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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I've been thinking about Luna too, but I only have one Frederick to go around. At least Moonbow charges fast so I get extra damage often. Except when you want to not kill on purpose!
  2. I just have Moonbow on my Kagerou, and it does do good damage on some Cavs and Armors, but not really enough to kill.
  3. Is Glimmer ever good for anyone, honestly? It scales on damage, and the only time you rely on Special damage is when your actual damage isn't high enough.
  4. I gave it to Anna, if you're stingy about Fury fodder like I am.
  5. If you're playing on Normal, those archers probably didn't have an equipped Bow, which is necessary for effective damage against fliers. On Hard, equipped Bows are basically on every single archer, so it doesn't go as well, but Pegs are still mad good, especially with access to Ridersbane and Blessed Lance, and later Banish as Falcon Knights. Back in Gaiden, the Falcon Knight's Banish skill was effective damage against all Terrors, but it's been nerfed to a flat 10 damage bonus in Echoes. It's still pretty much enough to trivialize most Terrors you'll encounter on Celica side with the Blessed Lance, though.
  6. I mean, yeah, but Lucina doesn't seem like the type of girl who would mind if it was part of her disguise. Maybe Severa stopped her. Well if you taught her Galeforce then her hair would have it too
  7. It seems like her hair is just cut short in this particular art.
  8. Oh damn, the buff doesn't even work with Blarblade. That's perfect.
  9. You don't need that Charlotte, or any other Bride you pulled.
  10. I see I have hit a nerve. Bring me 20 orbs and I can unrustle your jimmies for free.
  11. Well that's gameplay and story segregation right there.
  12. So this whole thing is for that punchline? Just keep sniping Colorless with your money.
  13. She's the only one you can think of as you lay on the ground, impaled by a lance.
  14. She might kill you. Well she's gonna have to get a 3DS somewhere. Maybe Anna has some connections.
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