be better than any of your Villager Cavs at that point in the game, but he's not really gonna be going anywhere afterwards. It's pretty important that he's fed a level during Ch 1 so he can promote into Paladin before Ch 3 or as soon as it starts, or otherwise he has literally no chance of catching up. If he's promoted, he's functional with decent Def for that point in the game and passable Spd too, but only for about a battle or two. Berkut's fight in Ch. 3 is pretty much the last time he will be useful, as he can't do jack to Desaix, and you get Mathilda afterwards. If you've been training up a Villager Cav and they're doing well, chances are they'll have caught up and replaced Clive already (unfortunately, my Kliff in my Blitzkrieg run has not). Character-wise, he's extremely boring to me.
  13. I think a sweetspot range is a good idea if they bring back 1-5 Bows. I think 2-3 is a good range, then 4-5 have accuracy penalties, while 1 range has an Avoid penalty?
  14. you mean Sacred Stones oh shit lmao I'd be down, but I think if they're already an established couple and their love doesn't change in any meaningful way throughout the story, they might as well not have been a couple at all. It has a place in the story, for sure.
  15. Invoke is good, but pretty much too good in Echoes, since it always redirects attention except in very very rare occasions, letting you cheese even the final boss in a way. But the final boss' numbers on Hard are a teeny bit unfair to begin with, so perhaps the whole game is just broken. I'd like to see something similar return in future games, but toned down.
  16. It is, in fact, quite nice. Carried me through the armor quests.
  17. I'm Rank 522 rn in Tier 17, so I think I might have a shot at going to Tier 19 next week.
  18. Celica should always be a bonus unit. 5* level 40 is just worth more points than 4*, I guess.
  19. Celica should always be a bonus unit. 5* level 40 is just worth more points than 4*, I guess.
  20. What if Ragnarok in Heroes also came with Mila's Turnwheel, so you can roll back time? It's mostly just so I have an Arena bonus unit even if I don't get good pulls, or don't want to pull.
  21. tfw you thought someone ninja'd you but they actually posted after you so you edit your post accordingly but it was for nothing
  22. I'm not really in a hurry. On my Arena Defense team, I have a Kagerou (L&D) with Hone Spd and Rally Atk right next to Celica. 59 Atk and 43 Spd at full health is already kinda annoying, judging by my Defense wins. @Arcanite Thanks, Alfonse it is
  23. I need 5*s stacked on 5*s. It's 5*s all the way up. I haven't actually given my Celica Swift Sparrow yet. I'm waiting for the fodder to come.
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