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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. For me it's always limited units > focus units. Anyway, since I'm pulling Colorless, I might have a shot at Faye or Genny anyway.
  2. mine I'm focus pulling Colorless and I'll steal all your 5*s Charlotte's face in her attacking art though... That's weird as hell.
  3. LOL STAFFBOT LYN That's hilarious. I'll pull Colorless though.
  4. No, she's gonna get the Wing Spear because who needs Caeda lol! I'm debating on whether or not to train up this +Spd -Atk Clarine.
  5. Cherche might still be better, unless something can be done with that Spd... Ohhh right. It's been so long, I've forgotten about it.
  6. Just holding on to my measly 22 orbs is very tough right now.
  7. Unfortunately, Silver grinding is pretty limited without DLC. Reasonably good Silver drops tend to be somewhat rare from pots; most of the time you're just getting one per drop. You can spend time in dungeons waiting for glowing enemies to spawn; they always drop Silver. Post game, Thabes has much better Silver drops. If you make it to at least the 8th floor, I'd say you're guaranteed about 150 Silver per run? You could get a lot more though if lucky. There are also drops for wine and foreign spices, but those are rarer. Basically, before post game, it's rough.
  8. Yup, have fun getting 20k feathers for the rest of your life. I've actually never heard of Phantom Thieves...
  9. I did some grinding and got everyone Over Classes, and went back into Thabes. Stomped the hell out of it.
  10. Watch, the wedding banner is gonna have a really strong Red.
  11. Meh. Ruby Sword+ is the only real thing you're getting out of the deal.
  12. I just ORKO Entombed with the Falchion. Don't wanna deal with their ungodly stats. Everything else is fine for Alm though.
  13. You're a heartless robot who only cares about stats What characters
  14. I mean, all you have to do is train up a few of the free units, then watch mkv's vid and follow it step by step. The point about the re-releases makes sense though.
  15. My Alm could actually tank most everything not magic once he reached level 20 Hero. He had like, 28 Def and good Spd.
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